
The Devil's bride

Have you ever been in a situation where no matter how much you try, how much effort you put in.. you still can't make ends meet? Yes? No?? Well, This seemed to Lizabeth Brown's fate. No matter how much she tried, how much effort she put in, she always got fired from every single job she went to. Why? Simple, each boss of hers were all perverts and being a feminist, all she did was put them in their place.. but whenever she did that, she always got fired. Sometimes she looses count of how many places she's worked in. "10 this month? ..I thought it was more than th—oh, it's 25." She's a slender yet, shapey 25 years old lady. Fair skinned, short.. putting her amongst tall people would be considered a sin, she has long brunette hair and green emerald eyes. Yet, with all these unique feature [except for her height of course] Lizabeth never once thought of becoming an escort. She's hot headed, stubborn, feisty and a feminist, but she wasn't ambitious.. she wasn't ambitious.. she was great in need. Maybe that's why she accepted a contract with the reward of Two million USD if she becomes the bride to one of the scariest mafia in Sicily? Rumors also have it that although this man is feared by literally everyone.. his face was completely deformed, ugly and unbearable to look at. Some say he fell into a pool of acid, others say he got into a car accident which left the left side of his face hideous and some say he went out hunting and a wild animal ripped off the side of his face and that's why he wears a mask. After coming face to face with this brutal human, Lizabeth finally realized that she had gone completely nuts to actually accept this suicidal contract! But it was too late.. She has already entered the Devil's den and from the looks of it, there seemed to be no escape route. . . . Who is this.. Mr Devil? Why does this Devil cover his face? Are the rumours actually true? Did he get his face deformed by acid?? How will Lizabeth cope with such a cold and arrogant human being? What made him cold and aloof in the first place?

Somugolie_Iwuji · 都市
1 Chs

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