
The Demon King's Villain System

Hello, my fellow demons disguised as readers, It's your king talking. I was a Demon King, and I still am…kinda… I am talking to you through a villain system God gave me. Yes, you heard me right…A God…I made a deal with a God and am being forced to do some heroic shits I normally wouldn’t do. But I didn't become a Demon King by doing easy things. So Your Majesty is on his mission to break the system and find a way to kill The GOD….Because no one…Not even God can control me… Join me on my journey, little demons, in this magical fantasy world where I plan to become an absolute ruler while having fun with lovely ladies because why not?

don_offl · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Dark Spawns

As the discussion unfolded, a shy voice cut through the classroom's atmosphere, "How can I become a mage?"

The curious child's question about becoming a mage was met with immediate laughter from some of the other children in the class. 

"Become a mage? With what magic? You can barely climb a tree!" one child jeered, eliciting more giggles from his peers.

Lucifer, still watching from afar, snickered at the scene. "Typical humans," he thought. 

"Always ready to pull each other down instead of lifting up. Mocking dreams instead of encouraging them."

Unlike the children, the teacher, a beacon of patience and understanding, didn't laugh or scorn the curious child. Instead, she addressed the question with the seriousness it deserved. 

"To become a mage, one must first undergo an energy sensing ritual. This ritual will determine if you have the ability to use mana or solar energy."

This piqued the interest of another child, who asked, "What are those?"

The teacher, seizing the opportunity to educate her eager audience further, explained.

"Mana is a form of energy that mages use to cast spells. It's drawn from the world around us, a source of power for those with the talent to harness it. Solar energy, on the other hand, is a type of mana that isn't used by mages. It's utilized by fighters, warriors, and archers, granting them strength and abilities beyond normal human capabilities."

The children, now completely engrossed, listened intently as she continued. 

"Fighters and warriors don't use mana. Instead, they draw upon solar energy to enhance their physical abilities and endurance in battle."

"And what about archers?" another child chimed in.

"Archers use a bit of both," the teacher answered. "They primarily rely on solar energy but also utilize a small amount of mana for precision and to empower their arrows."

The conversation took a serious turn when a child, perhaps inspired by tales of adventure, asked about assassins. The teacher's expression hardened slightly. 

"Assassins," she began, her voice firm, "rely on neither mana nor solar energy. Instead, they use potions, gadgets, and their weapons to carry out their tasks. But remember, children, assassins are not heroes. They live in the shadows, and their path is one we should not aspire to."

A moment of silence followed her warning, only to be broken by a hesitant voice. 

"I heard about something called dark spawns. What are they?" a child asked innocently.

The atmosphere shifted palpably, the teacher's demeanor becoming even more serious. 

"Dark spawns," she said, choosing her words carefully, "are beings that use dark energy. It's a dangerous and forbidden path, one that is best left unexplored. We should not speak of dark spawns lightly, nor should we discuss them outside of this room."

Absorbing every detail, Lucifer found himself both amused and intrigued by the distinctions and taboos of this world's power systems. 

"Fighters, mages, assassins, and dark spawns," he mused, "not so different from my world, yet uniquely complex. Seems like every breed has its place, and every energy its purpose. Except for those dark spawns, shrouded in mystery and fear. Now that's something a demon lord can relate to."

Lucifer, ever the master of understanding power dynamics and manipulation, couldn't help but smirk at the revelations unfolding before him. The mere mention of dark spawns, discussed with such caution and gravity, spoke volumes. It was a concept he was keenly familiar with, a narrative tool wielded by those in power to maintain their control.

"People always fear what they can't control," Lucifer mused, his voice low and contemplative. 

"Dark spawns, huh? Just slap 'dark' in front of anything, and suddenly you've got the perfect fucking boogeyman. Classic move. Keeps everyone too scared to question the ones pulling the strings."

This tactic was not new to him. In his own realm, similar strategies were employed to keep the masses in line—painting the most formidable adversaries as villains to justify their persecution. It was a dance as old as time, and here in this world, the song remained the same.

"Looks like dark spawns could be anyone with enough balls to challenge the established order. Warriors, mages, archers, assassins—doesn't matter. If you're powerful enough to be a threat, you're labeled and demonized. All to keep the truly powerful in check," he deduced, the gears turning in his mind.

As he pieced together the implications, a realization dawned on him, bolstered by the presence of the heroic system. 

"With this heroic system playing in my favor, becoming a dark spawn isn't just a possibility…It's within fucking reach. I can gather points, unlock powers, and maybe even break past this system's so-called 'heroic' limitations."

Lucifer's thoughts ventured into the realm of strategies and schemes. "This world, with its fears and rules, hasn't seen anything yet. If they're so scared of dark spawns, I'll become the embodiment of their fears. Let's see how they handle a demon lord turned dark spawn wearing that title like a crown."

A sly grin spread across his face as he contemplated his approach. "Time to rack up those heroic points, play their little game, and then flip the script. Bend their precious rules until they snap. This is going to be one hell of a show."

The air around him seemed to crackle with the anticipation of his plans. Lucifer's resolve was clear, his path set. 

