
The Destroyer of Worlds

After his country was attacked by a rival race, Dexter was reincarnated as a lesser demon. Thankfully, he inherited a dungeon from the demon. Knowing that he didn't have the strength to fight against the monster in the dungeon, suddenly a strange crest appeared on his palm after hunting down the weakest creature. [Welcome Hosts] [You have unlocked the Demon Lord System!] "What happened to me and what was that sound?" Dexter's adventure begins with the inheritance of the dungeon and the power of the Lord of the Sun. Can he fight the other Demon Lords who find out that the strongest Demon Lord has inherited his powers to a teenage demon?

Warf · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Galmore Planet

Galmore was a vast planet. It's fantastic how Galmore was filled with a myriad of powerful Races and Beasts.

Dexter Hamzens, a 15-year-old teenager from the human race, was limping with a gloomy expression, mourning the takeover of his country by a rival race, the Elf Race.

He softly sobbed as he watched the city, which was usually peaceful and always filled with smiles and laughter of the residents, now turned into ruins engulfed in flames.

Tears continued to flow down his cheeks which were burned. He was one of the few citizens who managed to escape from the attacks of the cruel race that hated humans.

He wanted to go through the forest to find his mother and sister, who were separated from him when war broke out suddenly in his country. Even though he managed to get out of the battlefield, it didn't mean he didn't feel the impact of the war.

The explosion left the poor man's right stomach torn apart by sharp debris. The further he walked, the colder the air he felt. Losing so much blood made his body shiver, and he began to feel short of breath.

He didn't even know how long he could last before the hypovolemic shock hit him after he forced himself to walk 2 miles from the battlefield.

With such a severe wound, he wasn't sure if he could walk further through the forest.

"Come on, at least give me some time until I can find Eirisse and mother." With trembling lips, he had the last wish to find his family and ensure that they survived the genocide by the Elf Race.

But the more he forced himself to walk, the more he felt tired and dizzy.

"Why is my vision getting darker? Oh yeah, I forgot, if it's already-" His body was experiencing a shortage of blood so quickly that he immediately lost consciousness and fell to the ground without anyone seeing him.

Only the red ash witnessed the innocent citizens who had to die due to the war based on hatred between races.

The abyss of space where he looked was a portal that would lead one to a forbidden place. Everyone called The Trance Realms because the portal opened once every 500 years, and no one ever returned after going there. The place was so mysterious it was even declared off-limits, and no one was allowed to approach it.

The portal was spiral in shape and had a wheel-shaped core or center and bright spiral arms on each side.

The teenage boy who had died was 200 miles away from the giant portal. On all sides, there was only empty space that was pitch black. There was no other object that could serve as a destination other than approaching the portal.

"Where am I? What portal is that!!" So many questions popped into his mind when he opened his eyes and was in a very dark place.

When he tried to look around, his eyes widened when he saw an extraordinary colossal object that made anyone afraid.

"Is it The Trance Realms that elders often say?" He couldn't be sure that the portal in front of him was The Trance Realms.

The information he had came from the stories of the elders. However, he couldn't deny that the features and shape of the object were very similar to what the elder had described.

And what made him sure that he wasn't in Galmore anymore was when he saw that his body could float because of the gravity of that realm.

Since he had nowhere else to go but a luminous object 200 miles away, he finally gathered his courage and floated slowly towards the colossal portal.

He felt the portal was starting to look scary because its size couldn't be compared to anything else in his world.

He felt his whole body ache near the portal's core as if it were being burned. But on the other hand, he heard the sound of a gentle breeze from the portal heart. He started to get scared as the draft grew until it was strong enough to suck anything nearby into the portal's core.

Feeling threatened by the wind, he tried to drift away from the portal's core that wanted to swallow him. But he, too reckless to be near it, couldn't dodge it and was eventually destroyed by the colossal portal.


"Ha ha ha!" With a body full of sweat, a man opened his eyes while panting.

He noticed the surrounding area was pitch black, like in The Trance Realms.

"Ow, the body feels so weak." His body which had previously felt zero gravity was slightly shocked when he was thrown back into normal gravity.

He took a long time to gather his strength back to move his body, lying on a rugged and jagged base.

He felt several parts of his body go numb. When the blood flow returned to circulation, he felt excruciating pain. "Aw...aww... My feet, my hands!"

There was nothing he could do but endure the pain that made his whole body tense.

"W-what kind of creature is that?"

Far to the left of his, he smelled the sweet aroma of the strangest creature he hadn't ever imagined. Even though they looked friendly and docile, he ensured they didn't come any closer.

'W-wait a second... Before thinking about what kind of creature it is, where exactly am I!? Did someone save me and evacuate me to a cave?!' He still remembered that a few seconds ago, he was walking at the edge of the forest to escape the battlefield in search of his family. But somehow, he was already inside the dark rock crevice.

He could tell that the place was not receiving any sunlight, but he was a little surprised when he could clearly see what was near him.

After he could move his body well, he immediately sat down and peeked out of the stone crevice.

"Eh, what the hell are those creatures!?" He was wide-eyed when he saw skinny creatures, a creeping monster, and some monsters he thought might be hairy creatures wandering along the cave.

He was really scared when he saw that very terrible place. Not wanting to be seen by these unfriendly beasts, he hid behind a rock again.

"What the hell is that thing?! Where exactly am I?" His heartbeat quickened at the memory of how giant the strange creature was.

"So this happens when I enter the portal in The Trance Realms?" He remembers a little before arriving at this giant cave. He had a dream about a forbidden portal. Despite knowing how dangerous the portal was, he recklessly approached it without hesitation and ended up pitifully.

Even so, he does not regret his actions because he does not know what will happen to him if he continues to be in that dark realm.

Of all the oddities that happened, what he had to ensure was which world he was in?

He couldn't tell whether he was thrown into the same world as his family or he had been resurrected in a different world.

Suppose he chooses to stay in that mysterious cave without daring to take risks. In that case, he will indeed be eaten by these horrible strange creatures.

He had to get out of this giant cave to meet his family.

After confirming the condition of his body being able to move, he was now confused about finding a way to get out safely from a place filled with beasts and strange creatures.

"This is impossible. They even look more terrifying and bigger than the elves... No... No... if I continue to be a coward and always avoid fighting, I don't deserve to see my family again!" He tries to change his childish mindset. He must have a knight mentality at a time like this.

Before going down the cave, Hee made sure where he woke up. There was no equipment or supplies at his disposal. He even woke up wearing only a loose white cloth wrapped around his body. There was no privilege for a commoner like him to venture into a new world.

Even if he doesn't have the equipment, with creative thinking, caution, and experience in the wild, he's sure to make the most of this opportunity.

There are things he must fulfill before starting his new journey.


"Uh, why now?!"

Not wanting to starve to death, he hunts down a strange creature with a sweet smell near him.

"Eww... the texture is really disgusting." He started researching a creature that looked like a water ball but contained a thick slime that protected its glowing core.

After ensuring the creature was not poisonous, he immediately ate the slime without hesitation. Even though he felt like throwing up, he had to get rid of that disgust because this was the best way to survive in the wild.