
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Demon Next door: Another day, another project.





TYLER'S CASH: 32,250.

THE VAULT: 133,800.

Tyler and Belfast were awakened by his alarm and the pair smiled as they found they'd cuddled most intently with Tyler full on shoving his face into her massive cleavage and her embracing him like a mother and her child. The warrior smiled as he kissed her.

"Morning Belfast."

She smiled with blue eyes sparkling.

"Good morning Tyler. Not a word in an uncouth manner."

"Sure. and come on."

The pair showered together before getting dressed. Once ready they went to make breakfast for the waking house. Tyler had a paper on the counter with a list of his raiding party members and Belfast smiled at him.

"Focus on ONE task at a time, dear."

"I am, Belfast."

Rias, Kirito, Yoshkia and Asuna came down then in their school attire and the warrior slid the personel list to the copper haired girl while he kissed Rias.

"I'll look it over while we head to school."

"Thanks Asuna. we're doing a raid today since Satuski's that type of bottom liner."

"I like her."

Rias smiled as she got her english muffin sandwich.


"That girl is AMAZING."

"Wow. Alright. and I'm with you tonight."

"Love you too."

Kirito looked at him curiously.


"Takes VERY good care and is NOT SHY at ALLL. Plus is surprisingly flexible."

"Huh. That's kinda cool."

"And add to the fact she's a warship?"

"Yeeesh. Okay do NOT put that image in my head."

Belfast smiled coyly into her coffee.

"So THAT is how boys' talk. MOST intriguing."

Asuna sighed with a smile.

"Idiots. They'e both IDIOTS."

Tyler smiled as he looked at the roster.

"Me, Asuna, Kirito, Asia, Satuski, Xenovia, Akeno, Rasweisa, Koneko, and Bell. So we're a force of 10. Hm."

Asuna came over with Kirito as they headed out the door.


"I'm up front. Since my staffsword moves so fast, if you got in front an I don't see you in time, BAM. Cut to pieces in seconds. Oh. Oh that works perfectly. Okay. I'm up front. You and Kirito are a rank behind me and flanking me here."

He gestured to his right and left just behind him.

"And offset in your directions. I'll open a hole and you do follow up behind me. In the center of the pocket is Asia. She's our pure healer. Either side a her is Satuski and Bell. Satuski is a katana user of extreme skill while Bell dual wields knives. Plus has his own field wiper. That'll be the center of the formation. Behind them is Xenovia and Koneko. Both are agile and hard hitting warriors. Koneko is a bare knuckle brawler with incredible strength and Xenovia is an agile greatsworder. Behidn THEM is Akeno and Raswesia. Akeno is our heavy assault mage and Rasweisa is our heavy assault mage/ spellsword. They're magical artillery."

Asuna whistled as she saw the setup in her mind.

"When the needle hits a wall, YOU'RE injected into it all the while the sher weight of the charge opens the wound further. Then the heavy attackers put the survivors down. In the event the needle bounces OFF, the formation flips. Oh how I WISH we'd had you in SAO."

"Speakin of how you likin the story?"

She smirked.

"I can see how someone like you would be THAT kinda god. And yet? NO I am NOT going to be your girlfriend."

Kirito smiled at this.

"I'm further ahead then she is."

"NO spoilers."

"Not a letter."

Tyler had Rias' hand in his and he kissed her warmly.

"Your club starts Monday, right?"

"Yup. And I'll expect you to get results on contracts too."

"I'll get them."

She nodded as they walked onto the grounds and he hugged her.

"See ya later, Rias. Asuna, we'll go check in with Satuski."

"Sure. Bye Kirito. I love you."

"I'll see ya later, Asuna. I love you too."

Tyler kissed rias and the redhead smirked.

"I THINK a competition is going on Asuna."

The copper haired wife smiled at this as Kirito smirked.

"I think so too. Yet, for some reason? I feel like WE would be the REAL winners here, Rias."

"So do I, Asuna. So. Do. I."

The group split and Tyler went with his second to see the new student council president, Satuski. The black haired girl was already in her throne when they walked in.

"HOW many were you able to secure, Tyler."

He slid the roster over.

"I got ten thus far and am actively seeking more."

She nodded as she read the names.

"I asked for 6 and you nearly doubled it. Good. And I know a few of these names. That Bell though. He is so green."

"TRUE. He IS a rookie. BUT. He is merely inexperienced. And has incredible latent power inside him. Plus. And here's the important bit. He is ABSOLUTELY trustworthy. That guy would rather die then betray a party member. And would gladly swap his life for a friend's."

Satuski and Asuna nodded gravely.

"Trust between operatives IS paramount on a mission. I see how you built this force. and approve."

"I could not have said that better myself, Satuski. Trust is EVERYTHING on an assault force. and being a rookie is NOT a bad thing either. So long as he's willing to LEARN."

The black haired student council president looked at Tyler now.

"When can the first raid be conducted?"

"We can go RIGHT NOW. Alls I'd need do is call muster."

"Good. Do so. I was present at a meeting of Presidents last night and the insults were DEPLORABLE. I WILL NOT be humilated like that again. ARE we clear?"

"Perfectly. Oh hey where's Ryuko?"

"SHE has not yet arrived."

"I kinda thought so. it's been FAR too damn quite for THAT punkrock goddess to be here."

Satuski chuckled at this description.

