
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · ファンタジー
57 Chs


A loud knock jolted V out of the bed. However, before she could open the door pushed open and Ki-an appeared in the doorway. Ki-an looked about to protest but quickly swallowed whatever words she wanted to say when she saw Fate sitting on the bed beside V.

She looked visibly hurt and then said, "Dinner is ready. The Queen requests both of your presence." She turned to V, "Since you've saved me the trip."

"Thank you," Fate started to say but Ki-an had already shut the door as she went out. "Oh," he mumbled out and jumped out of bed. 

"Are you ready?" Fate asked as he stood to his feet V nodded. They both stepped out together to find Ki-an standing outside waiting. "I thought you left already."

"I was asked to bring you." She said and started walking away. They followed behind her without another word. 

They made it to the hall to see it was already filled. The stares from the demons were a bit too much and Fate walked with his head down as he made his way to the Queen table.

Dinner was a bit awkward and barely any conversation was had with V around. Fate was not oblivious to the states V got but she seemed oblivious to them and she ate away without paying anyone the slightest attention.

"What do you think you are doing?" V suddenly asked as Lili gave Fate a cup of wine.

"It is fine," Fate blurted out. "I have taken it before." He accepted the cup from Lili and muttered, "Thank you."

The Queen gave him a soft smile in response and he smiled back at her. 

V did not say a word as she watched their little exchange instead she returned to eating her meal and took a cup herself, finishing it in one big gulp while Fate did not drink the wine that was handed to him immediately, he wanted to save it till the end of his meal.

Unable to resist it anymore, he picked it up and took a huge gulp. Big mistake. It took him everything not to spit it out. The wine was bitter and not the slightly bitter kind but it was bitter enough to sting.

"Are you alright?" Ki-an asked, she was sitting opposite him and had noticed his expression.

"It is bitter." He exclaimed and they burst out laughing.

I thought you said you have drunk some before now." V asked while eying him weirdly.

"Yes, I have but it was quite sweet compared to this."

Queen Lili leaned toward him. "Don't worry, you will get used to the taste." She whispered, leaning terribly close to him. Her scent made his nose tickle.

"I don't think so," but even as he said the words he found himself bringing the cup to his lips again, just to be sure it had tasted awful. He took the sip and frowned, it tasted remotely better but not enough for him to want to drink it again. "I am pretty sure."

A burst of loud laughter rang from the other side of the table and Fate jumped in shock. That was the first time he had ever heard V laugh. A looked around the table and of course, he was not the only one stunned at her reaction.

However, the object of the spectacle had her head down and was acting as though she did not just give everybody a reason to stare at her. Everyone else exchanged glances and returned their attention to their meals.

Dinner finally ended without the dancing this time though Fate would not have minded watching the dance again. Nobody moves and the hall is strangely quiet, Fate could not remember what had happened after they had finished eating and partying as he had immediately fallen asleep.

Queen Lili stood to her feet and stretched her hand towards Fate, "Come with me to my bedroom."

"What?" V exclaimed. Her voice sounded a little slurred. "Absolutely not."

Queen Lili did not so much acknowledge her outburst. She still had her hand stretched out and was earnestly looking at Fate. Whispers rose from every corner of the room but they were not loud enough to cause a nuisance.

"I think I will like to stay in my room tonight." 

"I see," Lili said and scoffed before walking away. Her attendants followed after her. As soon as the Queen was out of the dining hall, loud noise broke out and demons could be seen leaving. 

"We should go too," V said and Fate nodded his agreement.

Fate stood but somehow V could not stand up straight. She had to use the table for balance to keep from falling. Fate gave her a worried look and asked, "Are you okay?" 

Ki-an giggled, "Don't worry. She is just a little drunk. Also, who gets drunk from half a cup of wine?" 

V pushed herself away from the table and staggered a little but she didn't fall. She then made her way towards the door and Fate followed after her. He made sure to walk beside her just in case her legs gave way and needed a stand. He doubted he could do much but it was better than the alternative.

Her movements weren't slow and with each movement Fate feared she was going to land head first on the floor but somehow she made it through the door and all the way to the door of his room. It was excruciating to watch her stagger like that but all he could do was follow beside her.

They got to his room in no time and he walked in. 

"Goodnight." She said to him.

"You are not coming in?" He asked. 

"No," she responded.

"Oh," Fate said, a little disappointed. She pulled the door close and heard her walk away.

V started walking in the direction she had just come from instead of her room. She passed a few demons who eyed her oddly but none of them said a word to her. It wasn't like she would have responded, she hated all their guts.

She didn't stop until she got in front of the antechamber. She pushed open the door and walked in, only to find Amrita walking towards her. 

"What do you think you are doing?" The demon asked.

"I don't answer to you," her words sounded a little slurred and she cussed.

"Well, I am in charge of the Queen's safety and I don't trust."

"Drop the act. If you are that curious, you can ask her when I am done talking to her."

"How bold of you to assume she would see you?"

"We would see, won't we?" V said and walked to the door at the far end of the antechamber. Where she had seen Queen come out from.

She stopped in front of the door and knocked. "Come in," a voice said.

V pushed the door and it opened, the room was darkly lit but it was big. V did a scan of the room before her gaze rested on Queen Lili. She was standing next to her bed and by her feet were her attendants.

The Queen was staring at her with intensity. "To what do I owe this visit?" She threw out.

"I will like my room changed." Words were still hard to pronounce but at least the slur was less obvious. "Preferably next to the boy's."

"I thought were done with negotiations," Lil said as her attendants undressed her.

"This isn't a negotiation but rather as a guest, I am telling you what I prefer."

"Guest?" Lili asked the sound echoed in the room. Lili threw her head back and laughed. "You are not a guest. You are a prisoner. What part of our deal did you not get? Anyways, do as you like. You can ask Ameita for help if you want but this is the last time I would hear any complaints from you." 

V rolled her eyes and gently staggered out of the room without a word. She opened the door to find Amrita on the other side. "Good!" She said. "Just the person I am looking for."