


(Her Cursed Mate)

By; Yonbade Benjamin



The sun had risen from the west coast heading to the east stopping at the centre of Nok Kingdom probably for the act of photosynthesis to take place. It hung beneath the cloud, resting gallantly under it. It was really a great sight to behold.

Princess Loise woke up that morning yawning, she sat up still on her bed when she heard someone knock on her door as if knowing she had woke up.

"Come in."

She said while rubbing her gloomy eyes not noticing the gloomy face of her maid, Alexia.

"My Princess."

The maid, Alexia greeted with her head bowed waiting for the flickering of Loise hands who just rubbed her eyes and wave her hands a little. She was not used to much respect being given to her especially those who had watched her grown into who she is. She rolled her eyes irritatingly at the thought.

Glancing at Alexia, she noticed her gloomy face which didn't spoke well for her especially for a new day to begin with.

Out of curiosity she asked,

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing My Princess."

Alexia replied masking her gloomy face which had been seen by the Princess earlier.

She arched her brow, frowning...

"Shall I prepare your bathe now?"

She asked wanting to dismiss any possible thought from the Princess.


Loise replied curtly, waving off her frown but promised to ask what bothering her later.

Alexia heaved inwardly, she retract her steps outside to carry out the task.


"That will strengthen our relationship with them."

One of the elders said while his fellow elders nodded in approval.

The King sat on his throne, he was apparently in deep thought from the look on his face. He sigh heavily.

The elders are right, he was a power-hungry man of course and would probably do anything to strengthen his kingdom.

He needs an Ally, a powerful one at that for the upcoming war which seems to be happening in a fortnight.

"The Argonites is our best choice then."

The King finally voiced out in his hoarse voice.

The elders were thrilled for hearing the King's acknowledgement.

"Kingdom of Numdia won't really know what will hit them with the forces of the Argonites."

The King said with an evil smile on his face, his eyes spoke of the power-hungriness in them.

He was willing to let his daughter, Loise out. Just to conquer a neighbouring kingdom, Numdia.

Numdia has an equal force of soldiers with him, so he hatched up a plan to join force with the forces of the Argonites, from the Kingdom of Argon led by a man rumored to be the Devil's son. They had never lost a battle. They conquered many nations and kingdoms instilling great fear in them. They fought many wars but never lost one.

This was the Ally he needed for the upcoming battle with the Numdians.

"Sent a word to them with the fastest horse heading east tomorrow."

The King ordered his voice carrying a great deal of authority.

"Let the party begins."

He said and soon a enough different wine was brought into the the hall in which the meeting was being conducted, followed by different types of refreshing foods.

It was really a watery scene to watch as the elders delve into action with the king eating specially at the centre.

He was the king after all...





Princess Loise could be seen loitering around the palace hall, where the king and his Elders are dining currently, she was in deep thought pondering on what her sisters had just told her moments back.

Moments Back

She had entered the Royal dining hall which was made for the Royal household only, eating.

When her sisters came around,the first and second princess of the kingdom. She acted as she had never seen them but they snickered at her harmoniously,

"Finally, Lil sis is getting married."

The second princess said. Her name is Kiara. She is the Obnoxious and rude type.

"A huge burden will be lifted up father's shoulders at last."

The first princess said, her name, Kora.

She is the arrogant and pretentious type.

Loise, had took a huge part of her time to study each of them.

About Kora being pretentious, Loise had not noticed that at first place but found out sooner when she had purposely split her white dress with red irreversible paint. She apologized quickly saying she was in a hurry to somewhere and left immediately.

Later in the day, she had gone on search of her to collect some seeds from her which she had promise to give her when she found her laughing heartily...No, she considered that Evilly...

She actually found her telling Kiara, the second princess how she had planned everything from the beginning telling the maid to tell her when she was coming..

Reddened, with anger she barged into her room furiously pointing accused fingers at her and attempted to beat some senses into her when the second princess suddenly screamed out, shouting for help.

The guards nearby immediately rushed into, Kiara turned the tables point fingers at Loise of wanting to beat them up, the guards were perplexed at first but when the issue was reported to the King, he strangely believed them and ordered them to locked her up...

That day she cried for the first time in ages, her mother could do nothing as she had no power to counter the King order.

The second wife of the king cursed her heavily for wanting to beat her children up.

Her thought was interupted when she heard her name being called by Kiara, the second princess.


She called out happily

She feigned ignorance....

"Have you heard?"

This time it was Kora who threw the question at her.

"You getting married Lil sis."

Kiara chirped in and Kora shut her a hard glare immediately.


She feigned in response to the glare she earned from her sister, Kora.

"I should have waited for father to...."


With that Loise bangs her fist on the table and heads outside the dining hall which was becoming irritating to her because of her sisters.

Back to present

As soon as the elders were out, she rushed in immediately not giving her father any chance to relaxed more from the heavy chunk of food he just ate.

He frowned at her behavior.

"Father is it true?"

She asked her father for confirmation, his words were precious to her this very minutes.

"What is that Loise?"

He asked relaxing more onto his seat.

"Am I really getting married father?"

"Tell me it's not true father."

"Father please."

She begged her knees almost touching the surface of the earth.

"Yes, it's true daughter."

He replied in his once hoarse voice, not bothered.

Immediately she heard those sentence emanated out of her father's lips, her world came crashing right in front of her. Sorrow surge through her heart, she crashed down onto the floor, trying her best to withheld the tears which had stung onto her face seconds back.

The next seconds pain surge through her, it racked through her brain.


There he stood in the darkness, his bloodshot eyes prying into his helpless soul. What amazed him was his silver long hair which had stood behind him perfectly not passing his waistline, the auras emanating was enough to make stay rooted to the ground.


He finally heard the voice more like a growl.

Fear grip him immediately he heard those words, pain racked strangely through his heart and there he had wished for death to take him, anguish surge through him. He yelled out in pains, he couldn't bear it.

Immediately, he woke up, the light in his room flickered the next moment. He glanced towards the window hoping to find someone. But he was disappointed, the window stood still, no sign of any figure.


He muttered under his breathe. The figure had been calling out that name ever since he started dreaming of him appearing in his dreams.

Maybe there's one Lucian out there, finding him will bring solutions. He thought.

But little did he know that, the answers weren't far from him.

Just a flickering of his hands, that's all he needs.



