
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · ファンタジー
57 Chs


NOTICE: I am sorry but if you already read the last chapter please go back and re-read it. I made some edits, however, it can be skipped.

"You are to help me move," V said and closed the door.

"I received no such order."

V stopped walking, "Would you like to go in and ask your Queen, perhaps? Besides, I am pretty sure you were listening. You heard everything."

V continued her staggered walk, "Also, the faster we do this the faster we can both go to sleep."

"Very funny, demons don't sleep."

V turned so fast, that she lost the already little balance she had. "What?"

"You heard me."

"Then why does it get really quiet after dinner." 

"Because it is dark and nice to get some rest," Ameita replied a d walked ahead of V.

"That doesn't make any sense. You could be out all night."

"Who said we aren't?" 

"Why do you have beds then?"

Ameita chuckled. "A human that thinks beds are only for sleeping on. Besides, I thought this was common knowledge."

"Not really, not a lot is known about demons."

"That's ridiculous. We have been leaving on the upper lands for half a century already."

"Do you live under the church's jurisdiction?"

V's countenance changed and she picked up the pace. "Barely."

Ameita understood that it was the end of the conversation and they continued the rest of the walk in complete silence. Even when she helped drunk V move her bag neither of them said a word.

Ameita gave her the room directly next to Fate's room. Amrita pushed open the door and the smell of dampness hit them. "You can wait till tomorrow, to get the room cleaned out," Ameita said as she held the door open while still holding V's heavy bag.

"Pass. A little damp smell won't kill me."

"Is there anything else you need?" Ameita asked as she dropped the bag on the bed along with the sheets from V's old room.

"No, good night." 

The demon nodded and closed the door. V eyed the door for a couple of seconds without moving. She was a little thrown aback by the demon's niceness. She knew Ameita was simply following orders but still she prefer the abrupt, rude nature.

She pushed the bag from the bed and haphazardly laid the sheets before throwing herself onto the bed. She wondered why there were so many unused rooms. Most of the demons lived outside the mansion. 

She didn't let this bother her and she quickly drifted to sleep. Being drunk and exhausted especially with the episode she had with the Queen earlier, she and absolutely no problems falling into a deep sleep quickly.

V was running on the sand with the boy. They were running from the demon. The distance between them was quite enormous and she knew they would escape. Suddenly, the boy disappeared but she could still hear him screaming.

She frantically checked around for him but he was nowhere. She jerked away but she could still hear him shouting. V jumped out of bed as fear gripped her heart. She fled out of her room and was in his room in seconds with her swords out, ready to slice the throat of whoever his assailant was.

She got to the room, the room was dark and her eyes were taking a little too long to adjust. She walked towards the bed and swung her sword over his body. At just the right height that someone would try to harm him. 

Soon enough as her eyes adjusted she discovered that the only person in the room was him and his assailant was himself. She dropped the sword and climbed onto the bed.

"Hey!" She yelled but the boy was still shouting.

"Hey!" She repeated but this time around, she smacked him across the face.

His eyes flew open and he jumped out of bed. Thankfully, she moved out of the way in time else their foreheads would have banged and the boy would have ended up with a nightmare and a headache.

"V!" He cried in delight when he saw her. He was sweating. "Was I screaming that much?" 

"Yes," she said and gave him space.

"I am sorry. I thought I was still stuck in prison and this was all a dream."

"It is fine." She mumbled.

"Thank you."

"Feeling better?" She asked after a while.

He nodded and folded himself into a ball by grabbing his knees. He was still sweating and his eyes were darting across the room as if he was expecting something to jump on him from the dark.

After a couple of minutes, the boy relaxed enough to let go of his legs. He returned to lying down and V covered him with the sheet. She smiled at him and started to pull away.

He stopped her by grabbing her hands. "Can you…" he threw his face away, unable to look at her. "Can you please stay until I fall asleep?" He asked.

"Sure." She said and sat beside him with her back to him.

"Thank you." He said.

V sat there for another couple of minutes until she heard his steady breathing. She knew he was asleep already but she gave it a couple of minutes, enough time to see if his current dream was a bit more pleasant than the former.

She stood up and studied his face, nothing looked wrong. She picked up her swords and carefully exited the room. She got to her room and threw herself on the bed, she was asleep in seconds.

V jerked awake. She swore by how she felt it was barely dawn. It wasn't even time for breakfast and even if it was, there was no reason for me to be awake not to mention the assault her door was getting.

"What?!" She yelled in anger as she threw the door open. She needed at least two full hours of sleep to get herself back.

The door flung open the revealed Ameita. "Come with me."

V didn't hesitate, she closed the door on Ameita's face with a huge bang. 

"V!" The demon yelled. "Open the door right this instant." The loud banging continued.

V opened the door. "Get thee behind me demon! What do you want?"

"Ha ha ha very funny. I am sure you heard me the first time. Come with me."

"I am only doing this because I can't stand the incessant banging but if you don't give a reasonable reason why I will return to bed and use magic to clog my ears."

"You are like a whiny little child. We have Intruders." Her tune changed as she spoke, "And the Queen as requested that your," she shrugged slightly, "somewhat skills be put to the test. Pitting you against a demon wouldn't be enough to test your skills."

V raised a brow, she was slightly irked. Considering, she had rescued the boy she found the fact that the Queen refused to accept her skill with a demonstration very insulting.

"I see, she wants a show. I will give her a show." V sneered and closed the door on Amrita's face once again but this time the demon did not knock.

She opened the door barely five minutes later, clad in full armor, her swords around her waist and her bow of arrow hung from her back. "After you." She said to Ameita.