
Chapter 139: I Found You - Part 1

Jules caress the face of the person who has been the cause of his heartache. "Where have you been all this time?" Jules grabbed Axel's hand and planted small kisses. Then his eyes noticed the wetness on Axel's top. He got up and took clothes from his bag. He unzipped Axel's all black jumpsuit. He looked at Axel's body and found it changed a lot. He looked at the pads sticking to his breast that are soaking with liquid. He wiped his body clean before putting him into new set of comfortable clothes. Then he called one of the nurses.

"What are these for?" Jules asked.

"These…." The nurse looked at the stuff that Jules showed to her. "Ow those are breast pads. The mother might have been wearing it for a long time that it got soaked with milk. Where's the mother?" The nurse asked.

Jules pointed at Axel.

"Can I look at your wife Sir?" The nurse asked. Jules nodded. "His milk is coming out heavily, no wonder the pads are soaked. I think I need to get him a new pair or is the baby with you?" The nurse asked again.

Jules gulped at the question. He doesn't know how to respond. "Is it possible to still be producing milk two years after we lost a child?"

"That wouldn't be possible, a mother's milk stops flowing when a child no longer drinks from it. Why is there something wrong?" The nurse asked.

"So it means that he's actively breast feeding?" Jules asked again.

The nurse lifted Axel's shirt. "Base from the blisters, bite marks and the size of his areola yes he's actively nursing. Also the scar indicates that he had undergone cesarean section."

Jules laughed like he's about to go crazy. "T-thank you." Jules suppressed his tears from coming but miserably failed to do so. "I'm sorry I'm just really happy. Really happy."

"The mother should pump milk or else it might be painful for him.. His breast is hard, he might be enduring it." The nurse added.

"Can you pump milk from a sleeping mother?" Jules asked, this time the nurse eyed him suspiciously.

"Are you really his husband?" The nurse finally asked.

"Yeah, here's our wedding photo." Jules showed the nurse his wallet with his photo of Axel when they registered their marriage. "I have been away for a very long time, that's why I don't know." Jules just made up some excuses.

"Let me just get a brand new pump."

The nurse went away and Jules sit beside his wife. He held his hand and kissed it. "I'm assuming that I'm a father now and that baby is mine. No, even if you got knocked up by unknown guy, I will still treat it as mine. All I'll be asking is for you to comeback to me." Jules whispered. He had never wanted anything more in his life than to have his wife back and now he is in front of him he will take him back no matter what. He won't let any thing or any reasons to get between them again. After experiencing living like a dead person in this past two years after losing his wife Jules swore he will never walk that path again. He would rather die first than having to go through all that again.

After a few minutes the nurse came back with a pump. "We only have the manual pump here. The automatic is currently out of stock but you can buy one once you come home." The nurse explained to Jules how the thing works and Jules patiently do as what he was instructed and he did get a lot. He put the breast pads back and pulled down his shirt. He looked at the face of the man he loves and a mere gaze is enough to drawn him down into kissing his lips but his attention was caught when Axel's eyes suddenly opened. Axel didn't waste any time, he move his right arm quickly and swing it to punch him but Jules is much quicker because he caught the hand that is now ball into fist.

"Sweety, calm down." Jules whispered trying to make his wife stop but Axel didn't listen and kicked him with full force that sent Jules flying.

Axel got up from bed, grabbed the vase and break it.

"Damn it, you are still as strong as before." Jules spit the blood from his mouth that got cut because of the impact of his fall. "And ruthless." Jules added before getting up.

"Sweety, I don't want to hurt you so please just hear me out?" Jules said holding out his hand to show surrender but Axel remained silent. "Ok, sweety you probably don't remember me but I'm your husband. You're married to me and you love me. You don't even want to get me hurt and all of these things happened to you because you don't want me to get hurt." Jules whispered the last part.

