
The Demon System[twice as evil].

Over the years, so many tales have been told, about the great dragon that was cast down to the earth along with his bloodlust demons. It was said that demons took charge and dominated the earth for centuries; these were the darkest ages in the history of humanity. Men tried all they could to fight off these destructive creatures from the planet, but all their efforts were worth next to nothing. These vicious creatures always gained the upper hand, because of their higher intelligence, their super advanced technologies, and mostly, their numerous supernatural abilities, which were beyond human comprehension. Just when all hopes were lost, certain beings, who called themselves, the Celestials, came to the rescue. These beings proved to be more powerful than the Demons. They outpowered the great Satan and his demons and drove them out of the earth. The defiant ruler of the Demons refused to back down. He threatened that the battle had just begun, and soon enough he would reclaim his throne as ruler of the earth. Because of this, the Celestials absorbed as many demon abilities as they could, from the Demon, and reserved them in six books called the mother books so that men could acquire them easily, and be ever ready for the great and terrible return of the Devil, Lucifer. Though some say there was a seventh book whose power remained inaccessible by men, therefore getting lost in history till the arrival of the chosen one. This is a story about a strange lad, abandoned and despised by many just because of his inherent odd personality. After the terrible death of both parents, which occurred in just a day, Oliver was forced by fate to lead the life of an orphan, all by himself in a vast world of unparalleled technology. Not accustomed at all to a life without a parent, he had to survive on his own in the Catholic orphanage in South Dakota. Here in this new world, the young lad decided to forge for himself, a new identity, but It wasn't long before the orphanage decided to check out the history of the new intake. They found out several vile kinds of stuff connected to him, including the possible reason why he was expelled from his former school. Four years later, Oliver found himself in a secret government institute, where he would be trained to harness some strange abilities he never knew he had. Read devotedly to know what the future holds for young Oliver; his journey in discovering his abilities, and how he finds destiny. [ALERT ALERT > LOADING SYSTEM] “what the hell?” muttered Oliver in confusion, as a strange screen obstructed his vision from nowhere. [LOADING°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°] “What in the... No stop, stop loading, I don't want this!” he yelled, his voice edging with dread. [SYSTEM LOADED SUCCESSFULLY] “What is happening to me, am I losing my mind?” [COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING QUESTS, OR SUFFER A TERRIBLE MISFORTUNE] Oliver slumped to the ground and passed out. Okay, guys, I made a massive change in the book. though it's almost the same as the first one, you might find some changes in the gender of most characters, mainly the MC. This is my first system novel. I know it isn't so perfect, but each day I work towards perfection, so please support me with your time and attention as I do my best to load more chapters.

Ebube_Uzoma · ファンタジー
54 Chs

Face to face

The weekend had swiftly passed by, ushering in the dawn of a new week.

It was Monday morning Oliver sat alone by a table situated by the far end of the dining hall; the abandoned table.

Today was the day for the final selection for the upcoming national annual spelling bee competition. A total of three contestants were required to represent the school, whereas there were up to 12 volunteers already. Oliver was among the twelve, and his name was also first on the list, yet he was not taking the competition that seriously, unlike the others who had been moving around with large dictionaries throughout the previous week.

As Oliver faced down to scoop a spoonful of cereal, he noticed that the shadow of a person had darkened the table before him. He quickly raised his eyes. Standing right there before him was no other person but Alex Humphrey; the boy that had caused him a head injury, just two days ago. Fortunately, the injury had already started healing. Now he only needed a single plaster to cover it, unlike the long bandage that was initially used.

Oliver's pulse rate had suddenly increased beyond normal. He immediately stood to his feet, with a cold stare, and clenched fists. At this point, a few students from nearby tables had paused to stare at Oliver and Alex.

Oliver wondered what Alex was there for, though he felt ready for anything.

Alex, on the other hand, didn't look like he came for trouble. He just looked like how the ideal average 13-year-old should look. Red curly hair, a pointed nose, and a little bit taller than Oliver, in height.

The cold inquiring stare in Oliver's eyes soon began to give him the creeps. At this point, he needed no one to tell him that he had to go straight to the point and get out of there on time.

"Why are you here?" Oliver asked.

"Hay... I'm not here to make trouble, trust me. I... I come in peace," replied Alex, with a slightly shaky voice, as he showed his bare hands.

"I just want to apologize... For what I did to you last week," he added, with wide remorseful eyes.

Oliver glanced away.

