
The Demon king's Queen

Suffering is better than happiness because it makes us stronger yet we worship happiness because it makes us ignored . Moments lost cannot be retrieved as time stands stronger . God himself is strange giving us something and taking it back. He wants us to be happy with it and even without it...

leftthisapp · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Darkness of worlds

Angelina found herself in her white dress as she walked around a dark forest. The forest got darker and deep inside she found an abandoned church. It looked old . She got in trying to search for help. The chruch was empty and dark . It only had one cross glowing and standing a bit tilted. Angelina went to the cross and tried to fix it , when she fixed the cross. The whole chruch lit up and the cross as she held it, came into her hands. All the dark demons , monsters and ghosts came rushing towards the church. They all entered and surrounded Angelina and the room turned dark again with only the cross glowing. "Light!" they all said in their horrible voices , scared as she was Angelina tried to point the cross to each one of them to keep them away but they were too many.

Angelina could see their horrible faces as she tried to keep them away while they touched and hurt her making her bleed. She knew if she threw the cross away all those horrible creatures would take her. She fought with all her might. A beam of light came from the church's entrance. Those horrible creatures moved their gaze to see the entrance "She's the light" they all said pointing to Angelina while the person standing on the entrance stood in complete darkness.

She woke up with a sudden thrust. She found herself lying on the floor of her own dark room. The darkness scared her so much that she ran outside. She kept running until she found a way back to that forest where she found herself in. She ran to that same place where she remembered waking up after saving the cat. She kneeled and screamed as loud as she could . Her tears continued to ran down her cheeks while she kept crying. It seemed like her inner spirit was screaming all the pain that she has felt.

She didn't stop crying as all of the terrifying memories that she hid in her heart came back into her mind again. With every memory a wound appeared on her scream , it was the emotional pain that now was getting converted into physical pain. Her wounds started getting deeper as she was taken into those dark memories, from her getting bullied to her getting abandoned. She kept screaming as the pain only increased . She was now forced to face all the fears of what she tried to runaway from.

When the memories ended , her eyes closed and she fainted . Lucifer who watched her scream and cry while he stood waiting for her to pass out,

"My father indeed is strange. He ordered to make her suffer before and he still wants me to make her suffer. Why do i always get my hands dirty ?"

After a while Lucifer picked her up and flew with his dark wings upto her room. He placed her on her bed and stared at her sleeping "What have you done that my father hates you this much? "

Angelina saw a blurred image of a man jumping from her window but was too hurt to get up. Her eyes closed while she endured the pain.

That night she had a beautiful dream. She saw herself dressed in a white dress sitting in a garden of flowers. She picked some flowers to make a tiara, when she was done she ran to a man wearing white , looking at the river. Angelina went to him and sat next to him,

"Will you take it?"

she whispered in a cute tone while the guy turned to see her , his face was shimmering with his skin glistening in the sunlight. He gave the most charming smile while moving his head towards Angelina so she could put the tiara. Shyly, she put the tiara on his head and he smiled at her. The guy smiled and placed his head on her lap while she looked at him blushing. She watched him sleep as she felt her own fatigue which slowly made her doze off too.