"She IS a FIERY girl. And a potential recruit?"

"Oh absolutely. The people I am looking for we don't NEED to ask if we can trust OR count on. I'd ask Hestia but i THINK that overreaching."

Asuna nodded.

"I already asked and she said she COULD join us. BUT every monster we'd fight would be a god."

"Oh shit that's right. Satuski, FAIR WARNING. If I am involved with a raid with the characters, there is a solid chance we'd fight bad guys from YOUR respective worlds."

She nodded gravely.

"I was already warned by Ganisha. RAGYO is MINE."

"Okay. What JUST happened in your world?"

"Ryuko and I battled in Kyoto. And she won."

"Okay. Ragyo merged herself with Lifefibers. The ONLY WAY to kill her is with Ryuko's scissor snapping shut around her, or TWO Bakuzans hitting her from opposite sides."

The girl blinked at this news.

"Did we WIN?"

"The first attempt? No. that sporting event thing I can never remember the name of went off without a hitch. BUT. The lifefiber merge. YOU get captured by Ragyo for a few months. And I KNOW."

She glared at him.

"NEVER speak of it outside this room. and the second attempt?"

"You and Ryuko are sisters."


He chuckled at the DUMBFOUNDED expression on her face.

"Yup. She's the younger. Seems Ragyo used her in her experiements too, but her father faked her death."

"So we took Ragyo down together."

"Pretty much. The only REAL casualties were your kamuis and Hime. she was made INTO a kamui as she IS lifefibers. And in a way? She's your sister as well."

"I will consider this MOST carefully. Thank you."

"Sure. Oh. DON'T beat yourself up you didn't see it. NO ONE did. In all of anime the big reveal in YOURS is one a the BEST OUT OF NO WHERE surprises in the medium. Like I had to pause the fucking show from the sheer WHAT THE FUCK."

She chuckled at this and Asuna looked up from a shattering crystal.

"everyone's inbound."

"Thanks Asuna."

The warrior slapped his broach and was equipped with his staffswords and his deagles. Asuna was redressed in her regailia and Satuski hefted Bakuzan as Tyler noted her jacket.

"Junkestu still a pain in the ass?"

She nodded.

"I am used to his strain."

"I can fix it. Here."

He pricked his finger and dripped a drop on the thing and smirked.

"You give her problems, I'll wanna know the reason why. WE clear?"

The jacket pulsed a deep blue and Satuski whistled.

"He is TERRIFIED. And feels better. Thank you."

"Sure. My mind is a torture chamber and it sensed that in my blood."

"Ah. Now you are Raider Leader. Correct?"

"And Asuna is second in command."

"How does your party function?"

The copper haired Asuna stepped over with the formation and Satuski smiled as she saw it.

"A needle based on Tyler's extreme speed and knowledge while the heavy hitting warriors are kept in reserve. I like this."

Tyler chuckled as Bell walked in geared in his armor.

"Morning Bell. You ready for dis?"

The white haired boy smiled.

"I am, Tyler. And Kirito was mad."

"It's a running joke. and I wish I coulda seen his face."

Asuna smiled.

"I was there. Bell comes walking in, and said he's looking for Blackball. Kirito was SOOOO PISSED! I nearly died laughing."

"Worth it."

Kirito came in then with Asia and Xenovia. Tyler smiled as he got a hug off the bubbly Asia.

"Morning Sunshine."

"Morning! I wanna kick some ass!"

"Atta girl. Yo Xeria,"


"Durandal set?"

"And EAGER."


Akeno walked in then with Koneko and Rasweisa. The valkery was decked out in a suit of armor with a flaring skirt as Tyler got a fistbump from Koneko.

"Alright that's the nuthouse. We're going in deep and we got the bodies for one HELLUA run. Caution is the word of the crew. You see something speak up. I'm party leader. Asuna is second in command. Asia, Akeno and Rasweisa are healers. Asia is primary healer. Any questions?"

He got crickets.

"Good. Let's move people."

Asuna smirked as the force headed out.

"Okay. I heard ME say that."

Satuski nodded approvingly as they walked out of the school.

"I did as well. This is going to be interesting."

Tyler smiled before he looked at Satuski.

"So any word on who the strongest raider in the CITY is?"

She smirked.

"A boy by the name of Axe. from what Segoa was able to gather thus far, he is a swordsmen skilled in various techniques and is kills include dragons and lesser gods."

"Hm. That doesn't really mean much, Satuski. I can kill a godking in ten seconds flat with the boosted gear. Dragons even quicker since excalor is MADE to kill dragons. Hm."

"He is currently researching the matter. AND the remainder of the schools."

"They ever do raids on the schools themsevles?"

"Yes. All the time. I have Segi and Gomagory working to secure the school."


"SHE is overseeing the nonathletics department and will have a report for me by the end of the day as it seems nonathletics outnumber the Athletics by two to 1."

"Makes sense. Hm. I wonder. If we get any lifefibers as drops, Satuski?"

"Goku uniforms?"

"They WERE effective."

"True. they served the purpose I envisioned. Yet. Are extremely costly to produce and we already have our powers they granted. So they would be ultimately redundant."

He frowned at this.

"NOT nessecarily. If they merely ENCHANCED the powers one already HAD?"

"I experiemented with this at the first Honoji. And the results were lethal as the abilities nearly killed the subject."

