
It was someone else: Part 1

Mayor was at the scene of accident in the university when he got the news. He was informed that this incident was the part of some conspiracy and Ellen was involved into it.

He was furious. He was so mad that he wanted to raid over the House of Ellen. Meanwhile, his son was at the door step of death, it became so mandatory to nip the evil in the bud. He ordered to raid over the House of Ellen. he came along with police officers and cops. It seemed to be as if they wanted to arrest some fugitive. Everybody was at Ellen's home except her . Just the kids who were mourning over the death of their father.

Stephen was so mad that he forgot to take permission from the higher authorities. he had just got the call of a defence secretary but still he couldn't be able to discuss his plans with him. it was like that he was doing something beyond his jurisdiction.

If authorities became aware of this, then there would be a chaos in the state . but Stephen was cunning .he knew what he was going to do. he was never ever going to inform the authorities that he has ordered cops to raid over the House of Ellen.

For that he just sent people in the disguise of policemen and cops. These people were professional killers. Even the police department was not aware of the fact that Stephens is going to do something evil beyond his authority.

Outside the House of Ellen, one of the policemen cried out loud on the speaker. he said,

"Miss Ellen, if you don't come outside then we're going to raid over your house, we got your warrants of arrest."

but everybody knew that Ellen, if ever got arrested, she was never going to jail. she would be abducted or she would be killed on the road to the Jail. but the fact was that Ellen was not home. it had been two days since the death news of John Dalton. Ellen got a rumour that John has died but still she didn't get back home.

She was so insensitive, she was so unsympathetic towards his family, towards his kids that she managed to stay somewhere else rather than at her house. The police officers, the fake one, they waited outside the House of the Ellen. But after fifteen minutes when she didn't come outside, they went in. they searched the house, they broke the doors of the house because everybody inside was not cooperating with them. they wanted to get in and they wanted to search each and everything . In order to get a hint that where Allen could be. They asked the kids that were is the Mother? but guess What, kids never knew. they just naturally lack the Information about her.

When the police got satisfied that Ellen is not at home. and she must have left before because she might have been informed of this raid. then the officer called Stephen. Told him that Ellen is not home. what should they do and Stephen said something on phone that people around him couldn't hear.

the police officer seemed quite worried. He wanted to arrest the nanny now. Nanny was so bewildered and confused for what she is going to do? she wanted to call her husband but the police or officer never allowed her to do that. meanwhile nanny was resisting with these police officers, James ran off .

The police officers went behind him in order to catch him to bring him to mayor but he was a teen age kid who had slim legs to run fast. Mayor asked the police about the report. He said that he chased him but still they couldn't catch him because he had hidden himself somewhere.

police officers called Stephen that what should they do now? Stephen shrieked on phone and said

"we need that kid, you may not let him go away from your hands. "and the police officer said that

" Sir, he just vanished from our sights. what should we do now."

Stephen said: "If you want me to spare your lives then go and you find that boy, cause my son needs him."