
Chapter 6: Awakened Blood!

Sora's P.O.V.

I gripped my head in pain, it felt like I was dizzy with needles going through my head, my body felt hot like it was burning up. "S-Sora are you ok?" Mia said worried as I then felt the pain even worse with me falling to the ground in pain, slightly yelling. It felt like my neck was burning, then the heat was spreading throughout my body. "Master, are you ok?" I heard Higetsu's voice say in my head, as I was now practically screaming in pain, it felt like my skin was burning. "D-Damnit the seal is wearing off!" I heard Phoebe say as I noticed Rose had run into a closet. "Mia go ge- '' Just then fire was slowly forming around me as I was yelling in pain. "D-Dammit we don't have enough time! We'll do it ourselves!" I was confused but I couldn't stay focused on them. Rose had returned with some crystal-looking items. "Master respond to me!" Higetsu's voice yelled in my head. "H-Higetsu… h-help it hurts…" Rose was drawing a circle with a diamond in the center. "H-Hurry up!" Mia yelled. "I'm going as fast as I can!" Rose had yelled as the pain was getting worse. The moment Rose had finished drawing the circle with a diamond, my body had burst into flames, with me screaming in pain as the circle around me shot out a bright light. "H… Hig…" The bright light started to engulf me as they were speaking in a language I didn't know, but it sounded familiar like I heard it before. Just as I was engulfed by the bright light I managed to say something. "H… Higetsu…" The next thing I saw a hand pull me out of the circle with a diamond, the pain was finally gone. "Master, are you ok?!" Someone had asked, as my sight was a bit blurry, a few seconds had passed as I saw Higetsu holding me slightly.. "H-Higetsu… h… how did you find me…?" I asked as my body became heavy like something was weighing down on me, I couldn't move. "Sheesh master, that's all you're worried about." I heard him laugh softly as he laid me down. "Don't worry master, I'll get you home." When he said that I was confused. "Aren't I already home?" I heard a small growl come from behind Higetsu as I saw a fist go towards him, he ducked, gripping the fist throwing the person over his shoulder, nearly hitting me. That person was Rose, she gasped when she hit the ground, but it quickly turned into a growl as she quickly got up, swinging her left leg at his head, he quickly grabbed it stopping her in place. Rose managed to just while her leg was still gripped by Higetsu swinging her right arm at him. She hit him in the face knocking him down as someone else came up behind him with a sword with markings on it. The person was Phoebe. 'LEND ME YOUR POWER, BARAQIEL!" Just then Lighting struck through the roof hitting the sword, causing it to surround the blade as she swung it down in his direction. Higetsu put his arms up as lightning rushed towards him, hitting and shocking him, blowing him back. "GAH!" Higetsu fell to the ground coughing up a bit of blood.

"Give up and leave now you foul demon!" Phoebe said, pointing the sword at his head as the lighting was surrounding it. Higetsu growled as he looked up at her, as his eyes were pitch black. "I will not leave my master to the likes of you!" He growled as his body burst into flames, blowing Phoebe back a bit, causing Rose to put her arms up, getting slightly burned. The flames came rushing towards me, but I still couldn't move. By the time Higetsu had realized he couldn't stop his flames, I closed my eyes expecting to be burned, but only heard a familiar voice's yelp. I opened my eyes to see Mia in front of me, as it seemed like the flames had hit her, burning her back. "M… Mia… W-Why…" I asked in shock, but she just smiled softly as she then fell to the ground. I just looked at her, feeling my heart beat fast, my breathing quickened. Something in my head had snapped. My eyes were now flashing a deep crimson red, with me glaring at Higetsu.

Higetsu had stood up slowly, not looking at me as I glaring at him, trying to move my body. "Y-You bastard!" Rose yelled charging at him, gripping her left fist as markings on her arms had formed that flashed a bright purple. Higetsu had smirked, when Rose had swung her left fist. She managed to hit his face knocking him down, Rose was standing above him with tears in her eyes. She then swung her right leg up at his face blowing him back a bit with him coughing up a bit of blood. Rose just stood there looking at him, as he stood up. He faced Rose spitting out some blood in his mouth, still smirking. "Is that all you have, little girl?" Higetsu said, taunting her, with Rose growling. "Rose don't charge in without a pl- '' Rose didn't listen as she ran at him again gripping her right fist. When she was within striking distance, she swung her right fist at him. He caught it, of course, it shocked Rose, as she was not expecting it. Higetsu then swung his left leg, kicking her in her side, knocking her back, as she fell down gripping her side, growling loudly. She stood up as she then again charged at him. "You'll pay for hurting my sister!!" He just smirked as he kicked her in the side of the head as she got closer, knocking her back down, as she coughed up blood. "It's not my fault she was stupid enough to protect my master." Hearing that made both me and her growl loudly as a dark aura surrounded us. I moved my hand onto the ground as it slightly broke under the pressure I was applying, as Rose just got up charging at Higetsu. "Heh, you never learn do you?" Right as Higetsu swung his left fist, Rose had ducked, avoiding his attack. "W-What?!" Rose just growled as she swung her left fist hitting him in the chest, blowing him into a wall.