"Damn. Alright that makes sense. Eh I'll figure out another workaround for the time being."

Akeno was heard teasing Bell with her massive rack and Tyler smiled as the flirty beauty was walking in a way her bust bounced. Poor Bell was red in the face at the attack and Koneko had to come to his rescue.

"Okay leave em alone, Akeno."

"Ooooh POO. he's FUN to play with!"

Tyler chuckled as they arrived at the dungeon and he waved at Hestia in her booth.

"Cute. Alright focus people."

"OOOOOH what do we have here? Some Honoji SCRAPS?"

The party looked over to see another group of raiders all garbed in shimmering chainmail smirking at them in their own line. Tyler noted their emblem was a set of red stripes and smirked.

"Soooo who let the walkin fish outta the pond?"

The ladies chuckled at that as a taller boy smirked as he noted the busty ladies.

"HOLY. Dude I did not know chicks HAD knockers like that! Ha! let's see if they're real-"

There was a gunshot and the speaker dropped minus half his head as Tyler pulled his deagle without looking.

"Open your mouths. ONE more time. And they'll bury you in pieces."

The gun was twirled into a holster as the stunned raiders looked at their dead companion as Satuski nodded approvingly.

"They are from the Dixen's School. A few ranks above us in the food chain but still bottom bracket."

"Makes sense. Low class school, lower class students."

She smirked at that one.

"YOU sounded just like Matoi when she tries to rile me up."

"Ha. Alright ladies and you two, let's go to hell."

The Dixen boys recovered then and a slender boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes in a red shirt of mail approached with a smirk.

"I am Reginald Van draken. Leader of this Unit. And I challange YOUR leader to a duel of honor."

Tyler smirked now and walked over to the smug little bastard. Reginald blinked as the hulking warrior walked over and he found he had four inches on him.

"So. Who DARES challange the Demon?"

Kirito whistled as he looked at a smiring Akeno.

"I FELT that in my gut. THAT is a level of badass i aspire to be."

Reginald gulped but kept to his nerve.

"I do. And DO try to amuse me, you dock worker."

"Ha. THIS is a deathmatch."

"Oh FINE. BArbarian oaf."

Tyler pulled his swords and struck a pecular stance with one sword out before him in a leaned forward posture with the other over his head. Kirito smiled.

"Oh this'll be over quick."

Akeno smiled as Reginald lifted a wall shield and longsword.

"VERY. Allow me."

The purple haired beauty lifted her fingers and snapped them.


The black blades glowed a neon black before the warrior exploded into motion with Kirito's ultimate attack that saw the HILARIOUSLY caught off guard Reginald unprepared. the blonde boy screamed in despair that was quickly cut off as the flashing blades bit into his body before Tyler was seen behind him sliding on the dust in a spin and the swords outstretched. He smirked.


Reginald dropped to the ground in neatly diced cubes along with his also cubed shield and sword. Kirito chuckled as Tyler sheathed his swords on his back with a flourish.

"Make a POINT man."

Satuski nodded approvingly.

"Indeed. That wasn't a fight. it was an execution."

"Oh I could NOT agree more!"

Tyler looked over to see another boy walking over with a smirk and fire red hair while decked out in a red coat. This boy was his height with a well muscled frame and had an emblem of a pair of crossed angel wings on his breast and the warrior smirked.


The other boy's voice as a deep rumble as he approached the smirking warrior.

"Tyler. The one that calls himself Demon. I saw that move you used against Reginald. And i thank you for it."

"Oh so you can copy abilities. THAT'S a neat trick not gonna lie."

Axe blinked.

"YOU figured that out frighteningly quick. I sense this city FINALLY becoming fun again."

"Ha. So. Axe the....?"

"Axe the Hellking."

Tyler busted up laughing at this title and Axe was mildly taken aback by the sheer mirth in the act before the warrior looked at him with a mocking smile.

"YOU'RE no king of hell, Axe. I've BEEN there. And I've met the Empress. YOU don't CUT IT."

Axe suddenly appeared behind Tyler with a dagger to his neck ad a smirk on his face.

"And YOU do? As SLOW as you are?"

"Ha. Works like a charm, EVERY TIME."

Axe blinked at this and leapt back as his RAZOR sharp danger sense pinged a full alert at the smile in Tyler's voice before the warrior looked at him curiously.

"You good, bro? Ya look like you pissed yourself."

Aze glared at him now as he saw he'd been played.

"Oh you're INSIDIOUS bastard aren;tchya?"

"I HOPE they don't run outta hair dye soon."


He looked at him curiously, again.

"Dude. WHO THE FUCK WAS TALKIN TO YOU? Asia there wanted to try out black highlights."

The blonde giggled.

"It'd look really pretty!"

She got a pat from Xenovia.

"I'll take you shopping then Asia."

"Yay! Sisterdate!"

Tyler chuckled at her adorableness and looked at the smouldering Axe.


"Shut. Up. I will SET your shool on fire."

"NOT helping your case."

He had a new look of rage on his face and Tyler looked at him curiously.

"You got beat a lot didn;t you? redheaded stepchild that you are."


"Dragon cannon."

Tyler brought his arm up and Akeno laughed as the boosted gear which NOT A SOUL had heard appear was brought to bare on the enraged charge of the idiot. The blue beam slammed into the caught by surprise Axe head on and Tyler smiled.


