
Royal Decree

"Flora isn't that the same creature from before?" Tori asked as she noticed its slimy skin Flora shook her head saying, "Not the same creature but the same species, Quinsy get us out of here before it attacks again." Quinsy tried to fly the ship away only to be met with an attack from another side.

"Edna, Tori, and I will distract them fly higher in the atmosphere we'll meet you there," Flora said as she flew out with the other two behind her. She glanced at them and she noticed they unlike the creature she met before these ones were much larger and they had eyes, and their eyes were red like most creatures on this planet.

She looked at them carefully examining each as she cast a barrier on Tori and Edna. Flora frowned when she noticed them not being held back by Tori's chain nor were they cut by Edna's axe.

Flora drew in a deep breath before creating chains of her own and putting barriers on the creatures similar to before to hold them back.

"Need some help," she heard Mina's voice say and Flora nodded as Mina joined the other two with the other fairies Flora cast more defense magic. She held out till they all returned once the creatures had gone back to their rifts after letting out a high shrilling scream.

"Good work everyone," Mina said, and they cheered but it was just the beginning. The fairies were about to return to their ship when there was a sudden blast of slime as more creatures slithered out of the gap.

They turned looking down at the enormous amount of them many were no longer the slimy creatures with red eyes. They were made of scales and had horns on them that slanted towards their body as they stuck out from under their eyes.

The creatures got ready for another attack as Flora strengthened the already-created barrier. The creatures attacked all at one time, Flora flinched before saying, "Return to the ship, we will return to the Kingdom of the Fairies as this planet has become too hostile, go now!"

The fairies quickly flew up and Flora flowed behind her eyes widening upon noticing the large, winged creature in the distance flying at an enormous rate towards the ship.

Flora used whatever magic she could as she blasted towards it staggering for a few seconds but that was all the time the creatures on the ground needed to combine their attack. They opened their mouths as a slimy and sticky green liquid shooed itself into the air. They had aimed for her when she had her back facing them.

Her wings burned as she plummeted towards the ground out of reach from the fairies that were already within the ship. She didn't give up though as she healed herself and quickly passed a message to the ship, "Quinsy, this is a Royal Decree, get the ship off this planet. I will wait for the rescue team, so hurry before it comes your way!"

Flora had barely healed her wings by the time she fell into an open Ice Rift. She tried to fly up with a barrier surrounding her only to find herself engulfed by something that jumped out from the cervices of the rift just as she had flown out of.

Flora kept quiet feeling both scared and worried as she felt the body of the creature move. She stayed within the protective barrier as the creature quickly slithered through the rift's cracks.

However, after calming down Flora noticed something, she was still in the creature's mouth even though hours had passed. "Why hasn't it swallowed me?" she questioned as the creature continued to move. She no longer felt scared her anxiousness gone as the creature moved for what seemed to be days before it suddenly stopped.

"What's in your mouth, didn't I tell you not to eat just anything?" She heard the muffled voice say and the creature shook its head shaking her as well.

"Last warning, quickly spit it out or else," she heard that phrase more clearly as if the person speaking was closer the creature hesitated, but it opened its mouth and Flora flew out slowly with what little powers she had left.

She was hovering over the icy ground as she looked behind her, the barrier still active and that was when she noticed the little scar on its head. Flora smiled reaching forward as she heard, "I wouldn't do that, he just tried to eat-" The man's voice stopped as the little creature nudged its head onto her palm.