
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · ファンタジー
57 Chs


"That's your only option because they know no one would be stupid enough to go there. The waters would be free to sail through and our only worry would be the sea creatures." Zek explained.

V balled her palm into a fist, she did not like the option at all. The fact that it was the only option they had made it equally unpleasant. The demon boy could not protect himself, the last thing she wanted to do was throw him into obvious danger especially when she would obviously not be able to protect him.

"Are you sure that is the only option we have, Zekarias?"

"By the gods. You know not to call me that. Besides, what do I have to gain if I ruin this?"

"I would not know Zek but one thing I know is, you are selfish to the core. If it does not benefit you in some way, you won't do it. That is what makes you so untrustworthy because I never know when you will turn on me."

He gripped his chest, "Ouch! Even though I already know you think very little of me, it still burns. However, the demon boy is an important tool. The last thing I would want is for him to end up captured or dead even though that is pretty much impossible."

He chuckled as he had just said something very funny. She did not say anything as she watched him laugh. Her expression was bland.

"We both know how important it is that he arrives in one piece. You know more than I do, of course, but I also have a lot to lose too if he doesn't."

"Whatever, I'd rather you give me the plan than a freaking lecture."

"I just did."

"Sending him off to get killed isn't a plan, Zek." V's nose flared. A huge part of her knew he was messing with her.

"We both know that's not possible," he smirked. "And no, I am not messing with you. That is literally your only option and the longer you stay on the island the harder it would become for you to leave."

"I see, I need food. At least two days worth."

He frowned, "You intend to stay two more days on this island."

"No, I would leave now if it was possible but I can't. The boy can't even walk, he is nothing but bones. He looks like he shouldn't be alive."

Zek's smile widened and he showed teeth, his breathing increased and his eyes looked like they would pop out of their socket. "I want to see."

V looked at him with disgust. "He is not a lab rat. You do not get to touch him until we make it home safely."

"I said see, V. You of all people should know how patient I can be."

She jumped to her feet, "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Are you leaving already?" 

"I have spent more time than I should have." 

"You are blaming me."

She pushed back the chair and it fell, she did not bother picking it up rather she walked towards the door and opened it.

"You did not say when V." 

"I would like a full day if he is still unable to move by himself."

"I don't think he needs to be able to move."

She glared at him. "He is not fit to travel."

"What is the worst that could happen?"

"I would prefer if nothing did."

"V," he dragged. He sighed, "The journey would take not less than two full weeks and that is if the weather is favorable. We need to hurry and I doubt we would escape without being chased. Staying any longer would be detrimental for both of you."

"I hear you," she responded and stepped out of the door.

"If you need help you know you can always ask."

V closed the door with a loud bang. "That bastard!" She swore. She knew he was going to try to control this in any way he could. The fact that there was nothing wrong with what he had said made it equally annoying. She was pissed, the wheels in her head were already turning to suit what Zek had just told her.

"Wait up, V!"

She didn't, she kept her pace as she walked down the stairs. Refusing to slow down but increasing her place would look like she was running.

"The food, V!" He called again. "Give me a few minutes to get it ready."

She didn't respond. She soon appeared at the restaurant part of the inn. There was immediate silence as soon as she was in view. She glared at them, recognizing a few faces. The two she had knocked out were awake. That was good, not that she cared. It was not like she hit them hard enough to make the trip to the other side.

A hand waved and she frowned and immediately turned her gaze away. She walked straight to the bar and sat by the counter as she backed her audience. She needed the food. Even though she would rather be walking out the door, Zek was a faster means of getting good meals.

Zek did not say anything more as he noticed she was not leaving, he just retracted his steps. V could hear him going back up. She knew he was smiling as he walked away and the idea pissed her off some more.

"Would you like a drink?" A soft voice caught her attention. It was the barkeeper. The woman looked around the same age as V.

"Yes," she responded.

"Anything specific?"


"Okay," the woman said and V watched her walk a few steps away. She could not see what the woman was doing behind the counter but she was not curious.

A loud sound erupted as the cup landed on the table. It was a big cup. She accepted it and murmured her thanks before chugging the whole cup. She drank every drop without stopping.

She raised her head to see the barkeeper looking at her with worry all over her face. She smirked. Of course, this was a bad idea but she was certain she would be back in the cave before the Alcohol would hit.

She hated drinking but she had enough cause to know. Seeing Zek left a bitter taste in her mouth and she needed to cleanse it.

"Would you like another?" The barkeeper asked.

"No," she would light out when the alcohol hit, any more would be suicidal on her part.

She heard his footsteps before she saw him. She didn't turn to look at him, she just kept her gaze straight ahead.

"Here," he muttered and dropped the bag on the counter. "It has enough food for three days. This should be more than enough for him to regain whatever strength he may have lost."

She stood to her feet and picked up the bag. She didn't pause, as soon as she carried the bag she began to walk away.

"V," he called.

She stopped walking but didn't turn around.

"We set out tomorrow night. I expect you and the boy to be here before midnight."

V adjusted the bag and left the inn without saying a word or turning around.