

A thousand years ago a fabric tore in space hideous monsters known as devils came into the world, the humans were defenceless against them when the humans thought they will be destroyed, a group of beings known as celestials stepped in and saved the humans from the brink of destruction by fighting against the devils. The devils and celestials fought a long hard war but eventually the celestials pushed them back into their abyss and sealed the crack. After the war the celestials taught the humans how to access mana and awaken their soul spirit before they left. 900 years later the sealed crack started loosening and other smaller cracks started appearing in the world weaker devils came out first but the humans were no longer the same. PRESENT DAY Augustus Lucius, even though he was an orphan he got adopted at an early age , but it seems like fate wasn't him his adopted parents died a few years later, leaving him all alone with his uncle who doesn't even care for him. follow Augustus Lucius in this amazing journey, battling devils.

cel_emp · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter Eleven princess Ella

We arrived at the royal capital, it was huge and grand as expected, we flew towards the east, we passed a large expanse of forest, after a whole hour on the crane, the royal academy finally appeared in front of us, it was a huge expanse of land there were multiple buildings, among all the buildings, they was one building located in the middle it was the largest of all the buildings, you could sense that the elemental essence was the highest in that building.

The crane took us to a field, they were other cranes arriving from the other cities, they were not much people on those cranes, most of the cranes had nobody on it apart from the representatives, after a while three cranes larger than the rest arrived at the field, you could tell they were from the three large cities, they brought a few people, the smallest number was 7, those who came from the large cities, they were all nobles, they carried a smug expression on their face.

We waited for a few minutes, then a man arrived, he was middle aged, he had a stern expression on his face.

You have all passed the preliminary test, to be honest, the final test doesn't mean you'll not be allowed into the academy, you're all considered students of the academy, but you need to know your class, the royal academy trains only strong students, they are a total of 100 new students, some of the are not here, those ones were selected by the academy, due to their great talent, you 100 students will have a combat battle tomorrow, you will be ranked according to your strength, after the combat battle to determine your rank and class, you are allowed to challenge someone ranked higher than you.

Those students below rank 50 if you can't defeat anyone, within a week, you will be expelled from the academy, like I said before the royal academy is not for the week.

Some people expression changed, that's all for today, then he called someone, he will direct you to your temporary residence.

He walked away, all the representatives followed him. Edmund hurried to meet the middle aged man.

Edmund; I need to tell the instructor about Jake and Lucius, I walked quickly to the instructor side, I bowed, instructor I've something to tell you.

We were taken to a building, five people were to share a room, me, Jake and Lucas with a boy from another city, where sent to a room.

We went in, the room was large, they was a bed for everyone, as expected of the royal academy, I thought, then I heard a voice, are you guys my roommates, a skinny boy rushed towards us, he looked at all of us, like he was looking at treasures, then his eyes stopped at my face, he looked at my hair, then he opened his mouth, white hair, that's rare, you're handsome, he said, sorry brother I'm not gay, I replied, he almost coughed out blood, who said anything about liking you, he retorted, I just complimented you, you're almost as handsome as me that's why, he said blatantly Lucas just went to a bed, sat down in a meditative post and started meditating, Jake did the same.

I looked at him from up to down, he didn't look like anything special, I wouldn't have thought he was a noble, if not for his clothes, but I knew for him to be here earlier than he must have been handpicked by the academy, so that means they must be something special about him,k why are you acting like a fatty? He looked at me with a fuming face, what did you call me? A fatty, wow do I look like a fatty to you, no I meant I used to have a friend, he was fat, you guys look a little bit alike, and you have that face that's begging for a beating, he laughed, he then said, you don't know me do you, I Adril, I'm blessed with everything in this world except good looks, he said smugly, then how are you going to get a girlfriend, I asked, he almost choked, what did you say?

This time he was truly mad, I guess that was a sensitive topic to him, I laughed a little, I knew even though he was mad, he would not start a fight, he was a good guy, I laughed and went to the last bed remaining and I lay on it, leaving him to sulk.

Later he came to meet me and sat on my bed, who do you think will win first place for tomorrow, me of course I replied, he looked at me with disdain, stop dreaming boy, princess Ella is sure to win, who is princess Ella? I asked, he looked at me with a terrified expression, even Lucas and the other kid, looked at me weirdly, you don't know princess Ella, d.. d.. do you live under a rock, is she famous, did you just say is she famous, she's the most beautiful girl in the Kingdom, I'm willing to give half my life away, if I can just stay with her for a night, I looked at him with an incredulous expression, not only that, she's also a genius of a century okay, I nodded with a nonchalant face. He stood up, then hurried towards Jake, at least you know princess Ella right, he said with a sorrowful expression, Jake shook his head, Adril fell, I can't believe they are people who don't know princess Ella, what kind of country bumpkins are you guys, you are even worse than a country bumpkin, he lamented.

I was interested a little, I wanted to know why he said she would come in first place, what's so special about princess Ella anyways, he rushed to my side quickly, it was as if he teleported, he seemed excited I asked about princess Ella.

A few months ago, she was not that famous from how I described her, you can tell she's a princess, she was just an average princess, nothing special about her, she was the daughter of a concubine, she was just one of the kings many children.

On the day of her awakening, she awakened the, he stalled for suspense, why did you stop? I asked, guess, he smiled, I'm not guessing, you have to guess, well I don't want to hear anymore then, wait, wait, I was just joking, can't I joke with you, he harrumphed.

She awakened the legendary white flame and underwent through a baptism, she was baptized with white flame, white flame covered her for a whole hour, she was reborn, when the white flame died down, the man who helped her awakened fainted, they said she was so beautiful after her baptism, that one look from her is all you need to go to heaven.

After that day her father the king noticed her, she rose from being a common princess to themost loved and protected princess, how did a girl in a small kingdom like ours awaken such a powerful soul orb,I asked, he then said, ah, you might not know this, but they used to be ten domains, the tenth domain was ruled by the flame family, but something very bad happened, which caused them to live the domain.

No one knows the exact detail, but since then no one could enter the tenth domain, it's known as the lost domain, so you see, the royal family has a good heritage, the tenth domain is located in the middle of the world, they say that's where the first spatial tear is located, I'm not sure though, rumors right, yeah I nodded.

I was interested in the fact that she awakened the white flame, it made sense, why I didn't know her, I already left the city when she awakened.

In a large hall, in the academy, nine people were seating down at a round table, 4 to each side and one man sat in the middle, another man was standing, he faced them respectfully.

Guardians, before we move to the main topic, this are the reports I've collected from the representatives we sent, you'll find two people interesting in particular, he dropped a few scrolls on the large table, the scrolls floated, to the man in the middle.

After a while, Jake and Lucius, do you know where they are from, not yet sir, apparently they come from a village, and they came to the city, for the examination, the man in the middle said, I understand Jake, he has the same talent as the little girl, I'm not sure about that boy Lucius, pay attention to them, if anything odd happens tell me, also keep an eye on Lucas, yes sir, I will do as you've said. Now let's move on to the main topic of todays discussion.