
The Devil's Cage

Welcome to a virtual underground game with no protection, full of lurking players who seek survival, power, and fortune. Kieran chose to enter this VRMMORPG game without hesitation, because he knew this was the only way for him to escape death’s grasp. Can he escape death in real life though, or will he end up dying inside the game?

Rusty Dragon · ゲーム
1854 Chs

Unbearable Pain

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

The unknown existence in the void roared repeatedly.

It had no idea what it had gotten itself into!

All it wanted to do was get away from this troublesome guy yet Gluttony hung on tightly.

As for all the so-called 'table manners'?

What a joke, table manners matters or not, only eating and swallowing mattered!

Therefore, Gluttony clung on with munches and bites to the unknown existence.


Gluttony delivered the thought to his big brother.

"If it's delicious, eat more," Kieran replied softly.

Kieran never worried about Gluttony eating too much. In fact, it was quite hard for Gluttony to ever feel full recently, he could only be slightly satisfied at the restaurant where Starbeck prepared all the food.

The food, or the unknown existence, delivered itself up to Gluttony's doorstep. Kieran did not mind Gluttony helping himself.

With Kieran's permission, Gluttony went all out.