
The DEVIL'S darling

When the strings of fate twirl around each other they bring together lovers from two opposite realms. This is a story of a Devil prince and an Angel who cross paths in order to fulfill their destinies. But falling in love was not in their plan. She has to assassinate the demon king and he has to make sure she fulfills her destiny. Daniel and Viviane's struggle to survive together is intensely emotional. DISCLAIMER!! book cover belongs to their original owner.

Misumi · ファンタジー
28 Chs

"Memories regained and created!"

"I am a failure, once again, my attempts to help you have disturbed you rather than make things easier for you,"

I answered back:

"Whoever you are please give me back my memory, those memories are precious!"

So he appeared before me and placed a finger on my forehead, chanting a spell. Finally, I regained my memories and had a flashback of everything I did while suffering from amnesia. I recklessly questioned him:

"Why? why are you interfering in my messed-up life? In fact, ten I have million questions for you!"

He gave a tense look and said:

"Are you ready to face the truth, Viviane?"

I spaced out and got absorbed in my own fantasies.....

Yes, yes I am ready to know that I am special and for some unknown reason I have been given a super handsome, majestic bodyguard.

I was so excited to be Lois Lane in this romantic superman story but seconds later all my dreams shattered in tiny shards of glass, his words were like a poison-coated sword piercing through my heart.

He said: "Viviane behold the truth," and then I saw several visions that were basically a story about the past and his voice narrated the terror-filled story that was going to shatter my dreams and change my future.


I saw the past.....

Once upon a time, there was balance in the three realms of the universe, the human realm, the demon realm, and the heavenly realm were all interconnected. As the Gods and Angels lived in the heaven realm, keeping watch over the human realm, along with the happenings in the demon realm.

The Demon realm consisted of all the powerful demonic lords and their armies, basically, all the sinful souls who had transformed to demons were banished by the great Angel Warrior "ANGELINA"

She had defeated the Devil King and banished both him and his terrorizing army to the demonic realm otherwise known as the realm of chaos "Tartarus"

The Demon King wanted to live in the human realm where he could terrorize humans and force them to do his bidding. He knew that Angelina would be the biggest obstacle in his path so his clever daughter came up with a scheme to trap the Queen of Angels.

Serena, the treacherous Serpent Princess, daughter of Medusa and the Devil King, brought forward a wicked plan to enslave the Great Angelina. She said that if the Devil King could marry Angelina in exchange for eternal peace for the human realm and also for the heavenly realm.

Of course, the great Angelina was wise and immediately wanted to reject the proposal as she knew a single woman could never quench the thirst of a bloodthirsty Devil and his entire realm, but the marriage was held along anyway but not between Angelina and Devion.

The second in command maiden, Aliana agreed to be married to the Devil. She said:

"My Queen I shall sacrifice myself in the name of peace and justice."

So, Aliana married to keep the peace, not really....

The real plot was to make the Devil believe that he was enslaving Angelina and the Angels would trick him into marrying Alianna, who would serve as a spy. And so it was done accordingly.

But after the war between Heaven and Hell, the truth about Aliana was revealed and she was immediately beheaded; the war ended as a tie and the Devil's marriage with Aliana resulted in "DANIEL" the young Devil prince, who contained both Devil and Angel blood, so it was mentioned in a prophecy that he would soon overpower his father and take his throne, but the prophecies never mentioned whether the Devil prince would side with the Angels or follow in the footsteps of his father, alongside his sister.

Then the visions vanished and I saw Daniel again. He said:

"The rest I shall explain and how all this is related to you, but later. A human can't take all of this without getting a heart attack."

I immediately said: "No I can't wait, otherwise I"ll go mad!"

He replied: " Alright, just don't lose your mind."

And so he continued on...

"You are the piece that connects all this insane story together. You are the solution to all problems, that is why it is my duty to protect you. Without you, the world will be in the dreadful claws of my father, the Demon King.

I had a bazillion questions but I asked the most important one:

"What is my Destiny?"

He took a deep breath as if he was going to take a dive in the ocean, and said:

"To slay the Demon King with my help and guidance of Angelina."

The blood in my veins because as hot as lava and a screeching noise filled my head, nausea took hold of me and I fainted into Daniel's arms.


Hi guys! After a long time, I published a chapter. I was committed to my academics..... But now will try to release more often... Hope you enjoyed this chapter...

Let me know what you think of Viviane and how can I improve her character!



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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