
The Demon lord's Curse

In a fantasy world full of corruption, slavery, discrimination and magic. Young Leo was caught up in an accident at a very small age which made him gain magic and also lost his eye sight, but that didn't stop his unwavering dream to find his mother and bring her back home. Now he has to travel round the world looking for a cure for his sight and also in search of his mother who was saperated from them. A/N: This is all i can say i can about the story i don't want to spoil anything further. My first novel, Enjoy

bjbrown · アクション
2 Chs


Letrov a small village that South East from the Imperial capital, it is a sea side village. Most of the residents are fishers while few are farmers, they survived on what they cultivated with their hands without the help of the King of the Imperial Capital, but yet they paid taxes, the village has survived through the hardship for a hundred years and it was all due to the strong will and mindset of the villagers.

Apart from Taxes, another major issue they had was the climate, it is quite messed up and lots of natural disasters occurs. On most case lives are lost.

Just like other days the men will head to the river banks to tend to their boats and get some fish, while the women will go to the farmland to harvest their crops since this was the harvest season and it was due.

The sky was dark full it lots of dark clouds, the Fisher men immediately parked their tools and went for cover incase of any lightning shock, women carried their children into the house, everyone was prepared.


"Leo, stop running and come inside!!" An angry girl barks at her junior brother who was running up and down playing without the care of the world

The girl had dark short hair and blue iris with huge breast, it dangles up and down as she chased after the little brother.

"Catch me first big sis, hahaha" The boy continued running around their house, he has short black hair and blue eyes just like his sister.

"You are too old for this Leo" She was paranoid but still continued her chase until it she saw her hair rose up to the sky, she knew it was coming.

The lightning became more violent on the sky and the thunder echoed really loud.

"Bend down Leo and cover your head!!" She shouted and bend down to take cover

"Huh??" Leo didn't understand what was happening. His short hair rose up, unlike His Sister who saw it as a warning sign he saw it as a sight to behold, he was elated to see his hair raise up like that. But all the happiness vibe vanished as he looked up to the sky, as if time slowed down he saw his death right in front of him and that was a lightning strike


Three months later

As usual Everyone went one with their daily activities the Fisher men went to the port to fish women went to the farm while abled children help their mothers and grownups helped their fathers either with the fish or tend to the livestock it was nice in Letrov

"This is the third month now and he hasn't woken up, what a pity" Three women sat together under the three to protect thselves against the scorching sun as they begin their daily gossip

"Yes, truly a pity, after all he is only six years of age"

"You should imagine what the sister is going through since she is the one fending for them, the father drowned in the river and the mother was taken to the capital as a slave since she couldn't pay up her tax"

"I doubt if she is still alive"

"Such a pity"

Meanwhile, In an old wooden house the house of Leo and his sister Ana. Ana had finished tending to the little pigs behind the house and feeding the chicken, she decided to take a break and prepare lunch. She enter the house, at her right was a wooden bed which Leo was sleeping on, his body was almost transparent, his hair was pure white and all his veins were visible to the normal eyes.

Ana walks towards Leo and places her head on his chest and after a while she lets out a sigh of relief and covers his body with some piece of cloths stitched together.

She picks up her Apron and walks towards a hanging pot and filled it water beneath it were some firewood, she arranged them and picks up two stone and begin to clap them together until the fire lit up

After mixing the ingredients and food content into the boiling pot she went outside to recieve some air. As she sat outside lonely she reminisces on the event that occured so far throughout the years, from her father's death to the accident that happened three months ago, she began to sob and cry, until a crashing noise was heard inside the house, making Ana rush inside and behold it was her dear brother sitting upright on the wooden bed.

His iris were white and his eyebrows too.

"Leo..??" Ana rushed to his dear brother and hugs him crying her eyes out calling the attention of other villagers nearby.

After some get together moment, two things were now discovered, Leo lost his sight and sense of taste. But yet his Ana wasn't bothered by it at all, she was overjoyed for the first time in three months

After weeks later.

Leo was now familiar with his lack of sight and his new life style. He was outside the village, under the tree looking straight at the big buildings of the Imperial Capital as though he could see them with his bare eyes

Leo uses his hand to look for his staff, after touching the group several times he touches his staff as he was about to stand up and leave he trips on his the Trees root and was about to his the floor when a sudden air burst comes out from his palm and he was floating on the air, he tries using his leg to touch the ground but he couldn't find it, he was hovering on the air, in panic he began to move carelessly not knowing he was entering the village via the air.

The villager looks at the flying figure of little Leo and rushed to call out for his sister Ana. Ana chases the flying figure of Leo until he lands violently into a farm

"What happened??" Ana asked but Leo didn't know what to even say he was blind to begin with, Ana carries Leo back to the house.

Later that day In the evening fast asleep when all of a sudden he appears in a white room, it was pure white and to Leo greatest suprise he was able to see in the room. He looks around and to observe the place more and sees a floating purple ball like object in the middle Leo hovers towards it and makes an attempt to touch it until it spoke to him

"I wouldn't advice you to do that, I dear say" It spoke. shocking Leo

"You can talk?" Leo asks

"Yes I can" It replied

"Then can you please tell me where I am" Leo asks, childishly looking at his environment again

"You are in your head" it answered

"In my head?? but how"

"That I don't know but all I can say is that you are in your head" it answered and both of them keep quiet

"It's seem like you are blind" It asked Leo

"Yes I guess, how did you know"

"If you were not blind you could have noticed the floating display in front of you' A type of hologram screen showing the village activity comes face to face with Leo but still he couldn't see anything.

Leo shakes his head side ways

"I thought so, well now you are here let me get back

down to details, you experienced yourself taking flight didn't ya" It asked

"Yes I did" He answered

"That's magic"

"Ehh??, I thought magic was hereditary, and the moment any child is born they will be a test to check if he is capable of performing magic then will be sent to the Imperial Capital"

"So that's why I couldn't sense any magical presence" It mummers to itself

"Ehh what's did you say?"

"Anyways, you have magic and am going to teach you how to utilise it. Swipe you hand in the air" It's says to Leo, and Leo did ad he was told and a holographic template appears infront of him

Name: Letrov Von Leonard

Realm: Human Seed

Race: Human

Class: ??

Level: 10

Health Point: 30

Mana Point: 20

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 1

Wisdom: 1

Luck: 1

Intellect: 1

Magic Affinity: Fire: lv 10, Air: lv10, Dark: lv1

Special Ability: ??

'Dark??, How did this kid get such affinity'

"Well kid I'm suprised for a kid of three years old you are pretty something"

"I'm six" Leo says

"Ehh?? Seems that's news to me. Well I guess you can see this since it's your status"

"But are they good" Leonard asks childishly with eyes of expectation

"Hmm.. very good in fact" It's answered

"Yay.." Leo hovers up and down

"So Leo kid, ill be your teacher from now on, and for your first lesson, you'll have to sense magical presence and energy around you. Since you don't possess the physical eyes, I'll will give you the eyes that sees all. The Magical eyes"