
The Devil's Flora

The princess of a Kingdom with legendary heroes as parents she grew up beloved by all. However, the one to love her most is the Devil himself, the most powerful sorcerer in the universe. Their love both forbidden and dangerous in ways they themselves do not understand. Join me in exploring the world of fairies, sorcerers, dragons, and demons.

RavenQueen922 · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Exploring (1)

Flora walked outside with a light blush on her face as she smiled. She noticed Andras and walked towards him stroking his head and he nudged himself towards her as she laughed saying, "I got your gift thank you. You should rest now, we are going back once Azrael wakes up."

Andras hissed before slithering away to a rift. Flora sighed glancing down at her hands before she cast a spell on the walls. She created targets for practice and hours later she stopped to take a break. She was sitting down with the wolf pups and their mother when Azrael walked out.

"Flora, are you ready?" Azrael asked and she nodded saying, "Yes." He smiled as she flew up and towards him. She looked down at the floor, grabbing a few veggies out of the pocket dimension before passing them to the hares. Then she proceeded to place a bit of chicken near the wolves as Azrael woke up Andras.

"Flora, you should ride Andras until we reach the border of the Night Zone, it'll be faster," Azrael said and Flora nodded saying, "Alright, shall we leave now." He nodded flying up as Flora flew towards Andras who waited for her to take a seat before moving out.

Once above the rift, Azrael cast a spell and Flora glanced down asking, "Was that a barrier spell?" Azrael nodded saying, "Yes a protection spell, you wouldn't want them getting hurt while you're away."

She smiled as Azrael flew ahead and Andras followed him, the small feeling in her heart growing slightly as she watched. Flora's feelings of joy soon disappeared, however. After a few hours of traveling, they arrived near the border.

"Flora, come here," Azrael said holding his hand out towards her as Andras came to a stop near him. Flora nodded flying up and next to him as he said, "Andras will be busy fighting so it's best to stay away from him from now on."

She nodded looking down noticing Andras was producing slim, and it wasn't clear like before, it was shimmering in the light. "Azrael, what's he doing?" Flora asked as Azrael glanced at Andras before saying, "He's producing a coat of illumination slim for the Night zone, he does this often and it helps him move faster in the Night zone."

Flora nodded as he turned to face her and she looked at him as he said gently, "Flora, stay close to me and try to not overuse your powers, please."

She smiled saying, "I'll try my best." He nodded as he reached for her hands holding them gently before they flew towards the Night Zone. The border area was dark but with Andras producing illuminant light they two were able to check for any creatures on the ground.

They were a few hours in when Andras started to hiss at one particular location. Flora closed her eyes and focused on the sound as she let go of Azrael's hand creating a buffer around the three. Azrael glanced at her then at his hand it felt uncomfortable as he gently closed it before glancing at the area where Andras was hissing.

He created a shadow arrow shooting it towards that area. The arrow landed on something, a creature's scream was heard and it jumped out of the rift.

Flora's eyes shot open; her hands pointed in that direction as rows of chain headed towards the creature, she chained it to the walls before flying towards it. Azrael watched from a distance carious as to what she would do, plus this creature wasn't a threat to them.

Her expression softened as she reached a hand forward gently touching the creature saying, "sorry about this, here let me help," before healing its wounds. She loosened the chains before flying back and completely letting the creature go.

"Flora, there was no need to waste effort on it," Azrael said and she smiled, "Maybe not, but it's better than letting it be in pain."