
Demon Hunter: Prologue

Karina rolled over onto her side, her back to the assailants. Her vision blurred by the blood that trickled down her face. Light and darkness danced around her as did their voices. Death would come soon; she smelled it through her breaths. The anger and hatred for them ate away at her mind until she made her decision.

"Salvum me... Ego dabo vobis in perpetuas…." Karina tried to speak, but they dislocated her jaw.

"Salvum me," She cried.

"Belos. Salvum me." Karina began to chant she winced in pain.

"What's this bitch mumbling now," Dask, the man in charged stepped closer to her and rolled her back over with his foot. "Kill her. We don't need her anymore," he signaled to the guy on his left. They got most of what they came for from this shitty little tribal village.

"Ego Dabo VoBIS In PrepetuAS AETERNUM EST ANIMA MEA…" she finally got out.




Karina chanted louder and louder until she screamed it and her jaw locked shut.

Black smoke swirled from thin air until it grew and towered above Karina and her attackers. Red eyes appeared in the black cloud and a deep bellowed laugh erupted, "Ahhhhhhahahaha…." The voice cried out. "I thought you didn't need me?"

She looked up at him her breathing labored as she tried to hold on to what's left of her life. Karina used most of her energy to call him and the cold darkness of death began to creep its way up her back. It's only a matter of time before everything ended.

"Say it. Say that you need me," the voice demanded from Karina. She coughed up more blood, and it dribbled down her chin. "Oh you can't can you," it laughed. "Take my hand then, and it's sealed," the cloud of smoke turned into a hand towards Karina.

Karina lifted the arm they did not break towards the hand, "That's right. Reach further… You've almost got it," it edged her on.

"What the fuck is going on here," Dask and his men stepped away from Karina frightened as more and more smoke filled the room.

"Kill the fucken bitch now!" Dask reached for his gun and cocked it.

Karina managed to push herself over and took the smoke hand in hers. It exploded into a large cloud that engulfed the whole room and blinded everyone.

"Vermin." His voice echoed throughout the entire building. The men scattered and fired into the smoke cloud. It sent a swarm of bullets into the metal walls then beams and ricocheted off.

A single bullet bounced back and struck an assailant in the throat. He collapsed to the ground and began to choke. The attackers broke away and shouted firing their guns again.

Karina looked up from the ground and listened to the commotion around her unable to move anymore.

"My sweet, sweet girl," Belos appeared. His voice soft in her ear. "If you would have taken me sooner, this wouldn't of happened. He would still be alive," the smoke took the shape of a man and a hand gently stroked her cheek. The tears that fell from her eyes were absorbed into his hand of smoke. "Say it... Give yourself to me."

Karina tried to answer but her jaw remained locked.

"Speak," he brushed his hand over her chin, and her jaw snapped into place.

"Belos... I'm yours..." Karina mouthed her eyes desperate.

He chuckled delightedly, "Kiss me," his head bent down and hot wet lips pressed against her mouth. Karina gasped for air when smoke pried her lips open and dove down her throat. She gagged clawing at her throat when more smoke forced its way down and even through her nostrils.

Her body arched against the cold hard cement floor and consumed all the smoke that built up inside the room. She gasped with one last breath and her eyes shut, than heart stopped.

"Wake." Belos spoke.

Karina's eyes popped open, her heart jumped into a beat, and she took a breath reborn again. Her body started to snap and jerk as it twisted her bones and ribs back together again.

"One of them is dying in front of you," Belos told her. He was inside of her now, in her head. "Take his gun and knife and then kill them all," he said. "Get your revenge." Karina got up and walked forward until she reached the man dying on the ground.

"I don't want to die," the man clutched to his bleeding throat.

"Take the gun and knife," Belos told her. Karina grabbed the gun and took the steel knife from his pocket. "Good. Now kill him!" he commanded.

Karina hesitated, and Belos sensed it, "Did they show Julius or anyone any mercy?" He asked.

"No," Karina answered. Her hand trembled and almost dropped the knife. Then it moved on its own; her hand did, it sliced the man's throat hard and slow. He mouthed a gurgled breath before he died. Karina screamed.

"I thought you wanted revenge?" Belos laughed inside her head.

Karina's voice turned into a series of snuffles, "I do, but I.. I can't kill them."

He sighed, "I'll do this myself then. Sit back and enjoy the show sweetheart." Belos stood Karina up and moved her into the shadows of the smoke.

"Find that bitch and kill her!" Dask screamed. "She's the cause of all of this!"

"Oh. It's him, Dask, their leader. He's the one who gave the order to kill your husband and everyone else," Belos reminded her. She recognized the voice clearly through the noise and screams. Yes, he gave the orders.

"Let's save him for last," Belos chuckled to Karina. Off he took her. One by one he made her catch them and killed them. She sliced their throats, splattered their brains, and broke their limbs. Until there was only one left, the one he said to save for last, he marched Karina forward to find him. She momentarily gained enough control to throw up. "Oh you poor thing," Belos chuckled.

Karina gaged, " I don't think I can do this," her eyes got wet.

"No! You will do this," and he forced her ahead.

Belos caught up with Dask using Karina's body and shot him in the leg; he pinned Dask to the ground with Karina's foot. "Tell him you're going to kill him slowly," Belos ordered Karina to say. "I'm - I'm going to kill you," Karina stammered out.

Dask laughed with his head tilted forward. "You - you-you're going to kill me?" He hooted with more laughter at her.

"More confidence," Belos sighed, "Must I do everything myself?" he complained. Karina's mouth flew open, "I'M GOING TO FUCKEN KILL YOU, YOU HUMAN MAGGOT!" a low growl voice jumped out from her throat and sent hot air blowing onto Dask.

Both Dask and Karina stumbled back. Karina took it the hardest and landed on her butt, rolled over and threw up again. "What are you doing!" Belos yelled at her, "You're supposed to keep your foot on him." Dask sprinted off and bolted for the front door. "Good job sweetheart. No revenge for you today," Belos forced Karina back up. "Let's go, weakling," and he walked them out.