
The Devil's Last Son

Nicklas_McCall · ファンタジー
6 Chs

New Friends; New Enemies

"So those with telepathic abilities can interact with others with their minds they can also use the same ability to gain information from those who refuse to speak the truth by going through their mind," Elena said.

Elena has been a close friend of mine for the past week. She is beautiful, dark-skinned with big boobs and ass, I won't be surprised if guys are fighting to win her heart but I don't know for sure if she is dating, I for instance don't want to rush things out.

"Are you listening?" She asked

"There is a rumor that there is this man whose name is lost in time, he could use his telepathic ability to tell people what they are not, for instance, he could tell you that you are blind and you will act like you are blind"

"Cool, I want that kind of power," I said

She looked at me with that sexy look a lady gives to a man and it's not like this is her first time doing that.

"Let's hope so," she said after giving me that look.

"Now, those with telekinesis ability can also move any object with their minds, the size of the object they can move depends on the person's ability." She said after she briefed me on the telekinesis ability.

"And finally the witches and wizards my territory," she said with a smile.

"We mostly cast spells, so a wizard or a witch's ability solely depends on the number of spells the person knows, and also sometimes they say natural talent also counts". She said

"So is that all I'm supposed to know about the Whisper Sentinels?" I asked.

"For now, yes, for every supernatural group, there is a master, and every master reports to the grand master." She explained.

"So it's only in Acropolis Hall which accommodates supernatural?" I asked the question which has been haunting me for the past week.

"Of course, not, every hall has one and they also have a secret entrance to their secret meeting just like ours." She said "And also there is competition between every hall's supernatural, the event is called blood moon," she said with delight written all over her face.

"During the blood moon event, we select four of our best students from each supernatural power to battle other halls, and mostly Casely-Hayford hall wins it, not all of the time though, that is the only hall to win it 3 times in a row" she went on explaining.

"And after that 3 years reign, a different hall wins it every year," she said.

"And this year will be our first time since Acropolis was built, and to be frank I can't wait" Elena couldn't hold her joy when she was talking about the blood moon event.

"So..is that all because I'm really hungry" I complained

"Yeah and the most important thing don't tell anyone about our existence else consider yourself dead" She gave me a serious look when she said that.

"I know, no need to go all serious on me," I said as I got up from my seat.

"See you later," I said.

I bought rice and went straight to my room.

"Mr. Lover boy is here," Prince said

"How was your date with Elena" Seth said in his low voice.

So my roommates saw me with Elena a couple of times and without asking me they jumped to the conclusion that we were dating.

"We were studying guys, nothing more nothing less," I said for the 100th time.

"How is Elena doing?" Sam said.

Sam has also become a close friend of mine for the past week together with his roommates.

"She is fine" I replied to him.

"We are about to play a tournament and wanted to know if we should include you," he asked.

We've been playing playing pes 21 on Sam's laptop and we usually play a tournament to see who is the best. I have to admit Sam's roommates do know how to play, starting from Emmanuel to Philip, Moses then Isaac.

So it will be tough for me to win.

"Let me finish eating then I will come to your room".

I finished eating in peace because Seth and Prince were playing a game in Sam's room.

I finished eating and joined them.

I went out to stretch my legs after playing the game for three hours and to my surprise it was getting dark.

"Nick, have you heard," Kendrick said

Kendrick has been more than a close friend to me, he is more like a brother we tell ourselves everything the only thing I haven't told him is about the whisper Sentinels. He is fair but not that fair in complexion and average height.

"Nope, unless you tell me," I said.

"Word on the street says we should head over to our department to complete our course registration," he said.

"And here I was thinking you were coming to tell me something completely surprising," I said, "Thanks anyway for the heads up".

"So....how did it go" he asked

"What?" I replied

"Elena... dude come on, it was obvious," he said.

"It wasn't obvious and it was okay, she gave me that look she has been giving me for the past week," I said.

"She is crushing on you, you have to make a move before it is too late" he suggested

"Let's not rush things, maybe she likes me as a friend who knows, let's leave everything in the hands of time," I said after giving a speech.

"Sure, love doctor but don't come and complain to me when she starts to develop feelings for another guy," he said.

"Well, I guess I have to use my advice, I'm going to see Ella," he said.

Ever since Kendrick met Ella, I have to say she was the only female he would talk about the whole day.

"Good luck then, you will need it," I told him.

He gave me a pat on my shoulder and took off.

