
The Devil's Dominion

EXTRACT FROM STORY "Please let me go i want to go home please" Light pleaded. "And why should i free you when you came running to me for help?" Lord Duke asked with a sly smile. "You heard yourself? I only came to you for help not to trap me here... please i want to go back home my uncle would already be looking for me" Light tried to come down from the bed when Lord Duke pushed her back before laying untop of her. "Thought your uncle is a shameless man w.hore?"He asked and Light immediately swallowed her words back. ** Smith Light, was a young youthful girl who was living with her uncle after the death of her parents and life over there was tough and hard for her. She was being maltreated and tortured by both her uncle, aunty and cousins but she wasn't the type to keep her mouth shut which always landed her in troubles. But that wasn't all, her uncle was a wicked and shameless man whore who wanted to had his way with her. He wanted to have everything about her and Light kept on resisting while pleading for help. She decided to make up her mind on a certain day and ran away from home just to seek for help but ended up in a rough and bad situation which she immediately regretted. She met herself in the bed of another man who turns out to be ruthless, heartless and more dangerous than her uncle. But who's he?? Lord Duke also known as Lord Of Darkeness, a man full of authority and power that the world revolves round his finger. A man who's been feared by everyone and at the mention of his name everyone immediately becomes scared to death. What happened when Light came running to him for help unknowingly to her, who he was. But instead of him helping her he turned her to his own personal sex toy and pet that Light had to find all means to escape from him but would she succeed?? Her main aim was to seek for a saviour but who's going to save her from the ultimate Lord Duke himself?? Let's find out...

DaoistW56ahH · 都市
4 Chs

The Beginning Of It All


Under the dark moon was a man trying to run away from death. No matter how fast he run, he will surely hear footsteps behind him. Before he could try and hid he was immediately shot on his legs which made him fell down.


"Like seriously you were planning to run away from me?" Came a cold yet audible voice.

"Am sorry Lord Duke please forgive me" The man pleaded and Duke gave him a sinister smile.

"What was your offence again?" He asked.

"I lied to you my Lord" The man replied while shaking in fear.

"Oh yeah you lied to me" Lord Duke said while shaking his hand.

"Well be happy that you found grace in the hands of Lord Duke so I will set you free, you can go" He said before backing him and the man was left in shocked.

He couldn't believe he was setting him free. He stood up and started running slowly feeling excited.

Lord Duke who heard his footsteps turned back and faced him with an evil smile on his face.

"Or rather you found grave in the hands of Lord Duke" He said before pulling the trigger and the bullet went straight to his head bursting his brain and in an instant he fell down on the floor in his own pool of blood.

"What a fool" Lord Duke placed his hands on his pants pocket before walking away.




"Ahh..." Light screamed out before jumping out of the bed after she was poured a chill and cold water.

"Aunty?" She called after noticing who it was.

"Are you mad huh?" Aunty Sarah shouted loudly at her.

"Aunty what did I do?" She asked not getting why she was angry at her.

"Today is your cousin engagement party and you're still sleeping soundly, when you're supposed to be working, no tell me who will cook the food and decorate the mansion?" She asked and Light face immediately fell solemnly.

'Yeah she's a slave in her own family home' She said inwardly before letting out a sigh.

"Am talking to you fool" Aunty Sarah immediately hit the bucket on her and Light who saw it coming quickly used her hand to shield her face and the bucket broke on her arm making her bleed.

"Now get up before I forget who you're to me!!" She shouted and Light quickly stood up.

"And don't forget, you're going to buy me a new bucket" Aunty Sarah said before storming out of her room.

Hot tears immediately dropped out of Light's eyes. Why she's being treated this way is something she still don't know up till now.

If only her parents were not dead she would have been living happily with them but they're gone and now she's living in a miserable home, which turns out to be her Uncle's home.

"LIGHT!!!!" She heard her name loudly from outside her room and she sighed before she quickly changed her wet clothes and walked out of her room.

"Oh my goodness mummy am so happy" Moon who was getting engaged said while twirling round in the living room.

"And am also happy for you sister" Starr said before holding her hands and they both started twirling round.