"I'm so sorry, dude. I never wanted to hurt you this bad," Alex sounded so sincere.

Oliver scoffed, as he looked back at him.

"That explains it, then; you did intend to hurt me, but not just as bad as this," Oliver said, pointing at the plaster on his head.

Jasper just arrived with his tray of food. He was surprised to see Alex standing there, and he didn't look any happy, either.

"What's he doing here?" Jasper asked Oliver, with a mean tone.

"Ask him," replied Oliver, shortly. His eyes were still locked on Alex.

Jason dropped his tray on the table, then went and stood face to face with Alex.

"Just to inform you, if you have a problem with Oliver, then you have one with me, as well," Jasper said in a confronting manner.

Alex looked a bit surprised, but he soon ignored Jasper, turning his attention back to Oliver.

"I think now is the time you got the hell away from our table," Jasper said, rather brusquely.

This time, Alex looked really irritated.

"You sit here all the time, but that doesn't mean you own here. And besides, this ain't your business... Loser," Alex told him, clearly.

Clearly, Jasper was so upset at the comment Alex had just made. All of a sudden, Jasper did the most unexpected thing, leaving everyone in shock. Just as Alex was about to turn his attention back to Oliver, Jasper released a heavy punch by the side of his face.

Alex was totally stunned by what had just happened, likewise those around. Even Oliver, could not believe what Jasper had just done. He was in fact, startled, and as well, puzzled.

Unable to contain his rage, Alex responded with a heavier right hand of his own, forcing Jasper to stagger backward, knocking down a glass of water, and the food that was on the table, in an attempt to support himself. He landed on his back, with both hands on his mouth. He groaned and moaned under his breath, in a hoarse voice.

Other kids had started to laugh, now. This was a very embarrassing moment for Jasper. The shame was too much, he couldn't even stand back up. He remained there on the floor, with his arms folded around his face.

Oliver looked on with unchanging expressionless eyes.

Alex stared down with pity. He came closer to Jasper.

"You know, if you had minded your business in the first place, this wouldn't have happened, yet... I'm sorry if I may have humiliated you."

Alex turned to leave.

"It was a pretty slobby sucker punch, though," he said as he went.

Jasper spat out a tooth and another one. The laughter increased.

Noticing a shadow, Jasper peeped through the little space between his folded arms, only to see an arm stretched out to him. It was Oliver.

Breakfast was soon over. Oliver and Jasper were both on their way to class, through the busy hallway. The bell had just gone.

"Honestly, what exactly were you thinking?" Oliver said to Jasper with a very low voice, so that those passing could not hear him.

Jasper mumbled something, as he covered his already swollen lower jaw with his hand.

"That wasn't wise at all, you can't just punch someone like that, expecting nothing in return. I guess you've learned that the hard way," Oliver said.

Jasper stared at him, looking upset.

"Jesus! Man, can't you at least ask how I'm feeling? This is what I get for standing up for you."

Oliver remained silent for a while.

"You know, I never asked you for any help," he said.

"That's because you don't seek permission before helping a friend," Jasper replied.

"I never wanted your help, and besides, I don't think he actually came to make trouble," Oliver said.

They both approached the noticeboard area. As normal, it was crowded with a bunch of kids. Some of them were already staring at Oliver in the most obvious manner, and that was making him so uneasy.

"So, they say you signed up for the spelling bee," Jasper said to him.

"Oh, yeah, I... I guess I did that," Oliver replied, hesitatingly.

Seeing his name and signature up there on the board, made him so restless. He had a feeling that the person who wrote his name might be watching even at that moment, but no one could tell.

Formerly, he had thought that Ugly was the one who wrote his name and signature, but then he found out that the elf couldn't read or write, not to talk of being so smart to have mastered such a complex signature.

Oliver knew, that someone else was strategically stalking him, and this one seemed more detailed and dangerous.

All along, people have been bringing up talks about him signing up for the spelling bee. All he could do was agree it was him that signed because he knew that any opposition would not go down well for him.

"I'll tell you something, dude; for starters, you must have some really big balls, for you to have signed up for a competition," Jasper said to him.

"Nah, I'm not that," Oliver replied shortly.

"I just wanted to try out some activities, nothing more," he added.

"I get that, but I don't think other kids would agree with that. Some say you're just trying to put up a showoff," said Jasper.

"Yeah, people always have their personal points of view. I shouldn't be worried about that," Oliver replied, as they continued toward their class.