
The Detective Finder

The Finder is an novel that explores the life of Frank Hughes, a talented yet solitary detective with an extraordinary intellect. Motivated by a longing to unravel enigmas, Frank traverses the intricacies of a realm where he is a prodigious thinker but lacks human bonds. Their expedition unfurls through intricate investigations.

Mat_Oldo · 現実
9 Chs

Chapter 1:

Frank was in the middle of a tedious math class, although his mind traveled far beyond the equations his teacher was explaining. Instead of paying attention to the chalkboard, his mind was immersed in solving the latest case he had cracked. He reviewed every detail in his mind as if it were an unsolved mathematical puzzle. The tranquility of the classroom was abruptly broken when the chalk hit his head, causing laughter and whispers among his classmates.

The teacher, an older man with a mocking look, approached Frank, his eyes filled with sarcasm.

"Hughes, are you paying attention, or do you prefer to daydream?"

Frank, though seemingly apathetic, responded calmly.

"I'm here, sir."

The teacher couldn't help but smile, impressed in spite of himself.

"All right, Hughes. Prove it then. Solve this math problem, please."

Frank approached the chalkboard, looked at the complex problem, and began working on it. His classmates watched with anticipation, some with expressions of disbelief. In a matter of minutes, he had solved the problem in such an elegant way that left everyone stunned.

The teacher, though surprised, smiled with satisfaction.

"Very well, Hughes. You're still a math prodigy, even if your mind seems to be elsewhere."

While returning to his seat, Frank sighed and muttered to himself, "How boring."

However, the dynamics in the classroom that day were unusual. Every teacher seemed to focus on him, waiting for him to make a mistake or be confused at some point. Even his classmates, usually indifferent to his presence, seemed more active and sociable, forming groups around him. Shy girls looked at him with blushes, and the boys appeared more willing to converse.

Frank, always observant, immediately sensed that something strange was happening. Why did everyone seem to suddenly be centered on him? He wasn't the type of person to attract attention in that way, and he felt uncomfortable being in the spotlight.

After the last class of the day, a group of girls timidly approached him, laughing nervously.

"Hey, Frank, do you want to join us at the cafeteria?" one of them asked.

Frank felt puzzled but politely agreed.

"Sure, I don't see why not."

As they walked to the cafeteria, Frank noticed that the girls continued to blush and act nervously. Some asked him random questions, others shared funny stories, but they all seemed to try to keep his attention.

In the cafeteria, a crowd of students gathered around him, and some boys started asking him math questions and riddles. Frank, though flattered by the attention, didn't understand why everyone was so interested in him suddenly.

After lunch, he returned to the classroom, where he noticed an unusual silence. It was unusual because the classroom was usually filled with chatter and laughter. However, when he opened the door, he encountered an unexpected surprise.

His classmates and teachers warmly welcomed him. There were applause, smiles, and congratulations. Frank, surprised, finally remembered: it was his birthday. He had spent so much time lost in his thoughts and puzzles that he had completely forgotten.

His classmates had decorated the classroom with balloons and "Happy Birthday" banners. Some had brought gifts and cakes. The teacher gave him a small gift and wished him a happy birthday with a smile.

Frank, for the first time since attending that school, genuinely smiled.

After the birthday celebration at school, classes continued as usual. Frank was more relaxed and social than usual, enjoying the company of his classmates and sharing laughter and conversations.

At the end of the day, Physical Education class arrived. Frank headed to the locker room along with his classmates to change. As he removed his clothes, he noticed that all his classmates seemed to look at him in surprise. There was something different in the atmosphere, but Frank wasn't sure what it was.

As he put on his sports attire and headed to the playing field, he soon found out. During the athletic, soccer, and dodgeball classes, Frank excelled in a way that no one expected. Despite his calm and reserved appearance, he turned out to be an incredibly talented athlete.

He ran faster, had exceptional ball control, and was incredibly agile on the field. His classmates watched in amazement as he outperformed everyone else in every physical activity. Even in sports he had previously shown little interest in, like soccer, he stood out impressively.

Admiration for Frank grew with each class. His classmates couldn't believe what they were seeing. At the end of class, they approached him, congratulating him on his outstanding performance.

Frank, although a bit bewildered by all the attention, politely thanked them with humility and a genuine smile. He had once again shown that beneath his reserved exterior, many surprising skills were hidden.

After classes, Frank headed to the locker hallway to collect his belongings. As he opened his locker, something fell to the ground from inside. It was a folded letter. Frank picked it up and noticed it had no sender, only a handwritten note.

Upon opening the letter, he found a message written in delicate handwriting. It read: "Meet me behind the school in 30 minutes." There was no signature or any other indication.

Frank, ever unflappable, didn't show any particular emotion. It was a curious invitation, but he was willing to follow it. He patiently waited at the designated location, maintaining his characteristic composure.

Thirty minutes later, a cute girl, apparently a grade younger than Frank, approached him. She had a nervous smile on her face as she introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Diane," the girl said shyly.

Frank nodded politely.

"Pleased to meet you, Diane. I'm Frank Hughes."

Both of them began to converse casually. Diane asked him questions about his hobbies, interests, and school experiences. Frank answered kindly, though maintaining his calm demeanor.

After a while, Diane looked at Frank with bright eyes and, visibly nervous, took a deep breath.

"Frank, I want to tell you that... well, I really like you. I have for a long time, actually. And I wanted to know if... would you consider going out with me?"

Frank, without changing his calm expression, understood the situation. It was clear that Diane was nervous and had gathered the courage to confess. He decided to respond kindly but honestly.

"I appreciate your honesty and courage in telling me. But I must be honest. I'm not looking for a relationship at this time, but that doesn't mean you're not an incredible person. I hope you find someone who shares your feelings and makes you happy."

Diane's gaze briefly clouded with disappointment, but then she nodded sadly, with tears in her eyes.

"I understand, Frank. Thank you for being kind about it."

Frank nodded in response.

"Thank you for understanding, Diane. You're a good person, and I'm sure you'll find someone special."

Frank walked away from the scene behind the school and returned to his apartment, as always, without showing emotion on his face. When he opened the door and entered, what he found was not a surprise. His apartment was filled with trash and case files scattered everywhere. Half-played video game consoles, chessboards in various stages of play, and assembled and unassembled puzzles were strewn all over the place.

However, as Frank closed the door behind him, the smile he had maintained in front of Diane disappeared, and his face returned to its usual apathetic expression. A detailed flashback took hold of him in the first person, taking him back to a moment he had buried deep in his mind.

He was walking the city streets, searching for someone who had been gone for a long time. Finally, he had traced his mother, who had abandoned him when he was just a child. After years of searching, he had found her, living in a modest apartment.

When Frank knocked on the door, his mother opened it. The woman who looked at him was not the loving and affectionate mother he used to remember. His mother looked at him with a mixture of surprise and disdain.

"You?" she said with disbelief.

Frank nodded, unable to find the words.

"Yes, it's me, Frank, your son."

His mother let out a bitter, harsh laugh.

"You're still pursuing me even now. You were always a monster."

Those words, filled with contempt and pain, had wounded Frank to the core. He had left his search behind and returned to his life, giving up the idea of finding love and acceptance in his family.

Frank was alone in his apartment, surrounded by items that filled his time and thoughts but not his heart. He looked around with a gaze that concealed deep sadness. He wondered if he would ever be able to feel something for someone, if he would ever overcome the emotional scars of his past and open his heart to the possibility of real love and connection. It was a mystery that, until that moment, remained unfathomable to him.