Light walked down from the stairs and intended to walk past them when she heard her name.


She immediately halted on her steps before facing them.


"Didn't you see me and my sister?" Moon asked and Light twitched her lips.

"So??" She asked.

"Did you just said so? Mom did you heard what your niece?" Moon asked Aunty Sarah who was sited on the couch.

"She's not my niece but your Dad's niece cause she isn't related to me" Aunty Sarah immediately corrected them not liking Light being called her niece.

"You're supposed to greet us but no you just walked past us like we're nothing" Moon said angrily.

"Moon?" Light called.

"Don't even try to boss me around this morning. Am older than you yet you still want me to greet you, have you ever opened tha stinky mouth of yours to greet me for once?" Light asked already getting angry.

"Stinky mouth?" Moon asked.

"Light?" Aunty Sarah called loudly.

"Oh don't even call my name Aunty, don't think I give a damn about you, get me angry and I will leave right this minute then you will tell me who will do your chores for you" Light and angrily before walking towards Moon.

"Don't try this tricks on me next time Moon, stay out of my business" Light warned before starring at Starr who was feeling scared.

"Mummy?" She immediately ran to her mom and hugged her tightly.

Light turned back before walking into the kitchen.

"Mom you see what she said right? You've successful spoilt her, good for you" Moon said angrily before walking out on them.

"Moon?" Starr called before going after her.

Light was busy cooking in the kitchen and the guests started approaching cause it was time already.

"Today is a joyous day for us" Lady Autumn said and Aunty Sarah smiled.

"Yes it is" Aunty Sarah said.

"Oh here comes the groom, Moon your hubby is here" Aunty Sarah shouted and Moon immediately ran down from the stairs.

"Mikel?" She quickly hugged him and he hugged her back.

"You're looking so beautiful my darling" He complimented and Moon smiled.

"And you're looking strong and handsome my love" She smiled brightly.

"Since we have arrived then let's start the party" The grooms mother Cecilia shouted and everyone jubilated.

Drinks and food were served and Light was once again part of the server's.

She was still in her casual clothes while serving the guests.

"Aren't you Light, Moon elder cousin?" Lady Cecilia asked and Light who was being questioned nod her head.

"Yes it's me" She replied with a forced smile.

"What is the elder daughter of the Smith family doing as a waitress?" Mrs Cecilia asked and her voice was so loud which attracted everyone attention.

"Mr and Mrs Smith?" She called and Aunty Sarah immediately rushed to her.

"Why is she serving the guests?" Mrs Cecilia asked again.

"Light who told you to serve the guests?" Aunty Sarah immediately asked faming she wasn't aware.

"Aunty?" Light called surprisingly.

"Aren't you supposed to be close to your cousin?, Why aren't you yet dressed and who told you to serve the guest's Light?. Why do you like humiliating the Smith family?" She asked and Light just stared at her not knowing what to say.

"Mom that's who Light is, have you forgotten what she's capable of doing anything just to humiliate us?. Now she's not by my side today but busy carrying out chores that she wasn't told to do" Moon said from behind.

"Mother in law don't pay any attention to Light cause she will only cause you pains if you do, cause that's what she's fond of doing." Moon said before walking towards her mother in law.

"Cause her pain? What do you...."

"Light go upstairs now, don't want to hear any more word from you" Aunty Sarah interrupted her and she angrily threw the tray of wine on her hands before walking out.

"You see mother that's how she acts" Moon said to Mrs Cecilia who was starring at Light as she angrily climbed the stairs.

"Shall we continue the party?" Aunty Sarah asked with a smile.

"Who am I to stop it?" Mrs Cecilia asked with a laugh and the party immediately resumed.


"Am humiliating them? Am causing them pains when they're the one doing that to me" Light said after entering her room.

"Light?" Someone called before walking in.

"Mabel you're here?" Light immediately hugged her best friend happily.

"Yes I came, what happened? Why are you a server?" Mabel asked.

"Do you think I would do that on my own accord?" Light asked with an eyebrow raised at her.

"You mean they forced you to do all that and were still busy accusing you?" Mabel asked and Light nod her head.

