
The Devil's Simping

SatanSimpsforHuTao · ファンタジー
1 Chs

A Devil

In Hell, A Great Devil is working his ass off.

He is an extremely handsome man, with jade-white like skin and sword-like eyebrows, Face as if Chiseled by a God, Muscles on the perfect ratio. He is perfect in any angle, His name is Satan and was a great Devil who always work.

One day he was checking some documents on his office when suddenly an Egg appeared in front of him. Shocked, Satan can't move for a while. But before he could even compose himself, he was slapped.

"What the fu--!!" he yelled as he got thrown across dimensions immediately before he could even finish his cursing.




in a forest, a man woke up, feeling extremely dizzy.

"the fuck just happened...." shaking his head, Satan stood up and checked his body first.

"My powers... It's decreased by half." after saying that, he looked at his surrounding.

Well, it's a forest. Looking around spotting nothing, Satan muttered,

"Well, where am I...?" he asked knowing no one is gonna respond to him.

He inhaled a a lot of Air and started using his Divine Sense. He spotted strong Auras coming to him at Fast Speed, but he noticed one of them have an Energy of Fire, but what piqued his interest that it has some Death Energy on it.

"Hmm.. maybe that person know where can i go back to Hell, but first i have to get back my lost strength." with that, he dashed through the person without a sound.