
The Devil in a Wedding Dress

When Lena turned 18 years old, she was married off to a mafia's infamous son. He was the ideal bachelor: handsome face and perfectly chiseled abs, a captivating rich deep voice, and a mysterious aura surrounding him like a vampire of darkness. Except, there was one problem. Lena wanted nothing to do with this. But like Dorothy, she found that the only way is through.

Hungry_Grim · 都市
3 Chs

Perfect Father of the Bride

*** Events take place just before the wedding ***

Lena sat on the luxurious bed waiting for someone to come and get her. In front of her, she could hear the telltale click of the door. She stiffened and neatened her dress a little. The door unlocked to reveal the b*stard who brought her here. He smiled at her with eyes filled with animosity. Several suited men surrounded him, as if a warning from him.

"Hello, dear." He held his hand out to her. "Please give me the honor walking you down the aisle."

Lena felt herself being pulled towards with his steel grip. She tugged her arm, but he wouldn't budge. "Hello, Father."

"I hope we don't have any problems, Lena." He indicated to his sleeve cuff. Upon further inspection, she saw it was a small modified button transmitter. "If you don't say I do, then I'll be forced to press this button." He gave her another sarcastic smile. "I don't want to get my hands dirty. Bombs are so much easier. Besides, my side won't suffer any causalities. All the people on our behalf are normal civilians. I would hate to make so many orphans."

Lena felt her skin crawl after his declaration. In her most even voice, she said, "Of course not. Wouldn't dream of it."

"Perfect. Behave yourself." With that, she was walking down the aisle.

Her eyes looked in front of her, her guilt starting to suffocate her. She'd only known her father for a short while, but she knew he didn't bluff. Her eyes kept going back to her 'supposed' family. All of them were completely oblivious to the amount of danger they were in. They truly thought they were attending a beautiful ceremony. Her heart ached with each step she took.

Eventually, she couldn't bear to look at them, so she kept her eyes on her groom. He looked uncomfortable in the thick suit, but his eyes were trained on her. The prolonged eye contact made her uncomfortable, but glancing away always made her eyes land on another innocent person, so she kept looking at the staring man.

The music felt like her desperation, a pathetic attempt at trying to turn this into a joyous occasion. It was like painting a smile on a person face. It was only more salt in the wound.

The man in front of her wasn't ugly. After looking at his face, she determined that, mathematically, he was attractive. He had nice, slick hair, fair skin that had no pores, long eyelashes, and a symmetrical face overall. His eyes were dark, almost black, that it reminded of a vampire who was calm before the kill. They were filled with such lust that made her blood run cold. She felt her twist in fear at what the night would hold.

"Diego Moreno, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

The priest turned to her and continued. "Lena Adam, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

Lena wanted to, more than anything, run away from this moment. Leave and never come back. But she couldn't let these people die because of her. "I-I do."

He gently removed the glove from her hand and placed the ring. Her hand trembled slightly as she fumbled with the ring.

"You may kiss the bride."

At that moment, Lena decided one thing: she would get out of here, no matter what happened to the man in front of her.