Axel being the typical emotionless machine didn't say anything. His eyes wondered around and landed on the window. Jules saw where he is looking and quickly took action but before he could reach it Axel without thinking twice jumped out of the window. Jules looked down and saw his wife hanging on the hand rail just two floors below them. Jules knew that if he tries to run after Axel the man would only try to

Desperately run away from him so he retreated.

Axel on the other hand didn't ease down. He got in to the next room. He entered silently and knocked one of the visitor's patients. He steal his clothes and put it on. At this point Axel can no longer trust Jeffrey. He has a lot of questions but what's important is his own child. He can't risk that man finding out about his own child.


Jeffrey watched his husband cater to his own wound which his friend had caused him. He wanted to get angry at Axel but he can't specially when he knows better than anyone what Axel is going through.

"So aren't you going to explain?" Henry broke the silence.

"I don't think this is the right place and time…" Jeffrey tried to make a reason but instantly and coldly got cut off by his husband.

"If not now then when is the right time?" Henry asked.

Jeffrey sighed. "I-I planned my death…. I know there's no such thing that can justify my selfish decision but, but that time it was for the best…."

"So you confessing and you surrendering was all part of the plan?" Henry asked.

Jeffrey didn't say anything he just nodded to confirm.

"Then where am I in that plan of yours?" Henry asked, trying to suppress his voice that is now starting to crack.

"I have no excuse….. I was only thinking about myself back then. For the first time in my life I was given a line up of choices where I can choose. I choose to marry you and make you mine, you you who I love and love me as well." Jeffrey's tears starts to fall when the memories of how selfish he had been has resurfaced.

"I had a choice on how I wanted to end all the bad things I did, I had a choice to set things right and repay Axel from all the pain I had caused him and most importantly I had a choice to my own death…. Henry..." Jeffrey wiped his tears away before continuing.

"Darling…. To a person like me who was not given any choice in life those choices were chances that might never come again. They are desperate and I am desperate…. I am haunted by the things that I have done…. And I am haunted by the fact that I will never be the right person for you Henry…."

After hearing the last part Henry got up and hugged his wife. "How can you ever think that way?" Henry whispered as he kissed the top head of his wife who's now hugging him tightly.

"I also have a fair share of dirts in my past so how can you even think that way and decide on your own? There's no better person for me than you are. You hear that?"

Jeffrey just nodded. He cried for minutes letting out all the emotions he tried to concealed all these years. He doesn't know if it's pregnancy hormones but he pours all the build up emotions he has inside and when he's done he answered Henry. "I was just lucky, me and Axel are both lucky. I watched you and hoped that you will find new love but deep inside I was secretly wishing for you to only have me and you did. Then I promised myself that once things are settled, I will comeback to you. I'll take all your hatred and anger, I promised myself to work hard even if you push me away I will try till you take me back."

Henry laughed. "Even if you do nothing I will take you back in a heartbeat." Henry kissed his forehead. "That's how much I love you." Then he planted a small light kiss to his lips. It was only a simple kiss but it gave Jeffrey the ultimate assurance and security than any other kisses he had in his life and only his husband can give it to him.

The seemingly perfect moment was disturbed when the door of the room was violently opened by Jules. "Sorry to disturb but my wife has run away. I think I will be needing Jeffrey on this. He will certainly come if it's you."

Jeffrey got up quickly. "No! Knowing the old Axel he must be doubting me as well. Jeffrey pace back and forth whispering and repeatedly tell's himself the word "think, think, think…"

"Darling calm-down!" Henry hold Jeffrey to his shoulders and tried to make him stop from pacing.

"No! You don't understand Henry. Young Axel is very calculative. He doesn't let his heart decide. If he doubts me the first thing he will try to do is… fuck! The weather." Jeffrey looked at the window and saw how bad the weather is.

"No, no, no…. He will try to get out of this island. He will take advantage of the storm so we won't be able to run after him." Jeffrey said.

"I'll go." Jules said.

"I rented a boat. I'll go with you…." Jeffrey was about to go but Henry held his hand to stop him.

"Don't go." Henry said as if he was pleading.

Jules looked at his friend and his wife. "Give me the keys. I can handle my own wife." Jules said.