I took my phone and went online, I saw that Asreht had replied to my message. I won't consider her to be a close friend because she kinda avoids me, we've been chatting for one week now and she refuses to send me her pic and also she doesn't want to see me, she says I might be a kidnapper so she won't take any chances until she is sure that I'm not a kidnapper. And it turns out her real name is Theresa which is spelling Asereht backwards, not bad though.

They've posted a message on the Whisper Sentinels platform. It reads

"Since the blood moon has scheduled to come off earlier than we expected we will be having our small competition tomorrow which will help us determine our best fighters for the blood moon".

Seriously...I just joined the group yesterday.

"By the end of this week, if I don't meet you by chance, I will arrange so that we meet" Asreht replied to my message

Yeah...she tricked me into sending my pic, she told me she would send hers after I've sent mine.

"So you want to meet by chance," I asked her.

"Yes and these are my rules leave it or take it" she replied to me.

"Fine" I agreed.

I went offline and played PES 2021 on my phone, as I was playing Kendrick came into the room, and I immediately quit the game because I wanted to know how it went.

"So...how did it go" I asked him.

His face tells the story but I still wanted to hear it from him.

"I couldn't tell her" he almost whispered the words.

"What happened?" Trying to act surprised.

"Before I could gather the courage to tell her how I feel about her she started preaching to me the word of God," Kendrick said in a disappointed voice.

I couldn't help but laugh, I know I'm supposed to feel sad but the way things turned out, I can't help myself.

"Just remember that I will do more than that" he threatened me.

"Wait, wait so you didn't even say it or you said it then she started preaching to you"I intentionally asked again.

"It's more like she knew what I was thinking, I couldn't say it Nick" he replied.

After laughing my lungs out, I decided to cheer him up.

"So what's the way forward now? I asked

"I don't know but until then I guess we will be friends for now" he replied.

"Yh...I told you not to rush things, let's use this opportunity to get to know more of them, and after that maybe we will know for sure if they also have s crush on us or they just want to be friends with us" I suggested.

"Fine, let's use your plan" he agreed.

"Nick sup" Spencer entered the room

"Cool" I replied

"Kendrick sup" he asked Kendrick

"Cool" Kendrick replied.

"Where from you?" I asked him since he was almost sweating.

"I was being chased by an old friend, nothing serious" he replied.

He lay on his bed, took his phone then started chatting.

"Nick, I'm going to check something out, will talk later," Kendrick said as he left the room to do whatever he said he would do.

I went to Sam's room and to my surprise they were still playing the game, I joined them, played for a while then went to bed.

The following morning, I took my bath, put on my clothes prepared a quick breakfast, and went to Kendrick's room, he was almost done when I got there.

I waited for 4 minutes for him to finish dressing whisky we talked about football.

"So what will you do when we finish registering our courses at the department" I asked him. He and I are offering the same course.

"I don't know but-"

"Is that Esther I'm seeing?" He asked as he pointed his hand to where she was.

"Yeah," I looked in the direction and replied to him.

"Damn she is beautiful," Kendrick said after he saw Esther.

She was wearing a white top that displays her average-sized boobs and she was smiling when talking to her roommate

"I know" I replied as I waved her.

She waved me back.

We took the shuttle and went straight to the campus and on the way to the department, Kendrick said he forgot to pick his admission letter so I should move on whilst he goes back for it.

I went in alone, our social science department is a 3-story building painted in sea blue color since we deal with social science it is fairly understandable, the ground floor is where some students have lectures whisky the first floor is the geography department, the second floor is the economics department and the 3 floor is the Sociology department.

With little information as to where I was supposed to go, I decided to check them one by one by going to the geography department, I went there and they told me to go to the sociology department, I climbed the stairs to the economics department ask was climbing the stairs to the sociology department I saw that a particular lady has been following me ever since I came to the department.

"Are you also going to the sociology department?" I asked her.

She nodded her head yes.

She is tall, she is just the same height as me, not that fair and she is wearing a basketball jersey, why am I surprised, by her height this is the kind of sport she should play.

We finished registering for our courses as well were about to go our separate ways

"What is your name" she asked.

So she can talk, nice.

"Nicklas, U?" I said

"Ruth" she replied

"Nice meeting you then Ruth," I said.

"Nice meeting you too, um.....mind if I get your phone number I couldn't make it for the orientation and was kinda wondering if you can show me around whenever you are free," she said.

