
The demonic hunter

Peter was an orphan since his parents death, as such when he turned 16 yrs old he done nothing but being a porter for other parties/teams. After a life or death incident Peter learns that he isn't as normal as he thought. Watch Peter rise from being the weakest to the strongest ------------ Readers note: This story has a slow start and a sort of stupid MC but gradually he will become more powerful then the rest. Also this story has bit of R18 content involved please be mindful on that. ------------ I will try to upload at least 2 chapters a day

Paladin5 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

: Hell on Earth

"Sorry" Peter asked as the director look at him

"Like I said you are expelled" She said with a grin

"Can I ask why" Peter asked as it still didn't believe what he was hearing before the director started to laugh

"Hahahahahaha… sorry but most people think when they are called here is to expelled but let get back to why I actually called you here" She said as she look at Peter die in the eye's "Well, from Leon he says you defeated him in a fight in class"

"Yes director but I only asked that if I win that I can finish that class early that all" Peter replied

"I see, well he talk highly of you and also suggested to remove you from any future lesson in the combat class as he believe it to easy for you" She went on with "So the reason I called you here is to recommend you to the association as that old fart of a head owns me a favour and I can use it to allow you in hunters exam". Peter eyes widen on what she said

"But...is that ok" Peter replied as he look at the director

"Of course it is with my and Leon recommended you can have a good chance being with any guild or working for the association itself also we will take you off of any exam this school will be holding" She said as Peter sat there in shock

"Umm.. I understand that you are giving me a massive push but taking me off exam isn't that a bit of a stretch" Peter said as he wanted to do the exam as it benefits him the most with one being dungeon take over.

"I understand your concerns but we only hold those exams for the association to scout out new and potential young hunters they can support but with my and Leon recommendation we can give you the opportunity to take a hunter exam and during afternoon lessons you can do hunts on planet the association owns" She said as Peter looked at her

"Ok but will you allow me to still take part in the exams" Peter asked as the director looked at him confused

"May I ask why?" She says

"As I see it a good opportunity to learn and improve that all" Peter voice as it was a good way to improve himself if the system decided to block him again.

"Very well you finished for the day right come back tomorrow morning to my office, so that we could start to hunter evolution then" She said

"But don't I need to be in class in the morning" Peter asked

"You can skip it and come straight to my office," She said as Peter left the room, still feeling nervous even without the system Peter could tell that she was no joke.

Peter walked on home as he could see that Alex was waiting for him outside the gate.

"Hey Peter wanna go to the forest now" Alex asked in excitement

"Like I said earlier I can't got something to do" Peter said as Alex furrowed

"Well we could have done this easy" Alex said as he click his fingers as Peter was grabbed from behind by one of the student

"You should have accepted his offer to join" The boy said, holding Peter from his arms as another boy opened a portal into the forest.

"Let go," Alex said with a sadistic smile.

They went through the portal to the middle of the middle of the forest. There were 5 other students waiting there, some in first year while others in second year. One of them was the boy who punched Peter yesterday. The boy that was holding Peter let go before a punch hit him across the face making him fly into a tree. Two of the boys grabbed Peter's arms as Alex walked up to him.

"Sorry about this Peter but the Rose family marked you for death and what to know where lisa is" Alex said before punching him in the gut before continuingly saying "So we can do this easy or hard just tell me where she is and I will grant you an easy death". After that he kept punching him over and over.

"So you want to tell me?" He said as Peter looked at him before spitting in his face.

"Sign have it your way, Timmy" Alex called as the student to grabbed Peter and dragged him here came forward "You know what to do right" Alex asked as Timmy nodded

"Off course boss" Timmy said as he walked over to Peter before turning his hand into iron and grabbing Peter's hand.

"Ahahahahahaha!!!!!" Peter screamed as Timmy broke every finger in his hand.

"You are going to tell us where Lisa is right" Alex voice as Peter said nothing both his other hand was crushed

"Ahahahahah!!!" Peter continue to scream as they didn't finish

"Hey Robert I know he has a regenerating ability and all but we don't have much time so could you" Alex asked as Robert walked up and healed Peter's hands as they got crushed again.

"Still not breaking, huh well off to the next target" Alex said as he summoned his sword out "You see this, this is my sword that is bound with me the crimson fire sword". The sword was a long sword with both yellow edges and red centre as his sword started to be covered in fire. Alex started to walk up to Peter as he tried to struggle out of the hold he was in before his pants were pulled down as his dick was cut off with the sword. Blood starts to gushed out as Peter screams with no end as the rest of the boys start to laugh at him.

