
The demon lord's Awakening

A new Arc

Daoistb9HBgz · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Preparing for the Future

As the year progressed in Elden's Reach, Leo's eighth birthday approached with the weight of impending decisions. Each day brought him closer to the age of ten, when he would officially receive his class designation—a moment that would determine much of his future path.

Elden's Reach continued to be a beacon of peace and community, but Leo often found himself walking its boundaries, gazing out towards the distant hills and forests that marked its limits. He was becoming increasingly aware of the world beyond, a world filled with complexities and challenges that awaited him.

In his quiet moments, Leo continued to train with his wooden sword, each movement now ingrained with the fluidity and precision of years of practice. The memories of his past life as Lucian lent an ancient depth to his skills, a mastery that belied his young age.

One crisp autumn evening, as the family sat around the dinner table, Leo decided to broach the subject of his future.

"Mom, Dad," Leo started, his voice steady despite the nervousness that tingled in his fingers, "I've been thinking about the academy."

Sarah and John exchanged a glance, sensing the seriousness in their son's tone.

"We've been saving up," John said warmly, trying to offer reassurance. "We want you to have the best education, Leo. The academy is the best place for someone as gifted as you."

"I know, and I appreciate it," Leo replied, his eyes grateful yet filled with a complex storm of emotions. "But I also know it won't be easy. There are things about me... about my past... that make this more complicated."

Sarah reached across the table, taking Leo's hand in hers. "Whatever challenges come, you won't face them alone. We'll be here for you, always."

That night, as Leo lay in his bed, he allowed himself to fully embrace the enormity of his past as Lucian. He had once been a king, a ruler of a great land, faced with decisions that had shaped the destiny of thousands. Now, as Leo, he was a villager's son, preparing to enter a world where his past could either be a tool for greatness or a mark of danger.

Over the next year, Leo's preparation intensified. He read every book he could find in the village library, learning not just about history and magic, but about diplomacy, strategy, and leadership. His evenings were spent discussing these topics with his parents, both of whom offered insights from their own experiences as soldiers.

The villagers noticed the young boy's growing intensity and often commented on his maturity and the thoughtful look that seemed permanently etched on his face. "He's going to be someone important one day," they would whisper among themselves as they watched him pass by.

As his ninth birthday passed, Leo felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension about the coming year. Soon, he would travel to the academy, where he would be tested and judged, where he would have to navigate the intricate social hierarchies of nobles and commoners.

But more importantly, he wondered about his class designation and the mysterious conditions surrounding the appearance of his weapon. Will my past as Lucian influence my class? What about my weapon? Will it ever appear? These questions lingered in his mind as he continued to prepare, his determination fueled by the desire not only to meet but to exceed the expectations set before him.

As the leaves began to fall and the air turned colder, marking the end of another year, Leo stood at the edge of the village, looking out towards the horizon. Whatever comes, he thought, I am ready. For I am not just Leo the villager's son, nor am I solely Lucian the former king. I am both, and I will forge my own path.