
Deep Blue

"Pardon? Did I perhaps misheard what you said, brother?" although I am with no doubt, sure of what I have heard, I need to catch onto that word again. "Could you please repeat it once again?" I asked brother Seymour William.

Brother Seymour William immediately turned his head towards my way. Then his lips gaped an inch as he took a deep breath in before speaking. "Well. What I said is—"

"No, Csilla. You do not have to bother asking your brother to repeat what he said earlier ago. He is just making fun of me," it was Count Vaughn Hayes Read who spoke, interjecting brother Seymour William.

"How rude of you, Vaughn. I far as I know, my sister here, Csilla, was asking me, and not you," brother Seymour orated. His eyes were squinting as he took in the sight of Count Vaughn.

Count Vaughn Hayes Read took a couple of steps back as he crossed both of his arms in front of his chest and leaned to the wall behind him.