
The Demon King's Villain System

Hello, my fellow demons disguised as readers, It's your king talking. I was a Demon King, and I still am…kinda… I am talking to you through a villain system God gave me. Yes, you heard me right…A God…I made a deal with a God and am being forced to do some heroic shits I normally wouldn’t do. But I didn't become a Demon King by doing easy things. So Your Majesty is on his mission to break the system and find a way to kill The GOD….Because no one…Not even God can control me… Join me on my journey, little demons, in this magical fantasy world where I plan to become an absolute ruler while having fun with lovely ladies because why not?

don_offl · ファンタジー
11 Chs

First Heroic Feat

After the dust settled from his confrontation with the bullies, Lucifer's anticipation for what came next was immediately rewarded. A chime resounded within his mind, followed by a new notification from the system:

[Congratulations! You have earned 3,000 Heroic Points. You may now spend these points to select a power or spell. Choose wisely]

Lucifer's grin widened. "Here we go," he murmured, eager to reclaim a fraction of his former power.

As if summoned by his excitement, three tabs materialized before his eyes, each shimmering with golden letters that outlined his options.

"First up, we've got 'Minor Healing'. Heal small wounds or alleviate minor ailments. Handy, but I'm not playing nurse," he scoffed, dismissing the option with a wave of his hand.

"Next, 'Shadow Mimic'. Create a duplicate image of myself to confuse enemies or act as a decoy. Trickery could be useful, but it's a bit too on the nose for a former Demon King," he mused, considering the strategic applications but ultimately looking for something with more immediate impact.

"And finally, 'Blink' allows for short distance teleportation. Now, this is more like it," Lucifer declared, his excitement palpable. The strategic advantages of such an ability were immediately apparent to him. Yet, he chose a few moments to consider his options.

"While Minor Healing and Illusionary Double have their uses, Blink aligns best with my style. With Blink, I can maneuver in and out of combat, evade attacks, or close the distance to my enemies in the blink of an eye. It's not just about escape. It's about control and the tactical edge it gives me in a fight. Plus, the element of surprise is invaluable. A Demon King must always have the upper hand."

Then, without hesitation, Lucifer selected the 'Blink' ability from the system menu. As he did, the points were deducted, and a rush of knowledge flooded his mind—how to activate the spell, its range, and its limitations.

"Ah, there's the thrill," he said, a smirk playing on his lips as he felt the newfound power coursing through him. 

"Let's see what kind of chaos a Demon King can unleash with a bit of teleportation."

With 'Blink' now at his disposal, Lucifer felt a step closer to regaining his former strength—and perhaps, in time, surpassing it.

After unlocking the power of Blink, Lucifer stood at the edge of the village, gazing out over the snow-dusted rooftops with a contemplative expression. The irony of his situation wasn't lost on him—a demon lord turned village hero, all in pursuit of power and a strange sense of obligation to the young man whose body he now inhabited.

"Archer Godfrey," Lucifer mused aloud, "you got dealt a shitty hand. And here I am, cleaning up your mess." He paused, the weight of his new existence settling on his shoulders. 

"But a demon lord always pays his debts. Even if it means playing the hero in this backwater place."

The quest to seek justice for the Godfrey family and make Elisa see the error of her ways loomed large in his mind. The thought of taking on Elisa and Prince Roland, however, was no small feat. Both were entrenched in the kingdom's power structure, shielded by their status and influence. To confront them directly, Lucifer needed more than just a single spell at his disposal. He needed an arsenal, and for that, he needed Heroic Points.

"Looks like I'll have to play the hero around this village, helping these peasants with their mundane problems," he grumbled, the distaste evident in his voice. 

"More powers mean more points. And more points mean I can finally take on that bitch Elisa and her princely fuckboy."

With a new resolve, Lucifer turned his attention to the village. He could see the myriad small ways in which he could intervene—helping with repairs, aiding in the fields, maybe even dealing with local threats. Each act of 'heroism' would earn him the points he needed, inch by inch bringing him closer to his goals.

"Fine," Lucifer sighed, a devilish grin spreading across his face. 

"Let's start playing hero, then." With those words, he turned around, stepping back into the village with a newfound purpose.

His steps were light, almost mocking the role he was about to play. But behind the facade, his mind was already calculating, always looking for the angle, the advantage, the loophole.

"Time to rack up those Heroic Points," he muttered to himself, ready to embrace the absurdity of his situation. 

"Let the games begin."

As Lucifer strolled through the village, his presence elicited harsh whispers from the villagers, their disdain for Archer Godfrey palpable in every word.

"There goes the ruin of our village, wandering like a lost pup," a burly man with a face hardened by the elements muttered as he passed by.

"Godfrey's folly has cost us all. How dare he show his face?" hissed a woman, her eyes narrow and unforgiving, as she clutched her shawl tighter around her shoulders.

Amidst the scorn, Lucifer's attention was drawn to an old, dilapidated house on the edge of the village. The roof was in a sorry state, with tiles missing and the remaining ones barely holding on. An old woman stood precariously on the unstable structure, cursing loudly.

"Damn those gods and damn that Godfrey boy! Not a single one can keep the rain off an old woman's back," she railed against the heavens, her voice filled with frustration.

Just as the words left her mouth, her foot slipped on a loose tile, sending her tumbling towards the ground. In an instant, Lucifer activated his newly acquired Blink spell. To any onlooker, it would have seemed as though he vanished from where he stood, only to reappear beneath the old woman in the blink of an eye, catching her in his arms. The transition was seamless, a mere flicker, like the snuffing and relighting of a candle flame.

[Congratulations! You have earned 50 Heroic Points for aiding the elderly.] A chime in his head announced the addition of 50 Heroic Points for the rescue, a small consolation for the trouble.

Meanwhile, the old woman's shock was palpable. "Oh! Bless you, young ma—" Her gratitude died on her lips as she recognized the face of the man who caught her. 

"You! It's because of your damn family I'm in this mess!" she barked, her previous relief turning to anger.

Lucifer, still holding the woman in his arms, felt a flicker of annoyance at her sudden change of heart. 

"Oh, shut it, you old bat," he retorted sharply. "I just saved your ungrateful ass, and this is the thanks I get?"

Without further ado, he unceremoniously dropped her into a nearby snowdrift, not bothering to cushion her fall. The woman sputtered and cursed, flailing in the snow, but Lucifer paid her no mind. 

"Saving people only to get spat on. What a fucking fantastic day," Lucifer muttered under his breath, turning away from the scene with a shake of his head. Despite the ingratitude, he couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction from using his new power. 

"Let's see what other 'heroic deeds' this village has in store for me," he said, sarcasm dripping from every word as he set off to find his next ungrateful rescuee.