
Will I change too?

I rocket out of a vision feeling the way one might feel after a high speed carriage ride that's going in circles: that is to say, very, very dizzy. For a short while, the corridor spins like a whirlwind in front of me, making my head ache and my guts rumble with a swiftly growing nausea. Then a hand latches onto my arm and the nausea vanishes like a dying of the wind, leaving me with nothing but empty thoughts and a mind full of memories that were never my own.

"Hey," says a soft voice, and just like that my mind goes clear. Blinking once, I survey the concerned looking shadow that lingers before me, my skin tingling under the soothing circles he rubs on my arm with his fingers. "Are you okay? You stopped dead for a second, I thought you might be about to vomit, you went awfully pale. Is everything okay, chérie?"