
The Devil Invade

This is a story of Darby Pentanon . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ Darby Pentanon is the main Character or Protagonist whatever . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- Who got literal God's power unknowingly and he had a lots of Adventures, Betrayers etc. And now he and Darby Sailol which is as a friends toward Darby as well as he is the villain too . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ So here comes the second main protagonist of thos story . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- After so much of struggle they chose to die so now that they died and now they are reincarnated into normal and wealthy humans and now that there businesses are pretty famous among many countries so they decided to make their businesses even more famous so they decided to work in a partnership and they both meet again and since they were enemies from their past life so it is obvious that something unusual happening would take place among them and so happens read the full novel lto get it cuz it is full of confusions and add it to your library and vote me and review me as it helps me a lot ,If you missed even a single chapter it would result in a great confusion as this story changes within seconds.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- And the main biggest twist is in Chapter 27 so if you wanna jump it would be a waste so Enjoy and I have planned many things for this novel so stay tuned cause you don't know where is the interesting part well we'll get to that otherwise I would yell all the intrest at once never mind.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ -----------------------------

Sankalp_Verma · ファンタジー
28 Chs

The Well Of Death (Chapter 08)

Darby and his friends left for the well of death as per the there was not a fixed postion of the well this made them even more careful they have escaped the desert of illusions so difficultly and now this well is gonna be a tough time for the Darby and his friends but whatever happens to them we don't care we only need to enjoy there story . Darby and his friends were about to reach the well but in the middle of the way they suddenly stop as Darby felt like something hit his leg and when he checked his led he found a coin and on the coin it was written that throw it in the well and it will lead the way as well. At first no one was able to understand what was written on that coin as it was pretty strange to them so they didn't care about the coin and continued throwing the coin where they have found it and as per the map they were on there location which was marked as well of death but there was no well miles away and on ground it was written that throw your precious things over here and move further and everyone putted there things which were pretty precious to them like a emerald was throwed by Adeline and food by Ken and Darby and Daniel didn't carried any precious things but Darby pitted his sword down and when he putted hi s sword down on ground and a door came into which they all have teleported and there it is the well of death and when they look into the well first of all they noticed that the water was red as it was blood and they saw some skulls it looked like they were staring at them and suddenly a voice came that throw it everybody was shocked and Darby asked

Darby : " What to throw. "

Unknown voice : "So you didn't brought that .Huh "

Darby : " I am again asking you what to throw and what we didn't bring "

Unknown voice : "The legendary coin which was left by our God father and we hated him so the last precious thing of him was only that coin it was announced the a group of warriors are coming and they have that coin and we need to take the coin from him and give it to aur master"

Darby : "But we don't have the coin"

Unknown voice : "So what's in you left hand "

It was the same coin which they have found on ground but the question was how did the coin came on the hand of Darby as he has only throwed it and now it is now on his hand. A big grass came and attacked on Darby and his friend and Darby throwed a bolt of lightning on the grass but it didn't seem to harm the grass and Daniel was fighting with a grass and Ken and Adeline were staying back because they have kepted everything out so they need a way to get out of the door .But the Ken was hungry and Adeline filled Ken's mind with greed of food so Ken started running towards the door but he didn't get anything leaving his nose got 1 inch shorter again Adeline gave him courage and in second time he ran as quickly he can and he fell out and now he found their things but a small monster was guarding there things and he made the Ken ran away from the things but now it was again the food which he used to eat and now he fought with that monster and again he lost and ran but somehow he found a stick and he attacked on that monster and suddenly the monster turned into a cute small dog and Ken throwed the stick into the forest and got their things back and when they got there weapons now no one can stop them and suddenly everything became normal because the sword which was carried by the Darby was the sword of the God about which the well was talking about and he was scared because the things of that God can only kill that monster in that well he disappeared from there and Darby and his friends continued there journey to The Devil Kingdom.