The barrage of blasts set off a 6.7 magnitude earthquake in the region as Tyler poured an IMMENSE amount of power into the assault before he smirked at the new canyon he;d dug in the city.

"This is OUR town, Axe. YOU just LIVE in it."

The redheaded boy was floating on a pair of devil wings with a look of enraged anger on his face. His lower half of his body utterly GONE.

"Do you know how long it'll take to REGENERATE MY LEGS?"

"Do I LOOK like I care? welcome to MY city bitch."

"Oh it ON you cocky fuck. NOw i HAVE-what the?"

He tried to copy the Boosted Gear ability with his own, but the ability fizzeled out. Tyler smiled.

"See? That's the thing. The Boosted gear relies on COMPATIBILITY. No matter NO strong you are, if the gear doesn't LIKE your soul, NOTHING you do will make it work. So. Enjoy SECOND PLACE!"

Axe's wings lost their rythym for a moment as his frustrated rage at being made to look so STUPID overwhelmed his mind for a moment and Tyler flipped him off.

"Twirl on it."

The redheaded boy screamed in rage at this newst taunt before trying to DIVE at the warrior.


Hestia's voice was heard with a power to it that made them both look and Tyler smiled as the busty goddess was approaching with her own immense power on display in a glowing line. The warrior smiled as he saw her.

"Wow. So THAT'S what that feels like."

Hestia smirked at that before facing the powered up battlers.

"Power down. NOW. Duels of this power MUST be fought in the correct location to prevent injury to civilans. even though I KNOW you don't care about their lives, Tyler. I do."


Tyler powered down before the deagle was firdd again and Axe fell to the ground with a new hole in his head.

"See ya round jackass."

And left the now trapped inside his own mind Axe to his unheard ranting. Satuski clapped approvingly with a smile on her face as they walked into the dungeon.

"MOST impressive, Tyler. We now have our names in places."

"And a certain FEAR too. Oh. Ha. And he KNOWS."

Akeno smiled widely.

"You DELIBERATELY MISSED. Oh I love how your games work Tyler."

"Yeah i get inside your head you already lost, Akeno. Like I said. WORKS LIKE A CHARM, every time."

Asuna laughed as Kirito looked at him.

"You good?"

"Oh yeah. Boosted gear relies on emotions and mental discipline to function."

"Ah. And Starburst stream merely uses the body."

"THAT one has a cooldown. I can't use it for another fifteen minutes since it's a strain."

"50 hits in ten seconds, it makes sense."

The party took the elevator down and tyler cracked his neck as he hefted his staffsword.

"Alright. WHO'S next?"

"Okay you can let ME have a few one liners too."


The party walked into the dungeon and were nearly immediately pounced on by a mass of 10 foot tall ogres all wielding axes. Tyler smiled as the party got into formation and the war was on. he dove into the first set spinning his staffsword with wild abandon and blinding speed that tripped dozens of the meaty green skinned beasts while Kirito and Asuna dealt deathblows either side of the bowling ball like warrior. Akeno and rasweisa channeled their power with smiles.


"Nordic BARRAGE!"

The two powerful ladies' spells slammed into the backranks of the attackers and the results were devestating as Bell used his own impressive speed to carve through the legs of his opponents before Koneko was there to shatter skulls. Xenovia and Satuski had teamed up with the two powerful ladies dropping ogres between them and Asia was humming in the untouched middle as she watched her powerful friends work.

"This is fun!"

They chuckled at her joyful squeak as Tyler was heard.

"Akeno! Buff em!"

"Oh my! electric Edge!"

"Heavenly HELL!"

His now lightning infused blades hummed as he spun them in another devestating routine that saw him burst from the rear of the pack and was faced with an empty tunnel.


He looked behind him and smiled as Kirito and Asuna pulled teir swords from the necks of the last two ogres.


Asuna was smiling widely as the bodies started exploding into dust.

"Okay THAT was a good run, Tyler. NOTHING got CLOSE!"

The warrior chuckled as the loot was collected for later splitting.

"we good?"

Satuski nodded as she looked up from her pack.

"A mere warmup. a most splendid battle formation indeed."

Asia was casting a healing spell on Bell's arm.

"we're good! An ogre moved the wrong way! just a scratch though."

Bell smiled.

"Thanks Asia."

"You're CUTE!"

Tyler blinked/

"UH-OH. Akeno."

"I got her. Asia!"


Bell smiled nervously as he walked over to the warrior.

"I THINK she was messing with me."

"Sadly not mah man. Asia's too sweet to know HOW to screw with somebody."

"So she likes me?"

"Dunno. why she is going to be interrogated MOST intensely by her friends there."

"Okay. Um. I'll do something else."

"Ha. You'll be fine. Alright we good?"

Asuan nodded.

"we're set."

"Let's keep it moving."

The friends walked along the dungeon now in the formation with Tyler in the lead keeping a VERY close eye on their surroundings before they came to a large chamber with a smooth floor. The warrior nodded.

"Sack up. we found the floor boss."

They walked onto the ring and a magical barrier arose around them before a 75 foot tall naked giant landed with an earthshaking slam on the floor before them. Tyler smiled as he recognized the dark skin and white hair.

"Hey it's Golaith. it heals and has a sonic boom roar. Watch yourselves ladies."

The friends nodded as Bell gulped.

"Come on Bell. are ya THAT much of a WUSS? Hestia believes in ya. So why don't you?"