He fell down, coughing up blood gripping where she had hit. "D-Damn she broke one or two of my ribs… no ordinary Demon Slayer should be able to do that without a weapon," Higetsu stood up, still holding the spot she hit. "She didn't even use the marks engraved into her skin in that last attack. Just what the hell is she!" The next thing I saw was Phoebe charging at Higetsu with her sword surrounded by lighting. "Damnit, Rose! Why don't you ever listen!" She struck Higetsu in the side, cutting into him. He yelled in pain as it cracked his ribs again. He quickly burst his body into flames pushing phoebe back forcing her to let go of her sword. When she backed up, He pulled out the sword, throwing it away, with it landing near me. I went to grab it, and at the moment I touched it a bright white light flashed, causing everyone to look at me. My body suddenly felt lighter as I stood up slowly, my dark aura fading as I glared at Higetsu. "Master…" Just then he was blown back into a wall again, as he fell to his knees, he looked back to see that Rose had hit him, as her dark aura grew. Her hair color had changed slowly to pitch black, her right eye was pitch black with a purple pupil as her nails were slowly changing shape to look like claws. Higetsu looked at Rose, then me, as the sword started to change color to a black blade, with red markings. "T-The blade changed?!" Phoebe said as I raised the sword up, with flames slowly forming around it. Rose charged at Higetsu, swinging her left fist, stretching out her claws. As he moved to the side, she swung her right hand, slashing him with her claws. He backed away panting softly as blood was slowly dripping down his chest. The ground was slowly shaking around me as I was gripping the sword, causing everyone to look in my direction. My body was generating a lot of heat, with my jacket burning slowly. I slowly took a step towards Higetsu, as he backed away. "S-Such heat!" He said when Rose had charged at him again, stretching out her finger-like claws. Higetsu put his arms up, as she slashed them, with Higetsu sliding his left foot, kicking her legs, knocking her down. He then swung his right leg at full strength, blowing her back.

Rose hit the wall, getting knocked out from the impact, with Phoebe running towards her. "ROSE!" Phoebe ran up to her, getting on her knees. Rose's hair went back to the color purple, as her eye went back to normal. "S-She's out cold." Just then I charged at Higetsu as he only moved out of the way, when I swung the sword down, with a small wave of flames going right past him, barely grazing him. He sighed as he looked at me, with me already in front of him. "YOU WILL PAY FOR HURTING MIA BASTARD!" Just then the flames around more, creating a giant flame around my sword. I quickly swung the sword as the blade had slashed him, cutting him in half. His body fell to the ground as the fire from the blade started to spread and burn his body to nothing, with him smirking softly looking at me. "Master y… you may have won now… but you will need me in the future," the flames slowly spread on his body, as it reached his neck, with his lower half already burned away. "Whether you think you need me or not, I will be back master!" His head had burned away, with my legs shaking, causing me to fall to my knees. I dropped the blade, with the color going back to a Moderate Blue, with the markings going back to a white color. I looked down, then to Rose and Phoebe, then to Mia. I tried to stand, but my legs wouldn't let me, so I crawled over to her as best as I could. "Mia…" I thought as I was slowly crawling to her, eventually reaching her. My whole body ached as I slowly sat up, moving Mia into my arms, holding her close. I felt tears run down my face, as I was just holding her close. "Mia… please wake up…" She was breathing slowly, but it seemed to get slower "D-Dammit this is all my fault…!" I then heard footsteps behind me, as I quickly looked back growling. I quickly stopped growling, to see Phoebe walking to me.

She just looked at me, then looked at Mia. "Sora… get away from Mia right now." I felt my heart drop, not knowing what to say. "W-What…" I saw Phoebe slightly glare at me, as she sighed. "Move now Sora." I don't know why, but I growled softly like my instincts were telling me to keep Mia away from her. "Don't growl at me boy." I slightly flinched, as I tried to crawl away, but my legs wouldn't move. "It's your fault she is this badly hurt" I flinched again looking down, with tears in my eyes.

Mia's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes to see a blue ceiling above me. "Ugh… my head hurts…" I said to myself as I slowly sat up. "Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around to see myself in my room. "I'm in my room?" I slowly got out of bed and headed out of my room. I headed downstairs to see burn marks on the ground. "Burn marks?" I walked to them as my back started to slowly heat up, it was like I was being drawn to the marks, or whatever made the marks. "Mia?" I jumped and looked behind me to see Rose holding a bowl with some towels. "U-Uh hi Sis." Right as I said that she dropped the bowl spilling water everywhere as she ran towards me hugging me. "W-Whoa Sis what's wrong." She was crying softly as she looked up at me. "A-After what happened with Sora I thought we lost you…" I tilted my head softly. "Sora… that name…" I looked at Rose slightly "Um who's Sora?"