Jeffrey throw the keys to him and Jules immediately run to where the boat is. He tried to find where Axel is in the dark and stormy night. His search weren't in vain when he saw his wife's boat capsized due to the strong waves. Jules didn't waste any time and took the rope. He tied himself and the other end to the boat before diving he searched, with his determination and a pot of luck he managed to find the unconscious Axel. He pulled up the omega and performed a CPR.

"Come on, you can't be doing this to me!" Jules desperately said as he pumped Axel's chest to help in getting the water out. He then blow an air to Axel's mouth and start pumping his chest again. "You just came back, you can't leave me again." Jules said his tears starts to drop on Axel's face. Jules blow an air again and tried to feel his breathing but Axel is still not breathing so he pumped his chest again - not giving up. "If you wake up, I promise not to sleep around even if you die. Please come back. Come back to me." Jules said sobbing and choking to his words, then he blow Axel's mouth again and then Axel cough out a bunch of water. Jules laughed and cried at the same time. He's thankful that Axel is alive but he can't be too complacent so he immediately took Axel back to the hospital.

"He's fine now." Jules was able to finally relax after hearing Henry says that to him. He squat down while hanging his head low, looking at the ground like all the energy he has from his body has been sucked out from him.

"I thought I'm going to lose him again." It came in like a whisper but enough for Henry to hear.

"How is he?" Jeffrey asked and upon hearing it Jules got up and almost instantly held Jeffrey by his throat lifting the Omega up and against the wall. It came in really fast that Henry has no time to response.

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" Jules shouted.

"What the fuck!" Jean who's on a crutch screamed when he saw his friend holding his another friend's wife by his throat. It got Jules attention and for a moment Jeffrey used it to hold Jules hand and lift his lower body up, he then clamped Jules's neck with his thigh. Things happened so fast and in an instant Jeffrey is now up on Jules's neck. He then quickly lowered and spin his body bringing Jules down.

Henry doesn't know if he should be worried or be amazed. It was the first time he have seen his wife in action. He knows Jeffrey can be a little violent and hot tempered but seeing him defend himself by counterattacking Jules.

"Quit it Parker!" Jeffrey shouted. Which brought back Henry to reality.

"Jules stop that! My wife is pregnant." Henry immediately said.

After hearing it Jules stop struggling and fighting back. "Ok, you can let go of me now."

Jeffrey slowly loosened his hold to Jules's body. "I hate you." Jules whispered as he got up.

"I'm not stopping you from hating me." Which Jeffrey answered back. "But right now it's not what's matter. Axel is loosing time, if we don't find someone to operate him then he might die for real."

"What do you mean? Jules asked.

"We didn't manage to take out all the bullets in his head. The flesh are starting to build which puts pressure to his head. If that'll continue then he might die for real." Jeffrey explained.

"Then why didn't you have him operated?!" Jules shouted.

"We tried but who would want to take a case that has a slim chance of recovery? Axel even might die on the table or he might not wake up again. We tried to pursued and begged for doctors but they wouldn't do it….." Jeffrey said, his tears are now streaming down his face.

"You think I didn't do my best? It was hard, all these two years was hard…. Blaming myself for what happened to Axel. It wasn't even part of the plan. My plan is to ruin me but not Axel's life with you. I lived in fear that Axel might one day die and the fear of raising AJ alone if his mother dies."

"AJ?" Jules asked, "is that my baby's name?"

Jeffrey only nodded. "You're son's very smart. I'm really sorry Jules. Even if I have to kneel just so I can show my sincere apology I will do it." Jeffrey was about to kneel but Henry held him.

"I'll do the operation, just don't let my wife do such thing. I won't let him kneel for forgiveness to anyone." Henry said with finality.

After saying it to Jules his serious gaze turns to a soft and sweet one when he faced and cup his wife's face. "Darling, I'll do the operation so stop crying and worrying ok?" Jeffrey turned into a crying baby who had hidden his face to his husband's broad and strong chest.

