
The Demon Lord Moves In With Humans

1 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Time To Go

The demon lord has spent all her time in the library since the war ended 25 years ago and no one has seen her but her royal advisor. after reading all the books in the library and getting plenty of time to rest she finally leaves.

"I wonder how things have changed"

after she leaves she immediately goes to her room to get changed into some formal clothes. she then leaves her room and heads outside to make a speach. "Hello citizens of the empire, I am aware of the problems that my sudden dissapearance may have caused. I will try to fix as many as possible before I depart." as she finishes her sentence a sudden uproar arises from the crowd. "please calm down. I won't be leaving for a while so please, hear me out. I plan to go to the humans nation and explore their world." The crowd falls silent awaiting an explanation from the Empress however, a response never came, instead the Empress walked back inside the castle preparing for her departure.

After months of helping the citizens she finally leaves for the humans. as she reaches the border the now seperates the two nations she passes over and two the nearest city where she finds an inn to stay the night.

"I really need to be more careful. I was so excited I almost forgot to disguise myself with magic." She then begins to unpack and inspects the items she brought with her; the royal families heirloom which is a chinese, double egded straight sword, a leather pouch with enough money to last her a while, and casual clothes.

the next day she heads toward the capital, then the swordsmanship academy. once she reaches the academy she tries to enter but is stopped by a guard at the front gate. "excuse me miss, but only students are allowed inside the academy." as she stands there stunned by the guards words she remember that she is no longer the empress of the demonic lands, but merely a citizen of the humans. "s-sorry I'm here to enroll into the academy." the guard stands surprised that a young, pretty woman like herself would want to enter the swordsmanship academy, yet still lets her in and escorts her to the headmasters office. "so your saying you want to enroll in the academy" says the headmaster just as surprised as the guard "yes, I would like to enroll into the academy. Is there a reason I can't?" she says annoyed " No, in fact I would love to have you at the academy. you can start next year as a first year transfer student, cant wait to see you." she walked out of the academy and a awaited her first day at the academy.

Her first day was finally here and as she walked towards the academy she saw all the other students walking towards the academy. once she reached the gate she was instructed to head to the sparring grounds. once she reached the sparring grounds she looked around and saw a small stage, a dirt floor, and seats surrounding said ground. she found a seat and waited for something to happen. after a while the headmaster appeared and started speaking. "Hello students of aria academy, I hope you are all well. this year we have a special student to introduce, xena, our first female student in hundereds of years." xena was surprised "Hundreds of years, I wonder if it could've been her." the headmaster continued with the speech and then the students headed to class. their first class was just an introductory class where they all got to know eachother. after the class was over they all went home and Xena went to sleep immediately once she got there.

The next day, they started basic sword training. Xena sat it out and instead meditated in the back. one of the boys snuck away and tried to scare Xena but as soon as he attacked her she deflected the sword and put her own sword, up to the boys throat, whilst brimming with killing intent. as soon as the instructor felt it he ran over to see Xena"s sword against the boys throat. "what is happening over here." once Xena heard the instructors voice she quickly surpressed her killing intent and sheathed her sword. "I'm sorry instructor however, he did swing at me first." the instructor looked appalled. "Xena..." the instructor said "fight me" Xena looked surprised "fight you?" "yes draw your sword and fight me." Xena followed his directions and drew her sword with smile on her face. once she drew her sword the instrustor attacked. Xena then blocked his sword and stabbed him, although once she realized what she'd done she quickly stopped. she layed the instructor down and healed him using magic. the instructor was surprised that he'd been beaten by a first year and sent everyon home early.