
The Devil Hunter: a DxD & Arena of Valor Crossover

After defeating Maloch, The Merciless, Valhein or Nethra fell to the ground and was transported to another realm and met a certain raven-haired girl when she was still a child. How will this affect the world? Follow Valhein, the Demon Hunter, on his journey in this new world (THIRD PERSON VIEW IS BACK)

KhoiLie98 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Sirzechs was doing documents…until Grayfia, his wife, open the door.

Inside the magnificent room with ornament from the medieval era and from the modern time was the Great Satan – who earn the title of 'Lucifer' for himself – who set his rear at a chair as before him was a rectangular table that stacks of paper filled the edges of the glimmering, smooth table. Sirzechs had set himself in the position for hours as he have to sign documents – approving and disapproving, agreeing and disagreeing, etc. – with the motion of passing one paper from one stack to another like a river without obstacles as his sweats were non-existent. His eyes hardened at the paper as he read through the paper with care before his eyes widen and looked up at the door...which causes his facial muscle to relax as reflected in his aquamarine eyes was his wife entered.

"What is it, Grayfia?" He smiles at his wife who held a blank expression at her king, who is also her husband, as she bowed before speaking.

"My apologies for disrupting you, Lord Sirzechs–" She put her spine straight after she bowed down to one of the leaders of the Underworld before a smoothen voice spoke through her lips "–There is someone who has an appointment with you"

"He's just as quick as his reflex"

"Oh it must be Valhein, please invite him in" Sirzecks smiles as he closes his eyes while Grayfia bowed before she walked out of the door and close the door with majestic adornment. A few minutes later, a man with an aquamarine beaked mask, a chrysocolla pointy hat, and a chrysocolla coat walked in with his 'glaive' dangling like keychains on his hip.

–It was Valhein, the man once called a Demon Hunter, now hunting stray devils across the globe and is known as 'The Devil Hunter' across the Underworld.

When word got out that there is a human mercenary who hunts stray devils for them, no devils believe that the man would survive – so some devils called him to exterminate stray devils in their area without expecting him to succeed…only to find out that this human does succeed with wounds all over his body. The first devil who called him was shocked and surprise with a pleasant face, as he kept his promise to give the amount of gold that he would pay for. Then after the first mission, word spread out of a man who successfully hunts down a high-class stray devil all on his own within the underworld which causes more paper to be rolled into the office of Sirzechs…and the opening of the urban myth of 'The Devil Hunter'

"Greetings, Lord Sirzechs" Valhein spoke after he walked to stand before the Great Satan then he place one knee on the floor, with the foot of the other leg set on the floor, while placing a palm on the knee that is not contacting the floor with his head bend down.

"Now, now, there's no need for formality between us –" Sirzechs chuckles at the scene as he smiles with his eye closes before re-opening them while maintaining the smile " –we basically brothers now, so stands up, will ya?"

"Well, I still need to respect your title"

"So you don't respect me, huh?"

"Obviously I respect both, –" Valhein stands up from his kneeling position before he smiles underneath the emotionless mask of his " –but you're right we're basically brothers. So, how's you've been?" Valhein walked over to the sofas that are in the room with a glass table in the middle and gestured to the leader to come seat on the opposite sofa to him. Sirzehcs obliged.

"Well, I'm obviously busy for the rest of the day but a chat wouldn't hurt" Grayfia, who stands by the side of her king and listen on the brief conversation between them the whole time, walked with Sirzechs to the table before beginning to pick up the tea kettle and pour into two cups, one for the king and one for his sister's knight.

They drink the tea as they converse in conversations. From chattering about daily life to jokes about the stress they have from their duty, the talk between the lord and the hunter could be mistaken as a chat from brother to brother. Ever since Rias discorver Valhein and his sister's queen, Akeno Himejima, from the forest back when she was still young, Valhein and the Gremory family have treated the both of them as one of their own…although Sirzechs and Valhein started off on a rough path…when Sirzechs releases his killing intent and flashes towards Valhein to test his capabilities...while he's covering in bandages from the fight with the Himejima clan. In the end, the Great Satan was pleased with the result of his capabilities for on that day, if Sirzechs was careless, his neck would've been pierced by Valhein's 'glaive'.

Despite being humans and in bandages, his speeds when it comes to swinging his 'glaive' and his reflex are of those from the high class, yet his strength is still human so if he hit him anywhere with a weapon, it won't able to scratch his skin…but with the 4-bladed weapon that he senses to have potent magical power, it would not outright kill him…but it will leave a fatal wound on the Great Satan. After that, Valhein has always been on guard whenever Sirzechs was around, but after a sincere apology and sharing some drinks with Sirzechs's family, all were washed away under the bridge.

–As that was all in the past, they're nothing more but brothers.

"Oh yeah, hey Sirzechs?"

"Hmm?" He stopped sipping his tea as he placed it down to look at the beaked-mask man.

"I heard that Rias got herself a new pawn. Should we do something to congratulate her? I heard the pawn took all eight pieces so the new pawn must be pretty strong"

"Ah yes, I've heard the news. But I don't know if Ria-tan would want to celebrate when she still has…that" Sirzechs's facial muscles droop as his eyes turn downwards.

"...Ah…the situation…"


"... –" Valhein sigh…before a chuckle slip through his lips. Sirzechs look at him in confusion, but lava begins to pour into him as the possibility that he laughing at Rias's misfortune. But it went away after he said one sentence " –I know you have a plan for this so may I listen to it?"

"Hm? I don't know what you saying" a smile spread onto Sirzech's face

"Oh yeah? I know how much we care for Rias, especially you, so you should spill it" Sirzechs's ears picked up two tones from his sentence alone – seriousness and amusement.

"And why should I do that?"

"Because I'm gonna help her with all I got"

"..." Sirsechs sighed before continuing

"Very well, here's my plan"

High school DxD and Arena of Valor do not belong to me. Also, thank you for reading, and remember to add this to your collection if you're interested in the story.I try to write the story in first-person view but it wasn’t able to express the whole idea I have so I decided to write this in third-person view, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Also, remember to check my other fanfic as well. Cya next chapter

KhoiLie98creators' thoughts