
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · ファンタジー
57 Chs


Ameita swore, humans were in their vicinity. She sighed, those creatures never learned. She hated having to do this well, not really, she did not care. It made absolutely no sense to her that a lot of human males were fine with eternal damnation over an experience that could not last thirty minutes.

Though their guests were mostly middle-aged men and old men, people who have lived their lives and wanted to end it in the best way they could think of but occasionally they got people in their youth dropping by and wanting to see their souls for pleasure.

However, it was this part she hated. They were bound by rules to explicitly tell the humans that have come to give up their lives what was in store. Sure, a mind-blowing orgasm was in store and if you're lucky you can get ten before you die- that was the current record. 

However, there was no bypassing the death part, and dying meant the soul now belonged to the sex demon, the queen succubus, no reincarnation for the soul. This did not scare them one bit, in fact, the idea seemed to turn the maniacs on.

"Ameita!" A voice broke her train of thought. "Intruders!"

"I know," she replied, not hiding her annoyance. "They never learn."

"Don't be so glum. Why have a business if you get no customers?"

Ameita glared at her, "Are you out of your mind?" Her counterpart was the exact opposite of Ameita. She enjoyed every bit of it, it didn't matter to the soul. "This is not a business, Ki-an. It is just that the upper lands suck less. Here at least we get fresh air and great food."

"Like I am about to suck some balls. Let's go." Ki-an replied with a huge smirk.

Ameita cringed, it was not that she did not like sex with human males, she was a sex demon. It did not matter who or what she was messing around with, she was bound to enjoy it. 

The problem was, they have been tormented for as long as she could remember, they still were but things were remotely better now and not shockingly, the forerunner tormentors have been human males so she had a beef with them.

"Eww," she replied and stood to her feet.

"Pretend all you want, Ameita. Don't forget I have seen you all sloppy and worse." Her counterpart smirked at her before she slipped through the door.

She rolled her eyes but did not respond nor did she rush out of the room. She picked up her spear. This was for formality purposes. She did not need the spear, she did not even know how to properly use it except to poke at things.

However, this was for the men because apparently there was nothing that said consent like an unharmed practically naked succubus even the horns did not faze them but at least the spears told them if they tried anything fun, they would be stabbed.

She did not need the spear; she could take on twenty men without relying on magic. If they had magic, it might be a little tough but there was no question about her victory. Nine times out of ten times, they were not accosted if they held weapons, the spear was so she would not end up killing them, they could not absorb souls by killing though the ratio reduced drastically if they were in groups. It was pretty rare but sometimes they got an entire crew.

"Ameita hurry up."

"Shut up, Ki-an!" She yelled. Their job was simple: either chase away the intruders by telling them what was at stake or welcome them. "Where were they seen?" Ameita asked even though she already knew the answer.

"The beach. The watch said she saw two of them. The ship dropped them off and left immediately after."

"I see," she mumbled as they walked towards the outskirts of the town. 

The beach was some distance away from the town but it was a trekkable distance and they would arrive in an hour at most for humans but demons, maybe a couple of minutes.

As soon as they were out of the town, Ameita picked up speed and Ki-an did the same. The sand flew everywhere as they ran. They found the humans in no time and stopped when they got to a reasonable distance.

A couple of feet away Ameita saw a boy on the ground and a human female standing beside him. She frowned, this was unusual. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked loudly, not hiding her displeasure. Were they lost or washed ashore?

The boy sat upright and Ameita saw his horns. They were pretty small compared to hers but there was no doubt that horns were on his forehead which was a little odd as only demons had horns.

Ameita immediately thought he was a demon but something was not right. She then thought he was a half-demon but the union between demons and humans was forbidden let alone to have a child. 

"Who are you?" she asked when she got no answer.

"I am V," the female said. 

Ameita eyed her oddly, she was impressive for a young woman. Afar, she could pass off as a man but this close, Ameita could see her features clearly and her very impressive front.

"What are you doing here? You have to leave." 

"We can't do that, we have to pass through your town."

"We can't let you do that so turn around and leave the way you came," Ameita yelled 

"What is that?" Ki-an suddenly asked.

"What?" The boy said with a dazed look on his face. "My name is Fate."

"I don't mean your name, boy," Ki-an said and started to approach.

"Ki-an," Ameita scolded.

The boy looked to V for help. "I don't know. I am a boy with horns."

Ki-an chuckled, "Aren't you sweet?"

"You!" Ameita yelled. "What is he?"

V smirked and adjusted the backpack. "If you let us through, I will tell you."

Ameita's eyes glowed red but it was pretty obvious the human female was not the least fazed. She was a little turned but she was certain the queen would want to see the boy.

If you have a problem with girl on girl, I suggest you stop reading because there would be multiple scenes in this arc.

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