
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · ファンタジー
57 Chs


Fate closed the door with a soft thud and came face to face with Mala and Coda. They were standing about five feet away from him, they were staring quite intensely and he yelped as he noticed their presence.

"Good morning," he rushed out as he fled. He could still feel their gaze on him as he ran.

Fate took a turn and instantly knew he was lost, he could not remember his way back and he knew he had never been in this section before. The huge house was pretty empty and all through the time he was running not once did he bump into anyone.

He slowed his steps as he looked closely before he walked, he had been distracted by his thoughts but no matter how carefully he trod or studied his surroundings, he did not come upon any familiar path.

"Fate," a voice called to his attention and he turned around to see Ki-an standing a few centimeters away. "What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I am lost," he responded.

She chuckled, "I am not surprised. The house is pretty big. I can't lead you to your bedroom because I am quite busy right now but I can give you directions. Take this turn," she pointed to the turn by her left. "Then take a left and two rights, you should see a familiar path."

He grinned, "Thank you Ki-an." 

She smiled at him and waved him away. He rushed down the turn and the first thing he saw was a painting of two female demons intertwined. For some reason, they reminded him of the two demons from the night before.

He did not stop to study it as he was more worried about finding his way than anything else. Eventually, he got to the familiar path that Ki-an was referring to and he did a mini dance in his head when he saw his bedroom door.

He wasted no time in walking into the bedroom. He threw himself in bed, he felt a little drained even though he had just awoken from his slumber and had not done anything other than walk around the mansion.

He was very curious about V, the last time he had seen her was when they saw the Queen together, a huge part of him was fearing the worst but they did not seem like the kind of demons who would be mean. He didn't have a say in this matter, he had not exactly met a lot of demons.

Fate jerked as a knock broke through his thoughts. "Come in," he yelled almost immediately. 

It was most likely Ki-an but he could not help but wonder how she had made it here so quickly even though she had originally told him she was quite busy. He stood up to his feet and started walking towards the door to receive Ki-an but the door handle turned and he stilled his movement.

The door slowly opened and a tray poked in but it was not Ki-an that was holding the tray it was Ameita. "Ameita!" He cried, unable to hold his shock. "What are you doing here?"

Ameita scoffed, "Is that what you say to someone who brings your breakfast for you?"

"I am sorry," He said with a dry laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

He raised his head still laughing and from behind Ameita V slipped out. The laughter immediately died in his throat and for a full second, Fate couldn't speak nor could he move.

"V!" he cried when he found his voice again.

He rushed at her and threw himself onto her and he wrapped his hands around her legs. She did not hug him back but she also did not try to push him away. She let him hug her for a few seconds before she unclasped his hands around her.

"It is good to see you again," she said while staring intensely at his face.

He grinned, it was just less than a day but it had felt longer and he knew he was genuinely happy to see her. "Where have you been?" He asked.

"Around," she mumbled and walked past him to the bed.

"That does not say anything," he scolded.

"Well, wouldn't you like to know?"

"Obviously, if I did not want to know I would not be asking." He walked back to the bed and sat beside her. At this point, Ameita had dropped the tray on the table beside the bed but instead of leaving the room, she stood by the door.

"Hmm," V murmured and picked a slice of meat from the plate.

"Don't hmm me…"

"Thank you Ameita, that would be all." V suddenly said.

"I am not here for you," the demon said, glaring at V as she spoke.

"It is fine, Ameita. You can leave us alone." Fate said with a smile.

"I would rather not," Ameita said and crossed her arms.

Fate frowned, "Why?"

"Don't mind me, just pretend I am not here."

"Is she kidding?" Fate turned to look at V. He would understand if he was with someone else or better still the Queen but this was V, they came together. He frowned some more. What exactly was going on here?

"No, she is not." V returned.

"Why won't you give us some privacy? It seems very odd considering I and V came here together. What exactly is going on here?"

"Nothing, I just figured since I brought her it only seemed right for me to stay to the end. However, since you both would prefer to be alone, I can step out for a few minutes."

"A few  minutes?" Fate chuckled drily. "I'd rather you did not come back. I am pretty sure she knows her way back to her room."

V smirked, "I do."

Ameita took a bow, "If you will excuse me." She glared at V one more time before she turned around and walked out the door.

Fate sighed and threw his weight onto the bed. "I thought she wouldn't leave. That was weird and exhausting." 

"I know right." She moved the table closer to him so he could access the tray.

"Is this how she treats you?" Fate asked.

V did not say anything for a while as she picked another slice of meat off his plate. "If you don't eat, your food will get cold."

Fate slowly sat upright, he did not press. V would not tell him if she did not want to but with the current situation, it was safe to assume the answer was yes. "Okay." He mumbled and began to slowly eat.

"You can join me," Fate said with a mouth full of food.

"You don't have to tell me."

"Whatever. Anyways, what have you been up to?"

V shrugged, "Getting the much-needed rest."

"Yeah, me too. I slept for most of yesterday and then there was a party."

"I could hear you guys from the room I was assigned to."

"You could? Why didn't you join us then? I asked the Queen about you but she said you would rather eat alone."

"She said that?" V chuckled. "Well, she was not wrong. Fate," she called with a serious tone while locking eyes with him and grabbing his forearms.

"Yes," Fate cried as his face reddened. V's face was just a few centimeters away from his and she was looking deep into his eyes.

"We have to leave here."

"Wait, what? Why?" He frowned and pulled his hands from V's grasp.


Just as the word left V's mouth Ameita burst through the door, shaking the hinges, and Fate feared the door would fly off.