
The devil’s right hand

Sugar_spicemeen · 軍事
1 Chs

The arrival

It was a raining night in Korea. Suddenly there was a grand explosion that was so loud it send a sound wave over 30 kilometers. The explosion caused a great disturbance and many people had to evacuate from their homes. The explosion was caused by a mafia group who had quit a trouble catching a thief. The thief had stolen their documents were the mafia had stored all illegal transactions of theirs. The thief's name was Tyler Watson he was a spy send by the American mafia to find out what their enemy had to hide. Tyler had underestimated the Korean mafia and was chased by over thirty people. He was finally cornered and he hand no way out! As he was struggling to fend of the bodyguards of the mafia association called the " 요새 (Stronghold"), the American mafia called "money stream" found out that their agent Tyler was in trouble they had abandon him and cut of their connections to Tyler. Tyler cursed out loudly; „Fuck! They really just cut me off!"

As he was screaming in rage the gangsters and bodyguards were laughing at him hysterically. „So so so?" Asked somebody from afar, „your association has left you behind and tucked their tail in their legs?" „Don't you come closer!" Was Tyler screaming. He was heavily injured and couldn't even stand properly. The boss gave him two options he could give up the documents and they would punish him lightly or they could take them by force without sparring him. The choice was his said the mafia leader. Tyler who was in a shitty situation had no other choice as to….

He screamed; „fuck you! I will never oblige!" He jumped with the important documents in the air and activated another bomb mid air so that he and the documents blew up. After that the police saw the second explosion and rushed over to the location, just to find over thirty injured men and a completely disgusting view of body parts that were scattered all over the place! The leader of the Korean mafia called 요새 (stronghold) was arrested and hold responsible for all the life Threatening bombing that held place.

Rain….Rain…RAIN!!! Suddenly Tyler woke up. „Rain you think you can skip work? Get up and prepare yourself already!" Tyler was confused why the women in front him was calling him rain, so…sorry he stutter. He was still shocked to see that the women wasn't a human but ogre at he was a half human and half wolf person. „Rain come out already ugh!!" Yeah he answered the Lady. Apparently the ogre lady was called EL, EL was a great ogre who took Rain now Tyler in. Rain was an orphan that had lost his parent in an invasion from the humans, his parent died while trying to escape with Rain. „What a sad story of that child isn't it?" Said a voice out of the blue. „Who are you!" screamed Tyler. „Oh who I am?" Replied the voice, „I am the system that will be guiding you through this world. But just for you to know I'm only meant for you so you might look like a crazy guy talking to me out loud so, speak to me in your mind okay?" Tyler was shocked by the fact that he still remembers what happened back at Korea in Seoul. That he was betrayed by his comrades, he swore to himself that he would get revenge on them but he died back in Seoul so it was impossible now to get revenge! Tyler was struggling with the sudden realisation when a cranky old man came in and started to molest Rain's body. Tyler who was now in Rain's body threw his fist at the man it was a pure reflex's he didn't mean it intentionally. The man got angry and started to spew insults at Rain , saying that he was so useless like his mother and he should be obedient unless he wanted to get beaten again! Tyler now fully understood the situation and didn't hold back he beat the man so mercilessly to a pulp that he was smeared all over with blood. Tyler took of running before he could be caught, he didn't want to imagine what that old man would do to him if he caught him!

Tyler had been running for quite a long time now it was already noon when he finally stopped to take a break. As