That one reached him and he smiled.

"Thanks Tyler."

"I gotchyer back bro. Argonaut ready?"


"Alright. Satuski, flip em."

The black haired girl smiled as she flipped down a set of blue bands as Akeno and RAsweisa cast their powerful spells to keep Goliath off balance while they prepped.


She was encased in a set of bikini armor and Tyler smiled as he looked at Kirito.

"Dual starburst."

"Dude. You're a badass. I'm set."

"Bring it down!"

The party rushed the massive beast with a roar and Tyler growled as he and Kirito mirrored stances.


Asuna was there with her own offering as she waved her hand and spoke in an eldritch language before smirking.

"Flaming HALO!"

Satuski was slashing at the giant with her katana.


Bell had his glowing hand up.


Xenovia smiled as she slashed her holy sword at the ankle of the beast.

"Divine SLICER!"

Koneko was throwing balls of white fire at the giant while a pair of cat ears and a cat tail appeared on her body.

"Cat's flame."

Akeno had her own immense pwoer on display with her fallen angel wing out.


And Rasweisa was there with her own addition.


Goliath roared in pain as the immensely powerful attacks slammed into it en mass and it's roar was cut off in seconds. The thing stopped moving and the party pulled back as it shattered into an immense dust cloud and the loot dropped.

"GOOD kill everyone! How we holding up?"

Satuski was panting from the strain of using Junkestu.

"We are uninjured. But drained of our strength."

"Alright. Load up and we'll head out."

The heads nodded tiredly and the mass of loot was loaded into their backpacks before they headed for the surface. Kirito was panting lightly and Tyler patted him on the back.


The boy in black chuckled at that one.

"Dream come true?"

"YOu will NEVER understand just how right you are."

"Ha. And you dide the burst twice. You good?"

"hm? Yeah. My arms will hurt like HELL in the morning, but I'm good. I try for a third I MIGHT tear something though."

Asuna smiled.

"ONE raid like that per day, Tyler. Sorry. We're not suicidal."

"Sure, Asuna. And I don't think I CAN go raiding again today."


Bell was smiling as he rubbed his arms.

"That was fun."

The friends smiled as they returned to the surface and went to hestia's booth. the goddess smiled as Tyler led them over.

"Well done, Tyler. and don't worry. the damage was repaired and those caught in the blast healed outside Axe. So. whatddya get this time?"

Asuna came over with a list and Hestia whistled.

"damn. Not bad for a 10 member party. Payout is 750,000 dollars."

They whistled and Tyler smiled as he took the suitcase.

"We'll talk shares in the room everyone."

They nodded and Satuski let go of her ear.

"The school is secure."

"Thanks Satuski. We'll be just in time for lunch."

"MOST impressive."

The friends headed back to the school and the student council room where the masses of loot were set on the table. Then he faced the tired friends.

"Half of everything we earn money wise is set aside for the party. It'll be for things like supplies, equipment, and that kinda stuff."

Satuski pulled a fresh clipboard over.

"Who is the party tresaurer, Tyler?"


"Sure. I'm actually the treasurer for Rias' club too."

"None better for it. Satuski, think you can be our quartermaster?"

"Certainly. That is the supply master as well?"

"Yes. And the one that helps set up trips to further out dungeons."

"Thinking ahead. Good."

Tyler looked at the money.

"Okay. MAth. Me. a FIGHT to the death. Me, Asuna, Akeno, satuski, Xenovia, Koneko, Asia, Kirito, Bell, and Raswesia. so 10. 750,000 by 2 is 375,000. that by ten nets us 37,500. Not bad everyone."

The shares were taken and then the loot boxes were laid out. Tyler smiled.

"These at least are easy. Match names and go from there. And those we know."

The boxes were divvied and Tyler smiled as he had one for himself and one for Yoshkia. NExt was the crafting materials. Kirito frowned as he looked the hides, claws, metals and the like over.

"Some of these are shit and others are really high teir Tyler. whaddya think?"

The warrior frowned as he sat back in his chair.

"Not sure exactly. PArt a me wants to hoard all crafting mats we find so we're never short on anything, same time there's the matter of storage."

Satuski smiled.

"Never worry about storage, Tyler. We have ample room for your material as your club has already proven itself to me."

"Alright that's a plus. Yet ANOTHER piece a me wants to sell it all as more money is more useful then a mass of raw materials."

Asuna smiled.

"That's a the rookie in you taking, Tyler. You're NOT WRONG. But. Money is only HALF the needed resource. I suggest we hoard it all because we can sell it in a dry spell and use it to drive costs down."

Tyler smiled.

"Thanks Asuna. Alright we're playing hoarder. if you want something speak up."

Bell smiled as he claimed a light blue fur pelt.

"I'll take this and see about a blanket for the goddess, Tyler."

"I heard nothing."

"Thank you."

Satuski made a VERY detailed inventory of the material leftover before the next was a mass of spells and Tyler frowned at this.

"Are there BANNED SPELLS to our knowledge?"

Ganisha's ball appeared.

"Yes there is! And HERE is a LIST! some schools DO use them however and it is YUR choice to do so!"

"Thanks Ganisha."

Tyler passed the book to Satuski.

"I will have these examined and catalouged Tyler. I will make it so ALL spells are verified before being distributed."

