
The Demon King

What would happen if all of the bad people in history be them thieves, rapers, killers, madmen, Psycho-shitty people, jerks, dictators, and evil people, in general, didn't die or didn't lose? What would happen if all of these people succeeded in their evil dreams, or works? Have you ever wondered, what would happen if Hitler didn't die? Will the world of today still be the same? What would happen if Oda Nobunaga managed to survive the assassination, and united Japan under his rule? Will Japan be the same one of today? What would happen... What would happen... What defines Evil from Good? Why doing this is something good but doing that is something Evil? What defines light from darkness? Why everything that has lighted upon it is considered good, but anything that has darkness upon it is considered bad? What would happen if the sickest person, the Evilest, that demons fear him is set free, free from all the shackles and chains that bound him. What will he do? Will he lose himself to his inner self? Will he fight for his new ambitions? This is a Tale of a young man, who is not from our world, nor from a world, we know of, this is a tale of a young man, who made a pact with a devil, a devil that became his companion. A devil, that became witness to the rise of the demon king. How did this demon King that made heavens hells and hells heavens, become a demon king? Hahahaha, read his story! This is the tale of the demon king!

The_King · 戦争
4 Chs

Organising The Legion!

My blood was hot! My blood was boiling! Seeing them screaming Zero, these bunch of shitty criminals, made me excited! Now is time, time to start my mission here!

Raising my hands ordering them to be quite, I continued.

"But of course those shitty mongrels, Justice Suckers, Fucking heros! Will try to stop us! Why? Because we are evil to them and they want to destroy evil, in the name of justice and world... Fucking hypocrites! They just want to keep their power, they are afraid of a rising dark horse who will make them fall from high up in the sky!"

"Yeah! Hypocrites!"

"Justice my ass! Screw them!"



"That Dark Horse shall be us! The Legion! The Zero Legion!"

"The Legion!"

"Zero! Zeros!!"

"The Zero Legion!"

"We shall kill all who oppose us! We shall rape all who are beautiful to our eyes! We shall steal from all who we deem as rich! We shall sweep this world of Armiria! We Shall make our enemies tremble under our name! And our suppressed brothers and sisters to raise their heads high with pride!"





Raising my hands again, ordering them to be quite, I continued.

"But we Are to weak to do that, we need to get strong! We need to get stronger! You need to get stronger! Go back to the town, grab all you stuff, and come back here. We shall venture outside to train! As for this town...we shall return...and return to conquer we shall! The Legion!! ZERO!!"








"Boss, the black dogs gang had a change in leadership. Their leader who is called Zero, changed the gang name to The Legion."

"The Legion, hemp what an ambitious name!"

"Zero also ordered all the members to pack up and leave the town for the wildness."

"What a stupid move, who can survive out there with just a 1000 men? Who cares about what their leader is thinking, get the men ready, there will be a war for their territory when they leave."

"Yes, Boss!"



Similar conversations were happening all around the town, be them big, medium, and even small gangs.

Even the nobles closed their eyes on the upcoming battle. trying to interfere is making enemy of all the participating gangs, which is a self-destructive move.

The Town of Morag, will see a bloody moon the next few weeks...



"Line up, 4 men in each line!"

"Form Up!!'

"Move your asses!"




I had them make a 4 men lines or columns, (Call it what you want) and had them march toward the wilderness.

Of course I sent scouts ahead of us to search the surrounding of our destination. A Small area near a medium sized river and the big forest. In the map I got from the town, this spot or area is far away from the roads and any nobles or the Kingdom territory. We can fish and hunt for games, as well build a huge base for many uses such as training purposes.




It took us about 4 days to arrive at our destination, of course we got attacked many times by wild animals on the road, but we arrived without casualties only some injuries here and there among the men.

For the first night, I ordered the tired men to set up camp, cook the hunted games.

Tomorrow, we will start building the camp by cutting the trees for wood. As well as hunting games in our surroundings and catching fishes in the river.

As long as I'm not too rushed and be patient, this place can become my Kingdom since who will be crazy to attack me here?




It was a quite night, no one nor anything disturbed us while we were asleep.

I was looking at the dark empty sky, wondering if my decision of leaving the leadership of the gang into his hands, was the correct one. Most of the men thinks that I was beaten along side the others that's why we handed him the leadership. I could have called all of the men and swarmed him with numbers...But I didn't.

He is a Devil (😈), I feel a cold shiver on my back when I remember what he showed me, and what he said to me. That guy is fucking dangerous!!

(remembering, just think of it as a flash back of that moment Helen is talking about)

„I want your shitty men to be my first warriors and you are going to be their commander, why? You are all weak? Useless? So Why?

It's because I can make you stronger, so I don't need haughty too much demanding men. Plus You are no ones, and no ones I can easily control. I want you to see this.

With a flip of his hand the space shook and twisted, and a black gate was opened in front of us with two Demonic like features. Black Horns, red eyes, a body of a human but reddish in colour and huge in size. He mentioned for me to follow him, and what I saw made my heart stop beating for a sec. A Huge Majestic with Demonic features Castle. Guards similar to the ones we saw at the gate all around the castle, in the walls, towers, gates, some training, others farming and sowing??!

All of them bowed their heads and said 'My Lord' when we passed them. My Lord??!

we entered the castle on foot, he said something about wanting to show me the inside. and the same thing happened here, but this time it was diverse, be them men or women, old or young all of them bowed and said 'My Lord','My King','Your Highness','Your Majesty'...

We want all the way to the castle where we entered the hall. The moment we entered a dense amount of men/Demons??!? were bowing and yelling, 'Your Majesty'. He walked directly to a throne built atop burning fire with a dragon coaling at it was, and set on it. he mentioned for them to stand up,then looked at me and said,

"Welcome to my Kingdom. "Hell" This is my Home, and your new home, The Legion Home."



Home....Fuck, the men are gonna piss them selves tomorrow.


Sorry for the long absence....

Hope you enjoy this one.

I'll try my best to write more and faster. Any feedback would be great!



The_Kingcreators' thoughts