'So this is despair huh haven't felt like this since my parents died but still I want to kill him for humiliating me, for tortured me, I want to kill him WANT TO KILL HIM WANT KILL HIM' Peter thought as his anger start to build up.

[Warning Energy surgery detected]

Then they went and cut Peter left ear off as he continue screaming with the thought of kill in his mind as the people there continued to laugh and laugh

[Waring Energy surgery has increased]

"Hey Alex did the Rose family said anything about kill Lisa" A student said as Peter eyes wide

"No but we could allows make a request I bet she in his house right now, why don't we rape her and kill her in front of him that way he could feel true despair" Alex said as he and everyone started to laugh.

"Hahahahahaha" as Peter start to get more angry as his mind went over drive

'Not only are they tortured me but they want to strip everything I hold dear as well, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND NOT ONLY YOU YOUR FAMILIES'

[Warning Energy surgery has increased, the system advice you to calm down]

But Peter continue with his dark thoughts


[Energy surgery increasing dangerously, Appling limiter]

[Limiter fail, the surge has decrease the time for punishment from 12hrs 10 mins to 3hrs ]


[Energy surgery has decrease the timer from 2hrs 30mins to 0]

[Punishment has ended, the user has access back with his demonic energy and system]

Peter thought it still went haywire as more energy surges increased.

[Warning Energy surge has increase MIND from 8 to 10]

[User has unlocked Mind manipulation]

[Warning Energy surge has increase INT from 13 to 20]

[User has unlock demon domain]

[Warning Energy Surge has increase AGL from 13 to 15]

[Warning Energy Surge has increase STR from 14 to 16]

[User body entered unknown territory, the system advice caution]

"Hey look!" A student called out as they all witnessed Peter regenerate penis and ear back back as well as heal all of the injuries. but that wasn't it, his eyes started to turn from purple to demonic red as it paralyze some of the people there.

[New skill acquired: paralyzing Eyes]

"So it looks like I will get round two after….." Alex said before


Alex turned his head to strangely felt pain as he could see his arm missing, as he looked forward to see that Peter was missing and the two holding him had loss there heads

"I'm sorry, but this sword is way to good for the like of you to hold" A voice said behind Alex as he turn to see Peter holding his severed arm and sword before grabbing the sword and crushing it in his hands

"You call that piece of junk a special sword pathetic" Peter start to laugh while Alex couldn't believe what he saw, anger started to envelop him.

"What are you stand around for kill him" Alex order as some broke out of the paralyse and charge at Peter

Peter softly smiled as one of the student who got closes to Peter thrown out a punch

"You are still a nobody in front of...." the student said as his punch came towards Peter as Peter grabbed it with his bare hand and crushed it like it was tissue. The student screamed

"A nobody you say well that funny coming from the guy who had his hand crush by that nobody" Peter said as he grabbed the student by the throat crushed before throwing him to the side. Peter smiled as more of the other student that were with Alex charge in. Each one of the quickly was dealt with by Peter as he killed each one of them one by one.

"This isn't happening Timmy go and kill that fucker" Alex yelled at Timmy as he charged in while Alex and some others ran away.

"YOU DONE IT NOW BOY, I'M GOING TO ENJOY THIS" Timmy said as his fist turned iron as he threw a punch at Peter. Peter just stood there grabbing his punch

"You know I been meaning to pay you back for yesterday" Peter said as he crush Timmy's hand before punching him in the face making fall on the ground

"What that it so disappointment" Peter said while continual laughing as Timmy start to get up in anger

"That it shows some dedication" Peter said as rushed in and punch him as he was sent flying into a tree then fell to the ground. Peter slowly walked up to him and stomped on his stomach while laughing before kicking Timmy into a couple of more trees making him losing concussion.

"Now where the rest of those rats can't let them get away" Peter as a notification appeared

[New skill acquired 'Demon Domain']

[Skill: Demon Domain

Once activated everything in users domain is effected by the following effects:

1: Anyone who enters your domain can not leave unless they activate their own demon domain or the user allows them to leave.

2: ???


Cost: 50 DE every 1km depend on how wide you wish]

"Why don't I use this to help catch those rats" Peter said as he activated his demon domain.