
The Desired Effect (A Multiverse Fanfic)

This is a story about a boy picked up by a god as his champion. Traveling through the multiverse the god will seek to ascend once more and reclaim his rightful place, while the boy will rise to prominence as his herald. There will be blood and many fights along the way, but there will also be friendships and romance. Truthfully I'm a bit tired of the current fanfics on Webnovel, so I thought I'd take a try at them myself. The MC will be not op at the beginning and he will have to work hard for things. I will also try to flesh out the relationship and the dynamics between the characters but I'm only a beginner so have mercy on me.

TimeWalker · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

*Spoilers* Title At The End

<Fey's POV>

"Uggh, Shinobu-san can you please be a little gentle it's my first time after all."

Sweat was dripping off my forehead, I was at my limit and Shinobu knew it, but she still pushed me a little further.

"Just a little bit more Fey, I'm almost there."

"I don't think I can last much longer. Shinobu-san if you don't ease up a bit I might really die."

"You can do it!"

After having said these words, Shinobu gave me one last pull and I could hear a loud loud sound coming from my spine.




This morning while I was looking at myself in the mirror in preparation for my special 'date', Shinobu suddenly barged into my room saying something about 'functional recovery training'.

At first, I didn't understand what she meant by that, until she dragged me along with her onto another room.

The room itself had nothing in it except for a couple of desks along the corner of the rooms, a small table at the far end, and some towels on the side.

It was very spacious but it was also very... empty.

The room could fit in 30 people no problem, and yet there hardly anything or anyone in there, except for the two of us.

Shinobu told me to sit down with my legs stretched far and wide, and that's when she started to push and pull my body down onto various poses.

Sounds good so far right?

Well, it wasn't. This was purely a set of hellish stretches that tested my limits as a human being.

That last scene was her pulling my body towards the floor until my back cracked.

Right now I'm hiding from Shinobu in the bathroom, with the excuse that I needed to take a leak. I don't know how much longer I can fool her. Her perception is rather scary.

"Fey are you almost done. It's time to get back to training."

No good, it seems she's already noticed. I need to escape, but where am I going to go. Dammit you useless leg, I wish you would heal faster so I could jump out the window.

"If you don't hurry on up, I'll double down on your recovery training."

So there's no escape huh?


Alright, let's get this over with.



"Although we can't do any exercises that involve your legs we can still do plenty of back, neck, shoulder, and wrist stretches so that we can improve your flexibility."

Shinobu then went ahead and demonstrated various ways in which you can bend your body to increase flexibility and strength without hurting yourself.

I have to admit, while the exercises were very painful, seeing her bend her back and shoulders was definitely worth it. Her breasts, while they are by no means big, they are certainly not small, and you could clearly make out the two hills that adorned her chest as she threw her shoulders back.

Her body is also very petite, with her being only 5ft. It really makes you wonder how she became one of the strongest demon slayers within the organization.

I could also vaguely see the outline of her butt when she bent her body forwards, and I curse whoever designed the bottom half of the demon slayer uniform. It leaves too much to the imagination.

Just for the record, I am not a pervert *cough* *cough*. I merely know how to appreciate the scenery.

"Okay! Now it's your turn."

Perhaps I was a bit too distracted because when she called me out I was still sitting there in a daze.


"Hmmm? Yes?"

"Were you paying close attention?"

Even though she was still smiling when she said that, I got the feeling she wasn't happy at all.

"I'M SORRY SHINOBU-SAN! Umm... can you go over the exercises once again?"

"Of course I can, but how about this time we use your body instead."

Shinobu approached me with a scary glint on her eyes.

Someone, anyone, please save me.


After training was over, I laid on the wooden floor like a wooden log. My legs used to be the part of my body that hurt the most, but that was no longer the case.

My sweat dripped onto the wooden floors and I was certain that if I could get up right now, there would be a human-sized sweat stain right where I was laying down.

"That should do it for today. You did an amazing job Fey!"


Oftentimes while I was in the middle of a stretch she would keep on telling me 'just one more second' and then drag it on for thirty more seconds.

The basic trust between us is gone. She has betrayed me, I can no longer trust women.

Father, mother, your son will die a virgin.

"Give me your hands."

I sat up straight as I reluctantly gave her my hands wondering what torture she was going to put me through this time.


Shinobu placed a medium-sized bag filled to the brim on my palms.

"It's the sweets you wanted. Don't give them all out at once otherwise, they might get sick."

She's not kidding. This bag was almost half the size of a backpack, and it was filled to the brim with all kinds of different candy.

"Thank you so much, but I thought you said that the closes town was quite far. Where did you get this?"

Shinobu tilted her head as she brought her finger to her lips and looked up at the sky as if to remember how she came about this many sweets.

"I came upon a peddler yesterday while on my way here"

A peddler? What kind of crazed maniac would climb a mountain full of, mostly male, battle-scarred maniacs in order to sell sweets? But, I got what I wanted so I wasn't about to question it.

"Just remember, when you share it with the little girls to mention that it was you who got the sweets. After all, I paid using your money so it's not very fair of me to take the credit, okay?"

Sounds fair enough.


"That's great! In that case, I'll leave you alone for now. From tomorrow on Kanao and Aoi will supervise your recovery so make sure to get along, okay?"

She cupped my hands with hers and asked me so sweetly, I went into auto-nod mode and agreed with whatever she had to say without actually listening.

"Perfect! I'll see you later Fey. I'll be busy for a little while so make sure not to slack off on your training while I'm gone."

Having said that she waved her hand and disappeared from my sight.

Ahh... What did she say again?

Title: Functional Recovery Training

Slow and steady my brothers, In a couple of chapters we will introduce our MC to his future sensei as well as place him within the main plot. Also notice how our MC hasn't yet slept with anyone, crazy right? At least for fanfic standards.

Anyways I'll be trying out 3rd person pov in the next couple of chapters as a little experiment. 1st person is nice but the plot is also moving along pretty slowly because of that.

TimeWalkercreators' thoughts