
The Destroyed Magic Lord Got a Second Chance

[Wave One Ended.] [Initiating the second wave of invasion.] Confronted with a world-ending apocalypse, Ren perished in a blaze of glory. However, his fate did not end there. Shortly after his demise, he discovered himself traveled back in time to his academy days. Armed with the vast knowledge he had accumulated as a Magic Lord and a second chance at life, he vowed to pursue the pinnacle of magic and stop the impending doom. Follow him on his journey from the weakest student to the Emperor of Magic. "With strength above all others, I will crush all those who threaten my peace!" Discord Link: https://discord.gg/cWHFghdq

Atoner · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Newfound powers

Along with the pillar of light, a powerful aftershock occurred, nearly uprooting the trees as they were violently blown. Birds that were nesting in the forest flew from the violent commotion, and the sounds of beasts echoing through the trees, seeking safety in the distance could be clearly heard.

The massive pillar of light lingered for several minutes before eventually fading. A hush fell over the area as the intense glow slowly dissipated. 

By this point, the mana lake had dwindled to mere puddles, with most of them being used as fuel to craft Ren's new mana core. Revealed at the center of the dwindling light was Ren's lone figure, his garments now in tatters.

Compared to his previous scrawny build, Ren's physique became more muscular while still maintaining a slender appearance. The scars he once bore had vanished completely, replaced by smooth, unblemished skin. 

As he opened his eyes, sparks of flame flickered in his pupils, signifying his newfound power. With every breath he exhaled, a faint sound of electricity could be heard as well.

The reforging of his mana core was undeniably a tremendous success. He instinctively sensed that several spells were now available to him in his arsenal. Without delay, he accessed them in his mind.

The first spell he had attained was enhanced eyesight. By enveloping his eyes with mana, he could greatly improve his vision. Moreover, the spell also granted him the ability to perceive the temperature of his targets, effectively transforming his eyes into a high-speed infrared camera. It was a great spell with a variety of uses.

The subsequent spell he had unlocked paled in comparison to the enhanced eyesight. It was the ability to conjure a common fireball. 

While creating a fireball out of thin air was a standard skill for many first-circle mages, Ren did not get discouraged. He believed that a spell's potential depended solely on the experience and creativity of the mage. As a former sixth-circle mage, he was confident he could unlock the true potential of the fireball.

The final spell that Ren had obtained was astonishing even to him. His heart almost skipped a beat as he realized his incredible fortune. 

He had acquired Soul Devour, a form of soul magic that was exceptionally rare, possessed only by a select few. 

By consuming the souls of those he slain, it enhanced his physical attributes such as agility and strength, fortifying his body in ways he had never imagined. The best part of it all was that there was no limitation to the extent of how much his body could be strengthened.

"Can my mana core now be classified as A rank?" Ren muttered to himself as he contemplated his arsenal of spells acquired. Despite having acquired only three spells, which was two spells fewer than what an A rank mana core typically could utilize, he could now access soul magic.

"No... Hold on! All the skills I've acquired belong to the HellHound. What about skills from other creatures?"

Ren was startled by this crucial realization. However, he couldn't comprehend why he couldn't access the skills of other monsters he had integrated into his mana core. 

Attempting to delve into his mind once more for an explanation, he encountered a mental barrier obscuring the answer he sought. He quickly concentrated his mind, endeavoring to penetrate the barrier, but ultimately proved unsuccessful.

"Are you okay?" A voice interrupted Ren's deep introspection, pulling him out of his reverie. Madeline was looking at him with a concerned look. 

"Ah! At least wear some clothes!" Turning to face her, Ren prompted Madeline to scream at the top of her lungs, forgetting that he stood completely naked, his garments torn to shreds during the reformation process.

Watching the panicked expression on Madeline had Ren embarrassed as well. However, there was nothing he could do since all his belongings were destroyed earlier. 

"Well, I guess we are sort of even now." Ren said as he scratched his chin.

"You wish! And why aren't you embarrassed in the slightest!" Madeline retorted before conjuring a set of clothes from her spatial ring and handing them to Ren.

Ren gratefully thanked her and promptly began to put on the clothes. However, it wasn't until he had halfway dressed that he realized it was women's attire. By then, he had no choice but to wear them, albeit with a darkened expression. 

"Phuahaha! You look quite exotic!" Madeline exclaimed when she turned around to see Ren fully dressed, bursting into laughter. 

The sight of Ren only fueled her laughter more, and she found it increasingly difficult to regain control. Even after her stomach began to ache from laughing so hard, she couldn't manage to stop.

It was only after summoning tremendous willpower did she manage to stifle her laughter and finally decide to inquire the principle behind Ren's mana core reforging.

"I call it core evolution. The reason why humans can wield abilities similar to those of beasts and monsters remains unknown. Various nations offer differing interpretations, but none can substantiate their claims, not even our church. If nobles could enhance their family's mana cores through marriage, then isn't it way easier to enhance one's core directly through the fusion of monsters' cores?" 

Madeline's eyes widened at Ren's explanation. It made so much sense to her, yet doubts quickly arose in her mind.

"If that's the case, then why did no one attempt to do this?" Madeline asked.

"Who says no one is pursuing this? Everyone is seeking a breakthrough; even the Empire is actively researching it. Do you think the various academies, freely accessible to commoners, are solely due to the benevolence of the royalty?" Ren rebutted. 

"In that case, how did you succeed while others failed?" Madeline questioned. If she hadn't witnessed Ren's transformation firsthand, she wouldn't have believed him.

"They could have failed due to a bunch of reasons, but most importantly they failed to consider the compatibility of the host. Consider this. What types of monster cores do you think would blend well with your mana core, which possesses properties similar to those of a phoenix?" Ren asked.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Atonercreators' thoughts