
The Descendants, The Heroine and, The Monster

In his last final moments while holding a copy of a novel that he loved not for the story, world nor, characters but the magic system itself. He wishes to be in that world and change everything. The plot as well as the ending itself. And, that's what he was given. An opportunity to see his goals for the novel take shape.

Aibervictum · ファンタジー
6 Chs

A humble abode

(-January 1, 1521/ 9:23 AM/ Current location: Crosswell estate-)

A house full of wealth. Everything has value inside the Crosswell estate. This place itself is a work of art, only permitted to the kinds born from it. To me, stepping the very floor is tarnishing the painting of a respected Artist. The Crosswel Household is ranked Third in Nobility status. The third rank of Nobility being: Archduke.

The Household is known for its wealth and Sword style that they acquired and perfected for over 250 years. Over three generations, They have stood as the richest in the country. That will soon change after the villainess Angelica met her rival against the Prince's affection.

I hated that part of the story.

He abandoned everything just so he could live a life with the heroine instead of improving the country. The end result of his actions are the reason why the ending of the book had a bad ending.

Looking at the house, it seems that it was recently cleaned. The fresh smell of clean wood is still there.

The front door opened and she went inside. Rows of maids bowed to her presence and the butlers kneeled humbly.

[Angelica: What's the problem. Sir, Suther?]

[Suther: Drop the honorifics. Calling me Suther is fine. After all, I am a servant.]

[Angelica: Well said, Suther.]

She dropped it. Angelica threw away the "Sir" in addressing me.

I walked in with sweat all over my face. 

This is a dream come true. The book I have longed to be in is just wonderful. I can't wait to kill the Heroine.

A person walked down the stairs. Dark and, red clothes but, fancy. His body bulging with muscles and his demeanor is what you would expect for an overprotective father. He is The Archduke Sophos Crosswell. Father of Angelica Crosswell.

[Angelica: Father! I have brought him.]

[Sophos: So it is true. A pleasure to meet you, Chosen of the White Flame.]

He extends his hand for me to shake it. I was reluctant. I hesitated.

[Suther: Sir, I am unclean and full of blood and dirt. Would you still shake my hand?]

[Sophos: Of course I would. A child that went through great hardships is worthy of my respect. You survived the forest that we struggled getting through. That is why I am willing to shake your hand even if it is soiled.]

Words like that is what makes him ny favorite character of the story. Bold and, honest words. Who would ask for a better leader?

Despite my dirty hands, I shook his. Oh, how unpleasant it feels.

[Sophos: Good. You have bravery on your side.]

[Angelica: Good, with that out of the way, let's get you cleaned.]

Angelica grabs my hand and leads me to their bathhouse. Leaving his father at the doorstep

Once I got in, I am overwhelmed. Large and spacious. Clouded with steam and hot water, Decorated with.....


Naked maids.....

[Angelica: Now be a man and clean yourself.]

With this much pressure, I had to let them do it. It's not much different from my previous life. The nurses cleaned my body with a wet towel but with this many maids and they're all naked. Refusing they're help would be a waste of time for them.

God I'm nervous.

(-8 minutes later/ 9:34 AM-)

There I was inside the room that Angelica provided. Defiled and dishonored. Never again am I going to the bathroom. They even described my penis size is average.

I wore the clothes laid on the bed. Black polo shirt, red vest with a gold outline, black pants and, black coloured shoes with a wooden sole.

They are fond with the dark color so I'd understand why they gave me this.

Angelica enters my room told me why I am here.

[Angelica: Suther. I'll have to tell you "why" I brought you here.]

[Suther: Okay so, what's the reason?]

[Angelica: Every decade, there will be a monster that has consumed enough animals that it has to broaden its choice of food. So It leaves the forest and attacks the Kingdom for sustenance. So I asked a skillful Seer that could predict what monster will be coming out of the forest to prepare for it. But then he told me something strange.]

Yeah, I remember that. The King was focused on his own pleasure that he forgot about the monsters that would find other sources of food other than the forest's animals or monsters.

[Angelica: The Seer told me that in the morning, a new monster will come out of the forest and that monster is a man chosen by the White Flame. At first I was skeptical but when you appeared just as the Seer told, I'm not doubting it anymore.]

So how is she gonna use me?

[Angelica: By April, I want you to accompany me to the school that I will be attending. To learn how to protect our country and its people will be your only priority. Food and clothing will be provided, our services will do what you ask no matter how absurd it is so please protect the country I love.]

She bowed to me, not knowing my answer and hoping that I would accept.

Well said. That is what I intend to do.

[Suther: There is no need. You have taken me in your home. It's only natural that I pay my debt.]

She stood straight with a smile on her face. Happy as she can be, Angelica embraced me. This kind of warmth, how long have I not felt this pleasant? Hard to tell.

[Angelica: Now that you've agreed follow me.]

As she said, I followed. Up to the stairs and into the hall on the right. A whole room dedicated to books, grimoires, history books, sword forms, etc.

Everything I need to learn about this world is in here. Not only that, spells and sword arts are a must if I were challenged. That would be a great plan. Challenge the prince to a duel and have the life of the Heroine be the price.

[Angelica: As you had requested. A library full of everything you need to know.]

This ain't no joke. I'm seriously grateful. Books for life.

[Suther: Thank you, Lady Angelica!]

[Angelica: Your most welcome.]

I ran around the room, searching for Grimoires and, History books. Sat in one of chairs and read like there's no tomorrow. Angelica left the room to attend her own studies.

(-4 hours and 14 minutes later/ 1:48 PM-)

His father, Archduke Sophos took a peek at me with Angelica while I was reading tons

of books. So far I have finished only one book that is about the birth of the country. Right now I'm reading Duke Farnahm's Holy Attribute Theory.

So far, what doesn't make sense of his Holy magic theory is that it's hereditary rather than learned through education. Suffice to say that it's not true considering that the Heroine is born with Holy attributes. Holy magic is like a God-sent gift to The country. If it was hereditary, Why did only one presented itself in the story and why is the Heroine the only one capable of using Holy spells?

It just doesn't add up.

I need to get some paper to write my own theory.

Stepped down the chair and went out of the room only to see that they were snooping on me while I was reading.

[Suther: Is there any problem?]

I asked out of curiosity.

[Angelica: We were just checking on you to see how you've grown accustomed to your new home.]

[Suther: I haven't yet. I'm still overwhelmed of how unworthy I am to have the privilege of reading priceful books.]

[Angelica: As I thought.]

His father cleared his throat and said his words.

[Sophos: With that out of the way, let's eat.]