"Let's get this fucking party started"

As Lucifer prepared to leave, his attention was abruptly drawn to a commotion near the teacher's hut. A group of burly men and women, faces twisted in anger, marched towards the small gathering. Their voices rose in a cacophony of outrage as they confronted the red-haired teacher.

"You're wasting these kids' time with fairy tales!" one of the parents shouted, his face red with anger. 

"They should be working the fields, not dreaming about becoming mages or warriors!"

"Yeah, how's knowing about elves and orcs gonna help them survive the winter, huh?" a woman added, her arms akimbo and her glare piercing.

The mob of parents argued heatedly with the teacher, their words sharp and unyielding. Meanwhile, Lucifer, observing the scene, felt an unexpected surge of justice swell within him. Despite his demonic nature, he recognized the value in the teacher's efforts. She was imparting knowledge, hope, and dreams to these children—something far more precious than what the angry parents understood.

Driven by a sense of indebtedness for having benefited from her teachings, even if unintentionally, Lucifer decided to intervene. He made his entrance with a well-timed curse directed at one of the fathers. 

"Hey, fuck off, will ya? She's doing more for these kids' futures than you lot ever could with your damn fields!"

The parents turned their anger towards him the moment they saw Archer. But little did they know it was Lucifer, the Demon Lord of earth had transmigrated into Archer's body.

"Oh, look, the young lord decides to grace us with his presence," one sneered. 

"Gonna teach us about responsibility now, are you?" Their disdain for him was palpable as their words were laced with venom. 

Despite their disrespect and the blame they placed on him for their hardships, Lucifer stood his ground. 

"Listen here, you ungrateful bastards," he shot back, his voice cold and commanding. 

"This woman's giving your kids a chance at a better life, something beyond just toiling in the mud. And if you're too fucking blind to see that, then you don't deserve her efforts."

As the angry mob of parents confronted the teacher, her voice remained calm, a beacon of reason in the midst of rising tempers. 

"Please, understand," she implored, "knowledge is the one gift we can give our children that cold or hunger can't take away. It's their path to a better future."

Just then, Lucifer heard the familiar chime in his head, signaling a new quest. 

[New Heroic Quest Initiated: Protect Brianna's Honor and Teach the Parents the error of their ways. Reward for Completion: 1,500 Heroic Points]

When he read the quest in his mind, the rewards immediately brought a sly grin to his face, though he kept it hidden.

Then, stepping forward, he injected himself into the fray with his characteristic flair. 

"You lot really think letting these kids freeze their asses off in the fields is better than giving them a chance at something more?" he challenged, his gaze sweeping over the disgruntled parents.

"You have no busi-" A burly man, his face red with anger, tried to retort, but Lucifer was quicker. A swift slap silenced the man, showcasing Lucifer's patience had its limits.

"Listen up, because I'm not fucking around," Lucifer growled, his voice low and dangerous. 

"I've got nothing to lose, buddy. So, I wouldn't mind adding a murder charge to my long list of 'bad deeds.' How's that sound?"

The teacher, Brianna, her eyes wide with alarm, stepped between Lucifer and the parents. 

"Please, this isn't helping," she said, her voice a mixture of worry and resolve.

Lucifer turned his glare from the stunned parents to Brianna, then back to the crowd. 

"Without her," he gestured to Brianna, "your kids are doomed to be nothing more than beggars, or worse, toys for the nobles' amusement. Is that the future you want for them? Because that's the only fucking future they'll have if you keep ignoring the value of education."

His words, harsh as they were, carried a weight of truth that seemed to resonate, if not fully, then partially with some of the parents. The tension remained, but his direct approach, laced with the threat of violence and the stark portrayal of their children's potential futures, made some of them reconsider their stance.

"Think about it. What's really best for your kids?" Lucifer concluded, his gaze piercing each parent in turn, daring them to challenge his logic further.

Finally, the parents, after a moment of tense silence, exchanged looks among themselves and, without another word, dispersed, leaving the scene quieter than before. Brianna approached Lucifer, her expression a mixture of relief and gratitude.

"Thank you," she said earnestly, her eyes meeting his. "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't stepped in."

As Lucifer nodded, acknowledging her thanks with a slight, almost imperceptible nod, he heard the familiar chime of the system in his head, signaling the completion of another quest.

[Quest Completed: Protect Brianna's Honor and Teach the Parents the Wrong of Their Way. Reward: 1500 Heroic Points.]

The golden letters of the notification glowed briefly before fading away, leaving Lucifer with a sense of accomplishment, albeit one tinged with his own unique brand of cynicism.

[Congratulations! You have earned 1500 Heroic Points for standing up for what's right and ensuring that knowledge and education are valued above ignorance.]

Despite the satisfaction of the quest completion, Lucifer couldn't help but reflect on the irony of the situation. 

"Standing up for what's right, huh?" he mused to himself, a smirk playing on his lips. "Looks like I'm playing the part of the hero a bit too well."

But with the newly acquired Heroic Points, he was one step closer to his goals, whatever they might be in this strange new world.