
Broken Hearted

His jaw was tight, his voice stern as he spoke through gritted teeth. "We're going outside. Now."

His behavior was so out of character that it sent shivers down my spine. As he dragged me away from the reception hall, I glanced back at the party I had planned for so long, now slipping away from my grasp.

My dad's strong grip led me outside into the night, and I felt mixed up and worried. His hand, once gentle, now held on so tightly that it hurt a little.

"What's your plan, Ember?" he asked, sounding really mad. "What do you want to mess up now?"

I felt my determination flare up again, even though I had an uneasy feeling. "Dad, I'm hurt," I told him, hoping he'd understand more than anyone.

"Hurt? By what?" he snapped back, his voice sharp. "What pettiness are you trying to cause trouble with now?"

"Pettiness?" I repeated, feeling surprised. "I've always tried to be perfect, to meet your expectations. But not this time." My voice shook as I went on, "Jaxon cheated on me, with Aurora. I loved him and he..." I held my chest as I tried to hold back the tears.

My father was taken aback and for a second, I thought he might get it, that he'd feel sorry for me. The injustice that I have faced. But his response hit me like a surprise slap.

"So what?" he said coldly. "You can still marry him. Men have lots of wives, and they're okay with it."

I stood there, shocked by what he said. My hope crashed down, and I felt really let down. His words hung in the air like he didn't care at all. It was like a punch in my heart, realizing he didn't have my back. In just one moment, I saw that he wasn't on my side against all the lies and tricks.

I loved Jaxon, but I would never lower myself to be with a man who will not value me.

"Dad, this is me you're talking about," I said, my voice shaky. "I can't do that. Don't you care about my well being? Do you think it's nice to watch the man you love sleep around with your younger sister"

"Women are such babies,"He looked at me with a serious expression. "It's for the greater good. You're not being selfish now, are you? The wedding must go on." His tone was cold.

Tears pricked my eyes, frustration building up. "No, Dad, I can't. I won't marry a cheater."

His gaze remained cold and emotionless. "Fine. Your loss then. Aurora will marry him in your place. I won't let this opportunity slip away."

The weight of my father's words crashed upon me, a chilling realization of the depths he was willing to sink to for his own gain. The sense of betrayal cut deep, leaving my heart in tatters.

"It's always been like this, hasn't it?" I erupted, my voice shaking with suppressed anger. "Whenever I'd throw a fuss, you'd just hand it over to Aurora. Let her take your room, let her have the better place, let her take everything. And now, she's taking my wedding too. Soon she would take my life."

Joshua did not seem to care about it, nor did he look surprised when I told him that Aurora had taken my fiancé.

That was when I realize. "You changed your mind so quickly, didn't you, father? You knew, didn't you? You knew Jaxon was cheating on me... and yet, you pushed me into this. Why, father? Why?!"

Tears welled in my eyes, each word I spoke weighted with the burden of a lifetime of manipulation, deceit, and the crushing realization that my own father had played a part in my suffering. The intensity of the moment was suffocating, the pain so acute that it felt as if my heart was being torn apart.

Joshua scoffed, "Mind the way you talk to me Emberline Stark. I am still your elder. And I did you a favor to marry a prince since you were the one he proposed to first. If he wanted Aurora it would have been a added gift. It was his choice and he was a prince did you expect some true love story from a book? That he would remain with you forever?"

The words erupted from me, a torrent of emotion that I had suppressed for far too long. "Yes, yes, I was delusional enough to believe that the man I loved would be mine and mine alone. Prince or not, I expected it to be him and me. I never saw any of this coming, and I certainly never thought my own father would be the one to betray me like this."

Joshua's expression remained resolute, unyielding in the face of my anguish. "I'm a businessman, Ember. My decisions are driven by what's best for the business, not emotions. I don't let sentimentality dictate my choices like you women do."

His callous words cut through me like a blade, the pain of his disregard mingling with the weight of his betrayal. I had laid bare my heart, my vulnerability, and he had met it with cold detachment.

"If Mum were here," I retorted, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and grief, "she would have slapped you across the face ten times over."

But before I could even finish my sentence, a sharp sting erupted across my cheek as his hand struck me. I stood there, stunned, my skin stinging from the impact. His spiteful words followed, a bitter reminder of the divide that had grown between us. "Never mention that woman in my presence again. Now get out. You're causing a scene."

Tears welled in my eyes as I absorbed the harsh reality of the situation. I was alone, abandoned by the very person who was supposed to protect and cherish me.

"And if I see you 2km close to this reception building, you won't like what I will do to you. Daughter or not" His threats hung in the air.

As I turned away, the pain in my heart was matched by the searing pain on my cheek.

Tears blurred my vision as I sprinted away from the chaotic scene. My body felt heavy, a symbol of a broken promise, and my heart ached. I couldn't believe he had cheated on me, and my father's harsh slap stung both physically and emotionally.

I stumbled forward, my sobs echoing through the empty hallway. Then, in my hasty escape, I collided with a stranger. His strong arms reached out to steady me, and when our eyes met, I found myself staring into the most beautiful pair of eyes I'd ever seen.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

But I couldn't respond. My voice was lost amidst the pain and confusion. Without a word, I pulled away and continued running, leaving the handsome stranger behind in my wake.

Dark seemed to mirror the darkness that had enveloped my world.

Tears streaked my cheeks as I exited the building, each step a burden under the weight of betrayal and despair. I forcefully wiped away the evidence of my pain, as though erasing those tears could somehow erase the torment inside. Above, the sky darkened, a reflection of the turmoil consuming me.

Rain cascaded from the heavens, a deluge of emotions that matched my inner tempest. Yet, I paid no heed.

Mum always had a glass of wine to ease her pain.

Maybe I should get drunk to ease mine. I looked up at the sky and said, "Mummy…I miss you"

I went to a restaurant. The warmth within embraced me as I stepped through the threshold, the aroma of food and the chime of glasses weaving a momentary haven amidst the turmoil.

I seated myself and ordered a glass of wine.

"Cheers to my awful life" I said taking a deep sip.

Sipping the wine, its warmth radiating through me, I found a fleeting respite.

I approached the bartender and requested two more glasses of champagne, opting for the stronger variety. The evening had taken unexpected turns. I was single, I was alone, probably disowned and soon I would be dead.

Call me a coward, but this life, this earth is not worth living in.

I needed to be so drunk, so when I jump I would not feel the pain.

As I settled back into my seat, a voice sounded beside me, accompanied by a gentle tap on the shoulder. I turned to see a stranger, someone who had appeared seemingly out of thin air.