
The Devil Resides Among The Humans

The devil's finest trick is to persuade us that he doesn't exist. I find this fact very intriguing. There are no inherently devils reside among humans. Everyone believes that including my self, but is that true? A wise man once said, "The hell is empty and all the demons are out here on earth." In this novel I'm goin to introduce some devil's finest tricks and plays. This is a story about five high school friends, falling into devil's temptation and becoming the greater evil. The most important thing about this story is the devil is going to be different for everyone according to their very own perspective. So, I'm leaving this up to readers to find out the real devil. I hope you all are going to enjoy and love it.

Udi_kun_AMV · ホラー
6 Chs

5th Chapter- I’ll Be Your Contradiction

Everybody surprised after watching the coffin. But for Uchiyama it's a complete death threat. For him it's a total distress call. But why did it happen? If Hinode's body isn't in the coffin, then where is it? Who is responsible for all these? Hinode's poor parents fainted, no parents can handle this much torture to their dear child.

The viper observed all this from a safe distance."Oh my! How intriguing this is. Poor Hinode what could you have possibly done to someone to hate you this much. How ironically you changed someone to kill you and allow them to play with your corpse like a child plays with his toys." The viper said in his prophetic manner.

"Change what a funny word to say1 It comes not from the age of a man. But by the experiences he goes through and how many loved ones he loses, that's when you can tell he is a changed man. That's when a man's heart burnt to ashes and become cold as ice. That's the moment when the smile fades away a man's face. I know I'm a bystander, but you six demons changed someone to be a greater devil that you all never imagined someone to be". The viper said.

'I think it's about time for my introduction to five of them, but wait isn't it too early for that? I should wait! Otherwise it's not gonna be fun anymore.' Viper thought.

All five of them tried to console Hinode's parents. Hinode mom said with eyes full of tears,' Uchiyama, you are Hinode's best friend. You should come with him that day, I you did come with him that day maybe my son didn't have to die!'

"Kazuto, you are the matured one among all of them. How could you let this happened with our son. You are the smartest one right. So why are you giving us false hopes instead of using your brain to find the real culprit?' Hinode's father said.

"Why God? Why? Why you have to be this much cruel to our son and towards us? First you took away our son and now you took away our only chance to give him a proper burial!why? Hinode's mother cried in deep anguish.

'Please forgive me uncle, aunty. If I came with him that day we didn't have to see these brutal circumstances.' Uchiyama said.

'It's not your fault, Uchiyama. So stop apologizing for the things you aren't responsible for.' Miyahara said.

Looking at Hinode's parents Miyahara said in deep voice,' I know you both lost your son, and you both are going through so much pain that I can't even think of. But crying for the dead, won't bring the person back.'

'It's always makes me fascinating how humans treat Gods you know! First of all they deny the whole existence of Gods, but when they need something or something bad had happened, we humans went straight to those Gods for begging for mercy and complaining for their misfortune.' Mochizuki said in his sarcastic manner.

'How could you talk like that? They both lost their only son. Why you have to be heartless at this moment. For heaven's sake, please I'm begging you show some sympathy if you ever thought Hinode your friend.' Tensi said.

'I am not going to say this twice. Mochizuki just shut that gutter mouth of yours or leave the room already. It's not a place for shit talking like that.' Kazuto said.

'Hey Mochizuki, I think you want to go to the same place where Hinode went right! If you don't mind I can help you with that.' Uchiyama said.

'Hey, hey I'm just spitting the facts guys. As far as I know Hinode's parents are atheists. So I find it funny when they beg to Gods.' Mochizuki said shamelessly.

'I mean seriously Hinode's body is missing. And Uchiyama received a death threat from the killer. But you have to find your so called fun and amusement now.' Tensi said angrily.

'Could all of you just leave us alone for now? We are already going through enough. And we don't have the mental strength to tolerate your so called friend's quarrel. But Kazuto, you are the only one who is capable enough to find out our son's body whereabouts. So it's a request, please give justice to your friend and give back our dear son's body please.' Hinode's father begged to Kazuto on his knees.

'But Kazuto avoided that request, it's maybe because he is ashamed on himself or he has no courage enough to accept the request from a broken father. It broke Kazuto from the very inside.

After this, all five of them left the room. Leaving Hinode's parents in mourning.

Miyahara slapped Mochizuki, after coming out from the room and said,' Say an another word and you are dead for sure, jerk.'

Uchiyama held Miyahara back after that. All four of them left, leaving Mochizuki alone at outside.

'Don't you all try to act innocent, you are all guilty. And this is nothing compared to what we did that night. We all are sinners, so it's our redemption. Just accept it. Mochizuki cried.

'Accept it, accept what! That night, that night, that night! I had enough of this shit. So, yes we killed someone that night. So,what? It's not like we had a choice.' Victoria said.

'Excuse me! We just didn't kill someone, we also killed someone's dream, someone's love, someone who was putting so much effort to have a normal life. That person needed our help, but instead of helping that person. What have we done? We killed her. It's always keeps happening in my dreams. How mercilessly we killed a person and got back to our daily life like nothing happened.' Mochizuki said in a terrified voice.

'Am I seriously going to die, next? Is this precious life of mine is about to be done? Hey you all it's just a joke right! I don't want to die. I haven't done anything in my life. I want to live, Kazuto! I always did what you told me to do. So, now please save me.' Uchiyama said in a panicked voice and started to tremble.

'It's all Kazuto's fault. You are supposed to protect us and clear our names from that murder. But instead of doing that, you did absolutely nothing. So kindly take responsibility and die, please.' Tensi said.

'Between all these chaos, the one person who was calm enough to always be brave and patient. Even he finally reached at his breaking point too. He cried so hard that even mother earth could break apart by his crying. Cause it contains only true pain, sorrow and regrets of past mistakes. And that person is Kazuto. For the first time everyone is watching how a strong person could be in so much pain. All of them totally went surprised except for Mochizuki. Kazuto cried till he lost his voice to scream anymore.

"Aaaaahh! I want to take this fucked up piece of shit good for nothing world fuck it even more and then give it a factory reset. Now you all are showing your true colors I see. So fuck off u all." Kazuto screamed and after that he wiped out his tears and tried to leave the place.