
The Devil's Heavenly Crown

People can be fierce and inflexible, ruthless and callous, striving for a cherished goal. The legend of the Mad Crown Seeker only confirms this fact. Tуnlady lost her parents, lost her hand, and lost her leg. Where is justice? The blood of the innocent is spilled in vain. Where is justice? The lands are dying. Where is justice? “I am justice...” Tуnlady promised himself to find the Devil's Heavenly Crown at any cost, so that Absolute Justice would reign in the world! But first our heroine needs to deal with the crime that has taken over the soul of the Green Monk's Village. Cultivating Familiars, wild animals, reckless psychos, and oases of life in the midst of lost lands and boundless oceans. [===========] Schedule: 7 ch./week (If I have no problems) Tags: eastern fantasy, cultivation, action, female MC, adventure, horror.

WestFox · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Don't Underestimate Your Enemy

"Hia?! I got into a nasty situation..."

The expert of Worldly Fourth Range was cornered by a couple of the second, isn't it funny? Nart Elder frowned.

Failure to save his son is highly expected. Then there were several experts of Worldly Fourth Range and the experts of Animal First Range.

Now Nart has been pinned down by insignificant youths! The soul of the breath burned blood-red and smoked. A rhinoceros the size of a dog curled up. The red hide is cracked. Nearby, a turtle whose shell is covered with chips.

"My basic set is not enough. Hia! Get ready to experience the true ferocity of Nart Elder!" The smoke clouds dispersed. Another sphere shimmered with a sickly herbal glow.

"Okay, the margin of error in my estimation of ounces of Nart is large. But he lasted too long," Tynlady worried.

A piece of flesh separated from Nart Elder. The newborn snake opened its wings, opened its mouth. The green light caused the corpses to rot. In the place where they lay, the bones were white. Futrina was breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?"

"Alive" the attack hit, as if scalded with boiling water. Fortunately, the impact lasted a moment.

"Fourth familiar! Why is it so powerful, wasn't it artificially planted?" the Bengali was indignant.

"I understand,"


"I'm sure that Nart Elder has two talents," Tynlady turned cold.

"A vile demon! Seriously?!" the comrade of Tynlady's eyes bulged. The course of the battle has changed dramatically. Seeing the frowning faces of the people, the Nart laughed: "That's right. Hia! Accept death!"

Talent 1 allowed you to control a full-fledged familiar from the second chapter. In addition, there was a stock of 15 ounces. With the transition from chapter to chapter, one familiar and 5 ounces were added to use. The picture with talent 2 is different: the first chapter has already interfered with the familiar, and the soul of the breath was overflowing with 15 ounces. The transition between chapters had the same result. Of course, the difference looks small, but one extra familiar could turn the battle around. Thanks to the suddenness of Tynlady and Futrina, they were able to level the odds. At the moment, all efforts to weaken Nart have gone to waste!

"Talent 2, does this demon have talent 2?" together with the novice, the Bengali squirmed like a snake.

The scorching emerald light turned the grass to dust. The trees were drying up. Nart Elder was guffawing:

"Die! Then I'll take over the village. I will kill everyone: men, old people, women and children. You will know the taste of the revenge of Nart Elder!"

The snake hissed, stretching his throat wide. Soon the farms nearby turned black. Some peasants were moaning and writhing. His gray skin peeled off, exposing rotten meat.

Tynlady's heart was bleeding.

Nart Elder was deliberately taken to the lost lands. The general-flute cut the air in the direction of the giant while he was distracted by the tiny lady. The serpent struck a preemptive blow. Again, a small part of the bengoian was "burning".

Nart Elder chuckled. The red giant had snatched the championship and was now playing with insignificant little men.

"Vile devil! The virtuosity of Nart Elder in managing the Green Snake of Life is worthy of the Worldly Fourth Range. "Okay, the advantage is on his side. But in terms of energy reserves, we are equal. His 30 ounces and our total 30. We need to wear him out!"

Nart Elder cracked his fingers. Brute force came into play.

This is bad, very bad. The Red Rhino and the Orange Gorilla increased the strength of the owner. They could do passive or active, hundredfold amplification. However, there is a certain probability that Nart owned a Rhinoceros only with active reinforcement. Otherwise, the energy will not be excised.

Tynlady examined the giant from afar. There is a difference clear signs of active reinforcement like swollen veins. Her observation was interrupted by the snake.

"Again! I'm furious! And why are villains given power?" the tiny lady was infuriated by this familiar. And he must have the second ability.

Nart Elder had a trump card. Nart was laughing like never before. Futrina was afraid to block with the general-flute, because the fists of the red giants of familiars are stronger than iron. She had to run. The pale bengoian face turned blue.

"Be strong! Only the fortress!" Futrina went all-in.

The ant passed the information to Tynlady. Both rushed ahead. "If I'm unlucky, my legs will break," Futrina's speed grew rapidly. The movements blurred.

"Bengoian?" Nart Elder reproached himself for inattention. All people are small fry for the giants, no wonder he didn't recognize the bengoian. Futrina crossed the serpent's radiance and dodged the fist, running in zigzags. The general-flute was stabbed in his scarlet chest.

Meanwhile, Tynlady swung. The nart felt defeated. The giant race is proud. Since childhood, they are taller than anyone from an alien race. Losing was considered the lot of outsiders. Losing to a person is worse than death. "The hour has come for my last weapon."

Gurgling. Gurgling. Gurgling.

Sweat covered Nart. The belly has lost weight dramatically. The Green Snake of Life shone on the owner. What the novice had guessed was confirmed.

"Kill! quickly!" she screamed, preparing to break the giant's skull.

Having lost 50% of the weight, the Sled was covered with stone. Sharp lumps grew near the wound, where the general had dug in. Futrina pulled out the general with a screech. The wound firmly bound a small fragment of the general. The Bengali sank to the ground. The injury of the familiar meant the injury of the owner. Familiars themselves are ephemeral. Experts give them a shell of elements of themselves.

The ruby statue collapsed on all fours, crashing into the "hooves". The shell burned with cinnabar. The horn was bent with a hook. Roar! The mad roar chilled to the tremor.

"The devil!!," the Bengali bit his lip. The novice looked gloomy, although she kept a fake smile. "I was right. Is that how it is?"

The rhinoceros stamped. The pulse was crushing granite. Futrina's heart skipped a beat. Stupor. An indescribable force was rushing, wanting to pierce her. Overcoming his fright, the Bengali rolled over. The roaring hulk left a brake track, similar to the bed of a dead river. "A powerful slap!"

"I agree, we are not his equal."

"Wow, it's good that she didn't die," Tynlady sighed softly. To see how a person, even a little familiar, is turned into paste is disgusting! "He's getting ready to repeat the trick," she warned. The hulking rhinoceros was turning around.

"Aaaaaaaah", the one who was once Nart, tore the eardrums of those present.