"Sure. Just keep the banned spells as a surprise reserve and tell everyone we DON'T USE THEM."

She smiled.

"MY plan EXACTLY. We think alike."

"YOU are one HELLUVA war leader, Satuski."

She smiled warmly now.

"Thank you, Tyler."

Akeno smiled knowingly.

"Oh my. Is that a COMPLICATION I detect?"



Tyler chuckled at Akeno's mild surprise.

"Sorry Akeno. RIAS' place is NOT up for debate OR challange."

"Oh my. Well. GOOD."

He smiled and Asia perked up.

"So you ARE building a harem, Tyler?"

"eh take it or leave it. Interested?"

"Yup! YOU'RE an actual badass!"

He chuckled at that.

"Ask Rias."


Akeno chuckled at THAT stipulation.

"Okay I LOVE that. I'll talk to her too."

RAsweisa smirked.

"Me too. i want my own hero DAMMIT!"

Satuski chuckled at this as Tyler looked to her.

"Perhaps, Tyler. I wish to know you more."

"Sure Satuski. We're only in the same CLASS ya know."

She smirked.

"Do NOT prank ME."

"Ha. I prank EVERYONE. what makes YOU so special?"

"I control how many raids I can demand from you."

"YOU'RE in those raids. You REALLY wanna give yourself that much extra work?"

"Dammit. He has a point."

Asuna chuckled as she passed the rubber banded pile of spell cards to the student council president.

"He's an idiot and his pranks are semiharmless."

Koneko shrugged.

"I'll ask Rias too."

Tyler smiled at her and then noted the rest of the loot had been divvyed. He looked to Satuski.

"Do we have a party vault, Satuski?"

"You do. And I'll give Akeno the key."

"Alright. Good work today everyone. rest up cuase we got another one tomorrow."

They nodded.


They laughed and went to lunch. Tyler smiled as he found Rias waiting for him at the table from yesterday. The redhead smiled warmly as her boyfriend kissed her.

"I saw you fight with Axe from the roof."

"Happy to impress you my Empress."

She smiled warmly as he sat across from her with a pizza he'd bought for them to share for 15 bucks.

"YOU are AMAZING with the Gear. And I heard Axe has the ability to copy powers?"

"He does so long as he CAN use them. So your flames or Akeno's thunder isn't for him. Same with Drake."

"Which means."

"He'll get a copy of Valy's power and the war is on for real."

"You'll win."

"I already did."

Rias smirked at that.

"The mindgames?"

"Yup. NOTHING he is MATTERS TO ME. And he knows it. Plus the fact i AM inside his head will weigh on him no matter HOW slightly. Now add to the fact i did everything to him I DID? Yeah. He is going to be FOAMING at the mouth for a rematch. BUT. with the sheer amount of DAMAGE i did to him? We're looking at at least a month of recovery time."

The redheaded devil nodded.

"And in that time you will EASILY triple your power."

"Yeah. I got what I needed from that fight, Rias. That guy is FAR too used to being the big dog in the yard. While WE are USED to taking down top dogs."

She smiled at that and he kissed her again.

"I was worried."

"The dungeon?"

"I have my own residue."

"I'll be sure to help with that."

She smiled and he held her hand.

"Oh. Asia said she wants to join."

And like that Rias had a new smirk of intensity on her face.

"And WHAT, did you tell her?"

"I tol her to ask YOU."

She busted up laughing at the nonchalant reply.

"GOOD. ANSWER. So recruits are MY descretion?"

"And a way to let you know WHO is joining."

"Okay that's fine. Akeno?"

"Akeno, Koneko, RAsweisa, and Satuski wants to get to know me more."

"Wow. Xenovia?"

"Well. SHE and ASIA need to have a CHAT. Seems our little blonde thinks Bell is cute."

"Oh CRAP."


"We'll take care of her."

"Good. Bell's like her a lot."


"Yeah. He's a good guy though."

she smiled and they fed on greasy pizza before the period ended and he kissed his girlfriend.

"See ya later, Rias. I love you."

"see ya later, Tyler. And we'll still meet at the clubroom."

"See ya there PRESIDENT."

She smacked him with a smile.

"Get outta here you cocky prick."

He walked off chuckling at her smiling offense and went to Raswesia's class. the sexy valkery was seated in her chair wearing a fresh suit of blue and had a tired expression on her face as he walked in.

"Hey there RAsia."

she smiled warmly at the warrior.

"That was fun Tyler. And I'll talk to Rias about your harem."

He smiled and stole another kiss off her soft lips.

"Looking forward to you."

"Me too."

"Oh yeah. Should try lettin em breath a bit, Rasia. No WONDER you're having trouble breathin."

she chuckled at the cocky ask and undid a SINGLE button on her shirt.


He chuckled as the single button allowed her bust to bounce a bit.

"That's ONE way to put it."

"NO I am NOT blowing you in class."


He sat down as the valkery shook her head with a fond smile. Akeno walked in then with her won smile and Tyler noted she was breathing lightly.

"Hey Akeno. You good?"

She smiled warmly as she sat in front of him.

"I am, thank you. That was a fun raid."

He smiled at her and took her hand.

"I guess we CAN hold hands now since I'm the second."

Rasweisa smirked.

"Now HOLD ONE Akeno. I WANT to be the second."

Koeno smirked as she walked in.

"Don't kid yourselves. I am."

Tyler just laughed as the girls made their war declaration.