"What the heck did just happened?" Jean who can't understand the rollercoaster scene which just happened in front of him almost dropped his jaw on how things ended up.

"They were just trying to kill one another and now they're ok?" Jean blurted out.


Ever since the accident and after Adrian donated blood to his son Nash never saw Adrian again. The bill has been taken care off and not a single penny is spent on Nash's side. "You're very lucky to have a very responsible husband." Said the nurse who's checking his child. "He always comes here in the morning when you go to work and stays here until you're just about to get back. Not many men are willing to take their work to help their wives." The nurse unconsciously said.

"He must have been love you so much, he convinced the Doctors to take his blood and he's very worried when Ash was sent here. How long have you been together?" The nurse asked.

"I don't know." Nash whispered.

"Ow, it must have been long that you already forgotten. My grandparents are like that, I was raised by them cause you see I'm a product of a broken marriage but still I wish to find love like my grandparents did. When I saw your husband the way he looked at you that day, it reminded me of how my grandfather looked at my grandmother….. oh I'm so sorry I think I might have been talking too much…. Me and my big mouth." The nurse said shyly.

"You think he loves me?" Nash asked.

"If it's not love then I don't know what is." The nurse simply said.

For whatever reason after the nurse left and it was just him and his child everything that Adrian did for him flashed to his memory and it drained him.

"Momma?" Nash looked at his child who just woke


"Yes baby?" Nash responded in a loving tone.

"Sad, you're sad."

"No, I was just….. I was just…. Missing your Dad, that's all." Nash said.

"Dad…." The child said in a low tone, his eyes instantly filled with sadness.

"Hey what happened? Did something hurts?"

The child just shake his head no and went to sleep again. That night Nash made a decision again, he might regret it or he might not but whatever decision he's making today is something he took courage to make.


Dexter has been staying in the resort for 2 days and he sees nothing special, not even the food. The only redeeming quality of the place is that it has a very nice beach, he doesn't even know why his parents and in-laws keeps on frequenting the place. He's now eating breakfast and still couldn't get satisfied, if it weren't for his son who keeps on going to the restaurant then he might as well use his time to look for his husband but since this is what Lexter wants then Dexter is more than willing to sit inside the restaurant for a whole day and order. If anyone would see him they might think that he's a food critic, he keeps on ordering and eating foods that his abs might have loss it's shape which he knows well that is impossible.

"So are you enjoying your stay here?" The man who's name is Richard asked, in his stay there Richard who always approaches them seems very familiar with his som Lexter but the toddler hated the man.

"Yeah but we're probably going home later after lunch." Dexter simply said.

"Oh, Kier wasn't even able to meet the little guy." Richard pouted.

"Your friend must have been very fond of my child." Dexter commented.

"I bet the mother is very beautiful." Richard commented. "But he got most of your features."

Dexter just smiled dryly, he doesn't want to continue with the conversation. That afternoon Dexter decided to go home, Despite his son's protest he pushed through in going home.

"Don't cry Lexter, I promise we will comeback."

"Papa!!!!!" Lexter screamed, good thing they got the VIP in the flight, after seeing Lexter's condition during their drive he immediately upgraded their flight seat to a VIP class. While Dexter is trying to make his son stop crying he noticed the wedding ring in is now gone on his finger. He quickly traced to his memory to where he last put it and then he remembered taking it off and putting it on the top of the sink inside the resort's restroom. Dexter didn't waste time and got off the plane. By the time he reached the restaurant it was already dark but luckily he found his ring on the floor where no one would noticed, due to his adrenaline rush he didn't even noticed that his son is no longer crying which is also a bonus for Dexter.

"I think we will be staying here for another night then?" Dexter whispered to Lexter then, when things are ok he stepped out but the world seemed to stop when his baby suddenly called someone using the term he's very familiar to him.

"PAPA!" Lexter scream in excitement.

"L-Lee…" Dexter whispered, his tears starts to pool.

"I'm sorry you got the wrong person. My name is Kier." Kier extended his hand for a handshake.