"Why not" I said.

I took her phone and dialed my digits on her phone she did the same on mine.

"Kk, will you call me later this evening" I said.

Honestly, I didn't know what to do again,  so I took my phone and went online, I saw that they had posted a message in the Whisper Sentinels group, it reads

"Because of unforeseen circumstances, the competition will come off in an hour"

I know I'm not part so there is no need for me to panic its just that I haven't seen supernatural fighting before.

I went to the rooftop and saw the 2 black birds sitting on the wall, I approached them and said the usual words.

" Sometimes the only way out is through" As soon as I said it the door opened and I went through, and I saw that people were already there.

Elena was busy with her friends so there was nobody you talk to, I stood there alone and observed what was going on.

I saw the place was well decorated for the occasion, there was so much light in the room for my comfort and again all the masters were in red robes except for the grand master who was in a white robe.

"Ladies and gentlemen please gather around the event is about to begin," the Grandmaster said.

"Masters please, mention your eight worthy fighters, and out of these eight, we will choose four from them.

All the masters called out the names of their right-worthy fighters and Elena was part of the magicians' group, there was never a doubt about that.

"The rules are simple, don't lie on the ground for 5 seconds, and don't fall out of the circle," the Grandmaster said."We are kicking off with the telepathic group"

Since the telepathic ability does nothing but read people's minds and communicate with one another with their minds they have to fight with their fists.

Two dark guys entered the circle, a bell was ranged then they started fighting, it was a very intense battle for about 3 minutes there was no winner, the fighters stood there watching each other and they started again, the slim dark guy took advantage of his agility to avoid any such by the other guy and started counter-attacking, at first everything was going according to his plans until when he decided to counter-attack one of the guys punches, the guy was already prepared for him as he hit him with a surprised uppercut out of nowhere which left him on the floor even after the countdown was complete. It went on to the point when it was left with only four guys remaining.

"Telekinesis, you are up," Grandmaster said after we gave a round of applause.

This battle was more intense because these people could move objects with their minds, the 3rd set entered the circle one dark guy and the other fair, as soon as the bell rang the dark guy threw a table towards the fair guy, but with his reflexes was good so he managed to dodge and threw the same table at the dark guy, he also dodged and they went in for the fist fight, as they were fighting, the fair guy lifted a chair and hit the dark guy hard that he fell off the circle. He didn't see it coming, he thought they were only fighting, poor him.

It also went on till we had only 4 remaining 2 boys and 2 girls.

"And finally, the magic group," the Grandmaster said.

The bell rang and they started showing off their spells, they also fought hard but now it was left with the last set, it was Elena with a fair lady.

As soon as the bell rang, spells among spells were raining on each other, we all knew Elena would win but not in the manner she did, she cast a spell for the lady to fall as soon as she fell, she cast another spell which prevented her from speaking then finally she caused a moving spell and threw the lady out of the circle.

Everybody started clapping including the Grandmaster who did so with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, now we all know of Nicklas, the guy who doesn't know his powers," Grandmaster said," I have discussed it with the other masters and agreed that he will fight today maybe we might get to know more about his powers, so he will fight anyone from the telekinesis group".

A muscular tall guy stood in the circle and made a gesture with his hand for me to enter the circle.

I wish I could run but there is no way to go, so I mustered all my courage and entered the circle. People were clapping for me, I don't know if they were doing it because they knew I would fail or what.

"Nicklas, one piece of advice, close your eyes, believe in the possibilities that you can do the impossible," he said as he rang the bell.

I did what he told me to do, I closed my eyes and told myself I could do the impossible, when I opened my eyes I was suspended in mid-air.

I can fly, I can- wait, stupid you are fighting with someone with a telekinesis ab-.

Before I could gather myself I was thrown up to the ceiling and was coming to fall on the floor outside the circle, he pulled me back into the circle and this time closer to him, and then he started punching me, he punched for two minutes straight, when he was done, there was not even a scar drawn on my face, surprised he let me down and went back in disbelief, I took that opportunity and gave him a dirty blow on the face and threw him outside the circle.

The crowd went wild and started chanting my name and at that moment I felt alive.

I saw the Grandmaster talking to the other masters, after their discussion, he lifted his hand and the whole room was silent.

"Upon discussion with the other masters we have decided to include Nicklas McCall to our list of fighters who will stand for us in the upcoming blood moon event," Grandmaster said.

"What!" I shouted in disbelief.