
The Devil Hunter: a DxD & Arena of Valor Crossover

After defeating Maloch, The Merciless, Valhein or Nethra fell to the ground and was transported to another realm and met a certain raven-haired girl when she was still a child. How will this affect the world? Follow Valhein, the Demon Hunter, on his journey in this new world (THIRD PERSON VIEW IS BACK)

KhoiLie98 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Today will be a busy day for Valhein…since he was accepted to be a P.E teacher.

Valhein found himself had his feet rooted to the concrete ground as the school stood before him. The design of this architecture reminded him of home for this 'palace' had 'the essence of the European' – that's what Akeno said to him when she first came to this academy. As he stood there with widened eyes at the design, his ears picked up whispers from those that has their eyes looking at him…and some causes him to either raise his eyebrow or made him smirk.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know…must be a new teacher"

"He maybe a foreign student, given his height, ya know"

"Oh god, he's hot!" that send a shock to his mind, but he resisted it

"Damn, that teacher's good looking"

"Great, another lady magnet… I will never get a girlfriend thanks to the likes of him."

Valhein stood there with a leather bag in his palm as it dangle on one side, while his other palm hold a charcoal bowler hat before putting the same hat to hide his coffee crown before using one hand to re-adjust his blueish-green tie. Wearing a charcoal suit, he was ready – He walked through the gate with his obsidian-leather shoes. Nature's air scratches his face with widen eyes glued on him as he walks into the land…and he was nervous. Valhein, the Demon-Hunter-now-Devil-Hunter, will be teaching a group of students how to 'exercise' properly…He could even sense Violet laughing at him right now. He discontinues his walking as his eyebrows shifted downwards and close his eyes as he begins to feel his body becoming weak with sadness as, he admits, he misses his time with his friend along with some time with the 'old man'.

–He shook his head and look forward to seeing Akeno walking toward him.

"Akeno?" One of his eyebrows raise forward as Akeno now stood before him with a smile.

"I'm glad to see you here, father"

He can feel the eyes of his surroundings begins to shift from him to Akeno before his ears nearly burst into blood


"That's Akeno's father!!??"

"Holy damn, no wonder why she's so hot!!"

"But what is our Akeno-sama father doing here? It's not time for an 'open-house' yet"

"Must be a doting father"

He put his fingers on the bridge of his nose before rubbing it as his eyebrows shift diagonally at the sound around him and a sigh slip through his lips. Akeno notices it and asks with a wondering and worrying tone "Are you alright, father?"

"Oh! I'm fine, no need to worry–" He stops rubbing the bridge of his nose at the seconds the sound of Akeno's worrying voice reaches his ears before performing a smile at the young girl…and patting her on the head " –anyway, can you guide me to the schoolyards? I think I need to inform the teacher that I'm here to help as well."

–He thinks he heard crying…it was mostly male.

"Oh, ok father. Please follow me" Akeno turns around and started walking towards the inner of the school after accepting to help her adopted father.

Valhein follows his adopted daughter to the school within…and when he got there, he realized the school was a palace, not an academy. The place was ginormous from the appearance, yet the inside was twice the size. As Akeno walked beside her father, she started to introduce him to the place – the club rooms, the nurse room, the classrooms, and finally the schoolyards. At the schoolyards – which was the fourth the width of his house that he lived here with Akeno – he looked around and spotted from the distance a rotten building that is surrounded by trees. As result, he asks her what it is for her to explain that is the ORC – Occult Research Club – and was the 'base' of the Gremory peerage.

"Also, father?'

"Yes, Akeno?"

"We ask the principal and he accepted to let you be the ORC club advisor"


High school DxD and Arena of Valor do not belong to me. Also, thank you for reading, and remember to add this to your collection if you're interested in the story.I try to write the story in first-person view but it wasn’t able to express the whole idea I have so I decided to write this in third-person view, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Also, remember to check my other fanfic as well. Cya next chapter

KhoiLie98creators' thoughts