
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · 都市
128 Chs

Chapter 47 48

Chapter 47: Explosive News

Out of the blue!

The news of Steve and Bruce rushing back to the US on a private jet eventually got out, as expected, due to the pervasive media. The room was packed with dozens of people, and given their status, it wasn't feasible to have them sign a nondisclosure agreement, so it was unrealistic to expect verbal promises to keep a secret for more than a day.

In fact, this was all part of his plan. Sometimes, news that is covered up is much more enticing than that which is openly shared. It was a way to start attracting some attention, to pique people's curiosity and interest as a form of pre-launch hype.

So, by the time they arrived at the CoBIS No.1 lab in Los Angeles, the news that Steve Hawking was secretly participating in Bruce Lee's gene research project, with the century's tough problem ALS potentially being solved, had spread wildly, taking on various versions.

The lab's entrance was completely blocked by a dense crowd of media and interview vehicles, with a well-prepared security team stationed beyond the barricade, creating a lively and bustling scene. The work phones in their offices were blown up by a swarm of media seeking interviews.

However, all related personnel had already aligned their statements: Mr. Hawking's visit was at the invitation of Solar Corona Company to participate in a certain scientific research project. As for the specifics of the research, due to business confidentiality and personal privacy, it was inconvenient to disclose at this time, and they thanked everyone for their concern.

Yeah, right!

The media were all internally raging. To them, this was like knowing a stunning beauty was bathing and changing inside a room, only for a thin curtain to be drawn, with all the key parts completely hidden. They could only catch a glimpse of light, feeling incredibly anxious and helpless, driving them absolutely mad.

This time the fervor was unlike any before, with Steve Hawking, Bruce Lee, and ALS creating a buzz that was exponential. Even Lee Xinyi from faraway China called out of curiosity, showing the wide-reaching impact.

It quickly dominated prominent spots in all major media outlets—the only reason it wasn't front-page news was that Solar Corona Company and Hawking were completely uncooperative, with no material or breaking news to report.

In such an awkward situation, some had to piece together whatever little information they could gather from interviews to form a semblance of a report; others started to pull in experts and past research materials for a major discussion on the possibility, sparking heated debates; and there were those who simply didn't like Bruce, now openly mocking and spreading rumors, which surprisingly gained a significant audience and increased sales, much to their delight.

As time went on, this trend didn't cool down due to the silence of the parties involved, especially in the United States, but instead heated up even more. Before long, almost everyone found Bruce Lee's name appearing frequently in various media outlets, as if failing to mention this hot topic would render them irrelevant.

Some observant individuals discovered that Bruce Lee was like a natural spotlight, always able to attract the media and public attention. News about him never ceased throughout the year, whether it was gossip, criticism, or scientific achievements, touching on him was guaranteed to sell, making many celebrities envious, with many models and newcomers trying to throw themselves at him or revealing their one-night encounters with Bruce online...

So, under these circumstances, when Bruce still nonchalantly visited the sets of "Ashes" and "Wonder Woman," followed by a large group of paparazzi and media reporters, it put the security of both productions on high alert, guarding the exits to prevent any intrusions.

Despite some uninvited arrivals, the production teams were more than happy, knowing well that Bruce Lee was the hottest topic at the moment. His presence was undoubtedly a boost for the new films, promising a brighter future. Moreover, for the Ashes crew, it was well-known that he was also an investor in the film.

Since the last call with Bruce and his agent Nancy, Rachel seemed to have grown a lot.

Returning to the set, she avoided conflicts with anyone, even treating the gossip Madeline with courtesy. Yet, her performance improved significantly, winning over everyone in the crew, including the praise of veteran actors, genuine compliments that showed our sunshine girl Rachel was finally settling into her role with ease.

Moreover, she became more cautious and attentive in her interactions, quickly becoming the most popular young person in the crew with her outstanding talent, sunny disposition, amiable nature, and non-petty background.

When Bruce visited the set, Rachel didn't have any scenes to shoot. The beautiful girl was so happy her eyes nearly closed, and she didn't hesitate to give him a big hug. In contrast, Philip Walters, who always followed her like a shadow, stood back, shifting his eyes nervously, not daring to look their way.

"Philip, what's wrong?"

