
The demon lord's Awakening

A new Arc

Daoistb9HBgz · ファンタジー
58 Chs

A new Skill

As the academic year progressed at the Arcanum academy, Leo continued to excel in his studies and training, carefully managing the complexities of his social interactions with peers who both respected and envied his unique abilities. Amidst this, an unexpected development during one of his specialized training sessions revealed a new dimension to his powers as a Soul Reaper.

It was a misty morning when Leo joined a small group of students for a specialized training session designed for those with unique classes. The session was led by Master Edgar, a veteran mage known for his expertise in ancient and rare magical arts. The goal was to help students explore and potentially expand their unique abilities.

As Leo took his place, scythe in hand, he felt the familiar weight of expectation from his peers. They watched with keen interest, whispering among themselves about the mysterious Soul Reaper and his enigmatic weapon.

"Today, we focus on channeling your inner magical energies into your weapon," Master Edgar instructed, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious training chamber. "Let's see the extent of your connection with your artifacts."

As the students began their exercises, Leo centered himself, taking a deep breath as he had learned to do when he needed to connect deeply with his scythe. The air around him seemed to thrum with energy as he raised the scythe, feeling the pulse of his own life force intertwining with the ancient weapon.

Suddenly, a surge of power flowed through him, more intense than anything he had felt before. Instinctively, he directed the energy towards the blade of his scythe. The air around the blade shimmered, and with a swift motion, Leo swung the scythe, releasing a wave of energy that materialized into a spectral form, resembling a wraith-like entity that hovered briefly before dissipating.

The room fell silent, the other students and even Master Edgar staring in astonishment.

"Remarkable, Leo!" Master Edgar finally exclaimed, his eyes wide with both surprise and excitement. "You've just manifested a 'Soul Echo,' a rare ability even among Soul Reapers. It seems you can summon and manipulate soul energy, creating constructs from the essence of life itself."

Leo looked at his scythe, his heart racing with the realization of what he had just done. This new skill, 'Soul Echo,' felt like a natural extension of his abilities, yet it was something he had never anticipated.

As the news of Leo's newfound skill spread across the academy, reactions were mixed. While many students were genuinely impressed, others, particularly those who harbored jealousy, viewed this development with suspicion and increased resentment.

"Why does he get all the rare powers? Just because he's a 'Soul Reaper'?" muttered one student, his envy poorly concealed.

Yet, amidst the whispers, Shane approached Leo with a thoughtful expression. "That was an impressive display, Leo. It's clear you're destined for great things. Sure you won't reconsider joining the council? Your talents could really benefit the school."

Leo, mindful of the political undercurrents in such an invitation, smiled politely. "Thank you, Shane, but I think I still have a lot to learn on my own before I take on any additional responsibilities."

Later, as Leo practiced alone, he contemplated the implications of his 'Soul Echo.' This ability to manipulate soul energy not only connected him more deeply to his class as a Soul Reaper but also to his past life as Lucian, where he had grappled with the responsibilities that came with power.

Determined to master this skill and understand its potential fully, Leo dedicated himself to exploring the limits of 'Soul Echo,' conscious of the eyes watching him, both in awe and in envy. He knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with his scythe and a resolve as sharp as its blade.