

A thousand years ago a fabric tore in space hideous monsters known as devils came into the world, the humans were defenceless against them when the humans thought they will be destroyed, a group of beings known as celestials stepped in and saved the humans from the brink of destruction by fighting against the devils. The devils and celestials fought a long hard war but eventually the celestials pushed them back into their abyss and sealed the crack. After the war the celestials taught the humans how to access mana and awaken their soul spirit before they left. 900 years later the sealed crack started loosening and other smaller cracks started appearing in the world weaker devils came out first but the humans were no longer the same. PRESENT DAY Augustus Lucius, even though he was an orphan he got adopted at an early age , but it seems like fate wasn't him his adopted parents died a few years later, leaving him all alone with his uncle who doesn't even care for him. follow Augustus Lucius in this amazing journey, battling devils.

cel_emp · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter Three First kill

I turned my back to see a tall looking devil grinning at me. devils are not all that different from humans apart from their heights, but in fact only common demons are that tall and robust, but devils with bloodline are not all that different from humans, but it depends on the bloodline though some devil bloodline makes them look way different from humans. The devil that's in front of me seems like a common demon without bloodline. The demon was almost twice my size I was surprised by how huge a demon was, since I've only heard of it in stories, this one in particular was almost twice my size and it didn't look friendly.

Keeping those thoughts aside after seeing the demon what came to mind was how to escape although this demon was a common demon, it was still stronger than an unranked human like me.

While all these thoughts were going through my head the demon looked at me as if he was enjoying the despair he saw on my face, I pretty sure he saw me as a dead man already. I didn't bother running because I know he would catch up to me in no time

as I stepped back the demon stepped forward,before I knew it he jumped at me and gosh he was fast, but due to my years of training and good reflexes I was able to read his movement and dodge, he kept coming at me and I kept dodging it, I was looking for the perfect opportunity to run, the demon seemed frustrated that I was dodging his attack

Hey human you sure are good at dodging how about you try taking money of my punch first, the demon said mockingly, he knew I couldn't dodge forever for my stamina was weak he kept attacking me and I was moving around the forest looking for a safe haven but alas the devil then managed to scratch my legs with his sharp claw which made me stumble and almost fall I was wounded, he slashed at me again and I couldn't dodge again this time my stomach had four claw like mark on it and bood was dripping. The devil smiled, got you rat he slashed at my head, i raised my hand trying to defend and protect my head , just when I tought I was dead, I felt an energy coming from my stomach region towards my hand and then

A white bright light came out of my hands and struck the devil, we were both stunned, but immediately I stood up I needed to use the power that was flowing through my body before now to kill that devil, thanks to the power up my body felt stronger, my body was healing rapidly , my hands were glowing white, I ran towards the devil I struck my fist on his face, he flew back and hit a tree bringing the tree down, I think the white light that shined had made him unable to see temporarily, he was looking around confused after standing, not wanting to waste my chance I continued hitting him again until he couldn't get up, I could see the despair on his face, he must be wondering how did the predator turn into the prey.

After one last punch he died, I could feel the energy receding, before it receded, something strange happened, a black orb came out of my body, I was shocked when I saw the orb, because soul spirit are in the shape of orb, it started spinning, then black smoke like aura was being absorbed into it from the dead devil, after it was done absorbing, it flew back into my body, the devils corpse looks like it had been drained of all it's energy and it also looked like it had been dead for days, I felt a surge of energy enter my body, it was different from the white energy that empowered me.

I was confused, but also happy, because now I have a soul spirit, so this was the surprise the man on the throne was talking about, wait but my soul spirit orb was black in shape which must mean my soul orb lies with the darkness element, but then what was that white energy it looked like it was the light element, am I like those rare people in the legends with two soul spirit, I felt stronger though.

Now what should I do, I can't even summon my soul spirit to test my hypothesis, I need to join an academy, it's two month till the examinations start. Now first how do I live this place, I decided to go east it seemed like the way out of the forest since the devil came from the west part, I kept walking but I was alert, not all devils are like that who would want to toy with their meal, I might just die if a devil attacks me seriously.