"Now this is gonna be fun. Be CIVIL about it though."

They nodded and Akeno smiled as she looked at him.

"YOU still owe me a full massage."



Tyler smiled at Koneko's and Rasweisa's fury.

"I give my girls massages. Surprise!"

Koneko smirked.

"NOW it just got serious."

They chuckled at that one as the rest of the class came in including Asuna. The copper haired girl dressed back in her red and blue school uniform and was rubbing her wrist.

"You good Asuna?"

"Yeah just my wrist is a little stiff. I banged it kinda hard ona bad block."

"May I?"


She passed her wrist over and Tyler give a light twist and harder pull. There was a click and she shuddered.

"OOOOh that felt kinda good. Think you can teach Kirito this, Tyler? i trust you an all, but,"

"I get it. Sure."


He smiled as he let her go and she did a few movements.

"Better. Thanks a lot."

"Sure. If you feel it again ask Asia for a healing spell cause that'll mean it's the nerve."

"Will do."

Yoshkia came in next and the witch was all smiles as Tyler gave her a hug.

"Hey Yoshkia."

"Hi Tyler! Did you win?"

"Yup. Did you?"

"Yup! Luccini's REALLLY bendy! And likes to lick!"

"damn. I might wanna try her."

"She's a lotta fun."

Tyler smiled as he hugged her again and Asuna put her head on her desk in pain.

"OOOOH Yoshkia. You hurt me."

"eep! What'd I do?"

The copper haired girl patted the ditzy cutie.

"We'll talk LATER."

"Kay! Hey what are you like in bed Asuna?"

Tyler busted up laughing at THAT serious faced question! So did Akeno and Rasweisa while Koneko just slumped. Asuna? SHE had a new worry on her face while Yoshkia smiled at her. Completely UNAWARE of her own airheadedness. The class started and Tyler let his friends recover in peace as he took notes and kept watch. The period ended and he went to his meeting with Rias. Asuna came uo beside him at one point.


"Sure, Asuna. I think she's a bit of a player."

"I have a class with Mina. we'll talk to her."

"Watch yourself, Asuna. she seems a jumper!"

she smirked dangerously at him and he walked away with Akeno. the purple haired beauty laughed as they walked.

"I did NOT see that one coming!"

"I kinda did. In the show Yoshkia was kinda touchy feely with the girls."



The friends arrived at rhe schoolhouse and Rias was already seated in her chair with the rest of the club present. Tyler smiled and kissed her upon entering.

"Oh come on."

He kissed her again.


"Sit down you arrogant idiot."

"Love you too."

The warrior sat beside Asia and the happy blonde wasted NO TIME in snuggling RIGHT up against him all smiles.

"I asked and she said sure! I'm second!"

He patted her fondly as the other three had their negotations with Rias.

"I think a war was declared on that end, Asia."

"I'm a blonde."

He snorted at THAT valid point.

"Okay fair enough"

The room minus a GLARING DEATH Issei chuckled at that one. Koneko came over and settled between his legs and Tyler smiled.

"wow Koneko."

"Don't say it."

"You're really warm."


He patted her and she flexed a hand.

"I am allowing this as it feels good. I will break your hand if it stops."


Akeno and Rasweisa came over and the purple haired beauty smiled as she got his left arm and the valkery had to sit on her other side. Rias smiled warmly.

"So now we need to set a few MORE rules Tyler."


He looked at the group.

"Rias is the primary. PERIOD. HER spot is NOT up for challanging. Rest a the slots GO FOR IT. BUT. NOT. Hers. we clear?"

They nodded and Akeno smiled.

"No sabotaging cuddletime ladies. Let's do better this time."

Tyler smirked.

"And we can only go, as far as me and Rias have gone. She gets any and all firsts."

The redhead smiled at this.

"I love that and deal."

Asia smiled.

"We'll get the details from her on just WHAT you two have done to each other, Tyler."

"Sure. And since you're all devils, just toss your summon circles and I'll use it for a night's cuddles. Rias gets first call though."

Akeno smiled.

"NO monoplizing cuddles anyone."

Rias smiled sheepishly.

"We're working on that."

Tyler nodded.

"I got her tonight. and Yoshkia friday into Saturday. Sunday's Akeno since we kinda got screwed out of our last one."

Asia smiled.

"I call Monday!"


RAswesia smiled.

"I'll be fine with Tuesday. DON'T MAKE THE JOKE."

"I won't. Koneko? You fine waiting that long?"

"It's fine. Long as I GET my cuddle."

He hugged her.

"You will. And hangout time is a first come first served."


Rias looked at him.

"I think that's the last one?"

"I do too. if you all want something or wanna do something leeme know."

They nodded and he hugged them with his mismatched wings.

"Welcome to hell!"

They laughed and Asia giggled as he had his fallen angel wing around her.

"This tickles!"

Xenovia smiled as she looked at Tyler.

"So I'm interested."

"Sure Xenovia. Rias?"

"Sure. She's a good cuddle too."

The blue haired girl smiled and Tyler looked at her. She was a ruggedly beautiful girl a head shorter then him with short cut blue hair highlighted by a strip of green. her skin was fair and her eyes a lovely shade of blue. Xenovia's frame was slender with a large bust on her well cut chest while her outfit was a track shirt and jeans. her voice was a firm yet warm falcetto and she sat on Asia's other side for her own wing hug. Which made her smile.