Rachel eyed him suspiciously. Why

 did he seem so afraid of Bruce? Had there been a past conflict? She had only heard whispers but shrugged it off as the crew member awkwardly excused himself, and Rachel, busy with her scenes, had pushed it to the back of her mind. Seeing Philip's reaction now brought it all back.

"It's been a while, Philip," Bruce said with a warm smile, waving at him. "I heard you've been very responsible on set and taking good care of Rachel. I've been wanting to thank you for a while."

Philip's expression was bizarre, almost contorting his features into a knot as he approached hesitantly, answering in a tone that was a mix between crying and laughing: "No... no... no need to thank me, it's all part of the job. Oh, no, I mean, I'll continue to work hard..."

It seemed Clyde's makeover for this supervisor was quite successful. If it weren't for Bruce not wanting to expose him, Philip might have kneeled down by now, but he could only humbly please him instead.

Bruce stepped forward and shook his hand, "I believe in you, and I'm very satisfied with your performance, Philip. Keep up the good work. I'll consider giving you some rewards."

Philip, after making sure he wasn't being sarcastic or speaking in reverse, almost burst into a smile, "I'll do my best, Mr. Lee."

His attitude wasn't surprising. After overcoming initial fear and anxiety, Philip quickly realized that as long as he stayed on Rachel's good side, the spider demon Clyde wouldn't cause him any trouble, and might even throw him a compliment now and then.

This overjoyed him, making him even more eager to suck up, something he was very skilled at.

Moreover, once the shadow of terrifying punishment was gone, not only did he not feel any discomfort or odd sensation in his body, but he also found that both his physical and mental states were improving. He was no longer the frail, debauched mess he used to be, and even his thoughts became clearer.

Making love all night without feeling tired was just explosively awesome. He became much sharper at card games, winning a decent sum every now and then, making his card buddies curse in astonishment, "Holy shit."

After getting rid of the climber, Bruce symbolically inquired about the shooting progress before leaving the studio to head to the "Wonder Woman" film set.

This made the paparazzi and reporters ecstatic, finally having some material for news. They captured photos of him entering and exiting the set and talking with the creative team and Gal, probably even thinking of the headline for the next day.

However, when he was about to take Gal out of the set for a date, the last Cadillac, driven by a bodyguard, suddenly made a sharp turn and blocked the road, stopping the long line of paparazzi who were following for more shots, leaving them cursing furiously.

Marcus's trained bodyguards, though fierce and formidable, weren't feared by everyone, especially the paparazzi.

In the U.S., paparazzi are a highly professional occupation, treating celebrities as prey, spying and photographing them around the clock.

Despite the decline of newspapers and journalism being seen as a poor profession, entertainment magazines still turned a profit thanks to them.

These paparazzi shared common traits: young, male, competitive, often nomadic - they had to stay on the hot trail and keep the excitement up. Stalking, speeding after news, illegal entry, bribing informants, and secret alliances were all part of their daily life.

In big cities like New York, information hubs like Gawker were established, where anyone could anonymously post sightings of celebrities, creating a pervasive network akin to a net of heaven, truly formidable.

Ron Galella, considered a pioneer of global paparazzi in New York, followed Hollywood star Marlon Brando for years. Annoyed, Brando once knocked out five of Galella's teeth. Guess what? Galella continued to follow Brando, wearing a protective helmet. He took millions of photos in his lifetime, published six photo books, and many of his works were permanently collected by museums.

So, despite the robust physique and sharp gaze of Bruce's bodyguards, the paparazzi didn't back down, not showing the usual fear or submission ordinary people might. They cursed openly and even pushed their cameras into the bodyguards' faces. If one were to punch that annoying face? Great, following Ron's example, tomorrow's news would feature Bruce Lee's arrogance and his bodyguards assaulting people on the street.

However, they didn't succeed. The professional bodyguards stood like cold, lifeless steel in the middle of the street, unresponsive to the paparazzi's provocations, making it impossible for any car to pass.

These silent tough guys blocked the street for a full two minutes until Bruce's car was long gone. As disgruntled passersby started honking, they finally drove away, leaving a line of paparazzi looking at each other in frustration, unable to do anything.