"Didn't my other family members saw me? But totally ignored me like an nothing" Light shook her head before hearing the sound of her door being kicked forcefully which made a loud crack.

"Light?" Aunty Sarah walked up to her before landing a slap on her face.


"Are you stupid?" She asked angrily.

"Couldn't you cover your face while serving the guests huh?" She asked and Light who was sited on her bed didn't utter any word.


"I don't want to hear any word from you Mabel, just talk to your friend or she will keep on getting treated in a way she won't like" Aunty Sarah stared at her in disgust before walking out of the room.

"Light?" Mabel immediately hugged her and Light fought the urge not to cry.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Am fine let me get dress" Light pushed her off before walking towards her closet.

Meanwhile outside Light room they were still busy partying happily when someone walked into the building carrying a whole lot of aura.

His presence was known to everyone and they all faced him wondering who he was cause he was busy putting on a black mask, which only exposed his eyes, nose and mouth.

"Bro" Mikel immediately rushed to him before hugging him.

"You're f.ucking late" He said.

"Now remind me why I came to your engagement party?" He asked and Mikel laughed.

"Duke you came because I invited you and also because you're my brother and part of our family" Mikel replied.

"No, I am not here because you invited me, I came here because I felt like coming. Where's mother?" Leonardo asked before walking past him.

"She's probably with my fiancee mother" Mikel replied.

"Now go make sure everyone is putting on a mask so I won't look weird" Leonardo commanded and Mikel chuckled before walking away.

"Alright guys let's not forget is a masquerade party so can we all put on our mask?" Mikel announced and everyone immediately grabbed their mask before putting it on.

"Is that your bride?" Leonardo asked with his eyes on Moon.

"Yeah that's her, isn't she beautiful?" Mikel asked.

"Stop violating the word beautiful for she's not" Leonardo said before backing him and Mikel frowned.

Light who was walking down the stairs with Mabel was surprised to see everyone putting on a mask.

"Is it a masquerade party?" Mabel asked confusedly.

"Are you seriously asking me? I wasn't informed about anything" Light said.

"I will go grab for us" Mabel said before walking away and Light nod her head before walking down the stairs heading towards a chair when she mistakenly stepped on someone.

"Am so sorry" She immediately apologized.

"Are you nuts?" Leonardo asked angrily and she frowned.

"No am not" Light replied wanting to walk away when he pulled her back.

"You're so stupid" Leonardo cursed and Light frowned.

"Same to you mister" She said before pulling her hands down and walked away.

"Why are girls so stupid?" He asked.

"That's my bride cousin sister" Mikel said and Leonardo stared at her again.

"You mean she's a Smith?" He asked.

"Yes" Mikel replied.

"Why she's looking so different from them?" Leonardo asked.

"She's not that different from them, just her body and looks are different but the characters of the Smith is still there just that her characters is extra ordinary" Mikel said and Leonardo smirked.

"You better rush your engagement, I have an important meeting with someone" Leonardo said.

"Oh you can go when you feel like" Mikel said before walking away.

"Here take this" Mabel handed a mask to her before she started watching the bride and groom who were dancing.

Light placed her mask on and also fixed her eyes on the stage.

"Come on let's go dance" Mabel said and Light shook her head in disagreement.

"No am not interested" She refused her politely.

"Come on girl let's go" Mabel pushed in before dragging Light's hands and they both joined the people dancing.

Light who was on stage didn't felt like dancing, she decided to leave when a hand grabbed her and started dancing with her before she was transferred to another person.

She was being exchanged from on person to another till she stopped on a particular person and they both started dancing.

She didn't like the way she was felt with this masked person and immediately decided to go but he didn't let go of her hand instead he spinned her around before he held her by her waist and immediately pulled her closer before slamming his lips on her hers.

Immediately his lips touched hers, everywhere immediately became silent, it was like nobody was around anymore. The people stopped dancing and faced them with a shocked look.

Moon who's face was written in anger walked up to them before tearing them apart. She immediately removed Light's mask and landed a slap on her face and that was when Light realized she was being kissed by Moon's fiancee.

"Ahh...." Mabel gasped in shock.