"That other guy would NEVER have thought of a wing hug. I kinda like it."

"You okay with waiting a week for cuddles, Xea?"

"Sure. Since we go to the same school and all. Just try not to make me feel forgotten?"

"Sure. If any of you DO feel like that, speak up. I don't MEAN TO I swear. But sometimes I DO get wrapped up in my own pet projects."

Rias smiled.

"Like raiding the dungeon?"

"And whatever bullshit idea I come up with. Where do ya think my stories came from?"

"HOW bad?"

"My world had a global lockdown due to a pandemic and well. I didn't HAVE to leave the house, so I didn't. I didn;t set foot outside that house for THREE SOLID MONTHS. Actually it was closer to four. And only left my room to eat, shower, shit and THAT'S IT."

She whistled.

"Okay. IIiiiif that happens I will make sure to remind you the outside exists."

"Love you too, Rias."

She smiled before Koneko rested her head on his chest.

"Oddly comfy."

"You's a cute spaceheater Koneko."

The white haired girl smirked.

"I'm a hot cat. i know."

"Atta girl."

Asia was enjoying her snuggle and Tyler looked at rias.

"So what ARE we doing tonight?"

She smiled.

"Oh nothing. Just getting back into the routine of meeting up."

"wanna go out?"

"I'd love to!"

"well. Come on."

Tyler got up and Rias took his hand as he kept his wings out and they flew out the window without looking back. Akeno chuckled as she looked at Asia.

"Yeah NO question there who's the favorite."

Tyler was smiling widely as he flew with Rias in hand.

"Now THIS feels better then I dreamt it would."

The redhead had a happy smile on her face as they soared three miles above the city.

"I feel it too."

"Oh there's a zoo."

"Too tropey."

"fly date it is!"

She smiled as he kissed her then pushed her lightly. The redhead flipped on her height with the impetus and he fell on his height too. The pair turned a light loop that crossed in the cross section but Tyler gripped her hand and they were spinning round and round in the sky going ever higher before they split and fell into another set of loops that almost seemed like a pair of playing kittens tumbling over each other. The warrior smiling widely as her grabbed Rias in a sudden hug ad held her so tightly she was half afraid he'd kill her.

"I love you, Rias."

She smiled as she held him just as tightly.

"I know. And I am LOVING this."

HE kissed her ad they split again.

On the ground Akeno was watching the pair of dots in the sky with tears in her eyes at the dance they were putting on.

"You can FEEL how much he loves her in the way they're moving right now RAswesia."

The Valkery smiled as dhe watched.

"She does too. And from the way SHE'S dancing up there? IS simply ESTATIC."

Asia was holding Xenovia as they watched the Warrior flying with his Devil.

"I could watch them for hours."

"ME too."

Koneko smiled.

"I wanna join them."

Tyler and Rias danced in the sky for several hours before the redhead's belly rumbled and he kissed her.

"wanna get dinner?"

"I'd rather snuggle on the couch with some pizza."

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"I'd like that."

They dove for the ground and returned home with a rush of wings. Rias was all siles as they walked in and were met by a note on the fridge in Belfast's hand writting.

"We saw the dance all across town dears. We are out for the next several hours if you wish some privacy. Belfast."

Tyler smiled as he ordered up a few pizzas and Rias kissed him.

"I'm NOT looking for a big finish here. Just a REALLY romantic first date."

"I can make that happen. You see a movie you wanna watch?"

"Hm. Jurassic Park."

"Atta girl."

They sat on the couch and he kissed her as they got comfy.

"we should get our OWN couch for our room, Rias."

She smiled from her spot on his chest.

"we should. We've got the funds."

"I added my half to the Vault."

"Good. I did too."

He pulled his laptop over and pulled up a furniture website. Rias smiled as he looked at her.

"See anything you like?"


They scrolled for a few minutes before she found on.

"That works."

"A fully restructurable sectional? WITH additional pieces available? sure. that works. We can basically create our own cuddle bowl."

"OR cuddle cave."

"I love you too."

She smiled and he stroked her blood red hair affectionately when the pizza guy arrived. Then the movie was set to play while they fed o good cheese. The pair unwound after a long day and the redhead yawned HARD when the movie ended and he lifted her in a princess cradle.

"Come on my Empress."

She smiled as he carried her up the stairs.

"As you wish, My Dragon."

He kissed her as they went into their room and she smirked.

"I'LL undress myself thank you very much."

"Well damn I was kinda enjoying this."

She chuckled as he tossed her to the floor with a spin that made it seem as if they were dancing again. She landed in a twirl and he had her on the return spin that saw her bend over backwards before they WERE dancing. But to the music of their hearts with wide and happy smiles on their faces as they moved around their room with a happy and light energy before Rias was pulled in close at the finish of the unheard song.

"I love yu, Rias."

She smiled and kissed him.

"I know."

They showered together and afterwards he carried her to the bed, which made her laugh and they snuggled up together. Rias smiled with such joy it made him shiver as he kissed her.

"Good night, Rias. I love you."

"Good night, Tyler. And....that was the everything I HOPED my first date WOULD be."

"I'll be sure to make sure the next one is JUST as awesome."

"I....please. I don't want to lose just how GOOD I feel right now."

He hugged her and she shivered at the feeling.

"You won't."

"I....believe you."