Chapter 48: Paparazzi and the Dog

However, the reason paparazzi are notorious is their relentless determination to achieve their goals. Even after losing track of Bruce and Gal, some wouldn't give up so easily. Like those planning to complain about a bodyguard blocking traffic, or the persistent pups that continued to follow.

And then there was Larkin Lynch, a star reporter for "Soap Opera Digest."

Under the cover of night, this seasoned paparazzi carefully climbed a large mulberry tree. The tree, with its dense canopy and large leaves, offered a perfect view of Bruce's Beverly Hills mansion's backyard, separated only by a street about a dozen meters wide. With a 300mm telephoto lens, this distance was not a problem.

Secured with a harness and turning off his flashlight, Larkin pulled out his night vision binoculars. His vest, filled with pockets, was like a magician's bag, ensuring he had the right tool at the crucial moment.

From this vantage point, he could see several main rooms of the mansion. The dim figures moving behind the windows made Larkin smirk. "That damn brat, so arrogant, refusing interviews. Wait till I get a shot of him and Gal cozying up, we'll see who's smiling then."

There were many like Larkin who despised Bruce, but few had the opportunity to act on it. Larkin, a doer, knew capturing a scandalous story could cause trouble for the Chinese genius and embarrass him. Given Bruce Lee's fame and recent global buzz, any juicy news could net a six-figure payout in USD.

Larkin could almost see the green bills waving at him. Shaking his head to focus, he realized now was not the time for daydreams. Missing a golden moment would be regrettable.

After scanning the area again with his binoculars and finding no activity (some curtains were drawn), Larkin adjusted his position for comfort and began to lazily surveil the area.

Perhaps it was instinct, or maybe habit, but he reveled in secretly spying on others, feeding a dark thrill within him.

"FUCK! It's good to be rich!" Larkin muttered under his breath at the sight of the mansion's high-tech luxury and vigilant bodyguards. He couldn't help but fantasize about his own wealthy future while his binoculars wandered.

Then, out of nowhere, a massive, terrifying head filled his view, nearly causing him to fall. If not for his harness, he might have plummeted to the ground. Cursing, he steadied himself and looked again, only to see a huge black dog under the cover of night, barely noticeable until it was right in front of him.

The dog had a massive head, thick lips, and a wrinkled face that hung down to its neck, giving it a somewhat grotesque appearance. Larkin, not a pet person and clueless about dog breeds, didn't recognize it as a Neapolitan Mastiff. All he knew was it looked intimidating.

But at this distance, he wasn't scared. After cursing under his breath and about to look away, something felt off. The dog's glowing green eyes seemed to pierce the distance and foliage, staring straight at him, its drooping eyelids adding to its menacing look.

"Damn, that's creepy!" Larkin mumbled, doubting the ugly dog could actually see him from so far. Pushing aside his unease, he returned his gaze to the mansion, still seeing nothing of interest.

A few minutes later, driven by some unknown impulse, Larkin checked back on the black dog's position.

It was gone!

He scanned the area but found no sign of it, only two bodyguards passing by. Unless the dog hid in the bushes, it likely left.

"Must've been my imagination," Larkin sighed in relief. But soon, he sensed trouble as two tall bodyguards emerged from the mansion's back door, pointing towards his hiding spot and approaching fast.

"No way!" Panic set in. Larkin hurriedly packed up and scrambled down the tree, nearly landing on his backside. He made a quick escape to his car hidden around the corner and sped away, breathless and puzzled.

"How the hell did they spot me? Were there hidden cameras?"

Full of questions, Larkin eventually calmed down, driving away and already plotting his next move.

"Think you can get rid of me that easily? Not a chance!"

Unbeknownst to him, a black shadow followed his car closely from behind, silent and swift. It was the same black Neapolitan Mastiff, unrecognizable to Larkin but unmistakably the same dog with its eerie green eyes and somber demeanor.

Neapolitans are among the world's most dangerous dogs, known for their brute strength, sharp teeth, and ruthless nature. Trained ones become excellent guard dogs, once favored by the mafia for spreading fear and asserting power.

Oppenheimer, the experimental dog named by Gilbert Gordon, was highly intelligent and capable of understanding complex commands. It had combat abilities far beyond ordinary dogs, making it an ideal nocturnal assassin for dealing with a mere human.

All that was needed was to ensure the troublesome paparazzi met his end far from prying eyes.