
No one said to me this is a premiere viewing for a movie

I had never attended a party outside of the Castle. Whether it was the Autumn banquet or the wedding, it was always in the Castle's Great Hall. 

So, my concept of 'big' was limited to the Great Hall. But, damn...I was ignorant. The metropolis city of L'Anaak Eed had a lot of big utility buildings, including those used for seminars, business conventions, and parties.

Well...naturally, they couldn't do any of that in the Castle like us. 

The Hall itself was located in the middle of a vast garden with several bungalows and rotundas, which was a tourist attraction in itself during the day. A whole yard as big as a football stadium was dedicated to a parking lot, and there was a beautiful-looking tall spire on the corner of the estate that functioned as a public watch tower. 

Still, those were just accessories compared to the main Hall.