
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

The Demon Kings assignment and Greens problem

Seeing the stat increase made me happy since I was able to become stronger. But the happiness didn't stay long as I soon heard the voice of the Demon King and that happiness was soon turned into fear. "Little flower I have a quest for you" he said with a thunderous tone. My body froze once again when hearing his voice. "What is the quest that you want to give me my lord." He looked at me, or it felt like he looked at me, and soon his voice was heard once again "you shall prove your loyalty by leading an army of a hundred Demons to attack a pest that has kept attacking my kingdom for years now."

"What is their name, my king?" I said while still not making eye contact with him. "The beings name is 'The Hive' it isn't a being that has one main body, but is a hive mind that controls several insect demons" hearing what my enemy is a memory came to my head and I soon remembered someone who was an insect. "Isn't green an insect" I say as I remember green and yellow being sent into a white void and were practicing in it and slowly getting exp "I wonder how they are doing?"

"Maybe I can use them for this quest" I say as I prepared to speak, but was interrupted when I heard the words from the Demon king "you can bring anyone outside of the Demon army to help you in this quest if needed and once you're ready you can lead the army in five days." "Well that was easy" I thought as I accepted the quest and followed the other sins out of what I believe to be the throne room.

When we walked and were a couple feet away from the throne room all the sins turned towards me and had a look of anger on their face. "How can a lowly being like you be made into a sin like us?" said a man who looked like a stick that was able to be snapped into just by flicking him. "Yeah we had to work our butts off to become a sin and you were instantly promoted to a sin" said envy as she looked at me with a gaze that said she wanted me dead. Now that I look at her out of all the sins she seems to be the youngest as well as the smallest out of the seven.

"Well I'm a sin now and I have to do the King's quest" I said as I prepared to walk out of the castle and create a field of flowers so I can have a back up [Root body] here. As I tried to walk past the seven of them I was stopped by a girl that I traveled with the entire trip here "what are your plans" said greed as she looked at my face.

"What do you mean?" I said as I walked past her. She walked in front of me once again and looked at my face before saying "you wanted our knowledge for something and I want to know what it is you're looking for."

"Is she curious on why I wanted the knowledge they have or is she trying to see what I am after and ruin it" I think as I look at her. "I don't have time for this," I said as I pushed her aside and kept walking forward. I didn't push her too hard, but she fell onto her back and I stopped to look at her for a bit before deciding to help her back up, and once I helped her back up I left the hallway and walked outside the castle.

As I walked out of the castle I looked back and could see how big this castle was. It looked like an entire mountain in my point of view, there were even clouds at the halfway point. As I looked up at me I could feel gazes on me and turn around to see, who I believe to be guards, looking at me. When I turned my gaze towards them they all began to shake as if they were about to die. "Why are they scared?'' I thought and then I realized what the reason was "Oh yeah I'm a sin demon, making me one of the strongest Demons in this world."

I look back at the guards and after a couple seconds of staring I walk past them and look around the castle to look for a spot to lay down my new skill [Demonic Field], from the description of the sill it said that the field would act like a gateway. So I can probably set this down and make a gateway from hell to the mortal world.

As I look for the perfect place to set this field down, I begin to notice that everywhere I go there is no sign of soil on the ground. The more I look around the more I realize that this whole area has no sign of soil or dirt. How do they grow their plants if they have no soil here!

As I begin to lose my mind I hear, or the correct term see, someone walking towards me and I can soon see who it was. It was a man who had revealing clothing that showed a lot of his skin. The man soon stopped behind me and I turned around to look at him. "Is it true" he says, "is what true?"

"Is it true that you are a flower?" he says while grabbing my shoulders all of a sudden. Startled by his quick, and flamboyant, movement I take a couple steps back. "What do you want?" I said to him while trying to figure out what he was trying to do. He asked the same question again "are you a flower!?"

I look at him for a bit and decide to answer "yes I am so what?" He paused for a bit before a big grin appeared on his face "YES, I can finally make a flower garden" he says while jumping up and down. "What" before I could think he grabbed my hand and said something I didn't expect "will you become the flower for my first ever flower garden!"


"WHAT!!" I yell out loud because this isn't something you ask someone out of nowhere. "What do I do in this situation, do I accept or do I decline?!"

Ok red calm down try to figure out why he is asking you "why are you asking me this." He recovered the shock that I sent to him when I yelled 'what' in his brain "ah well you see I read a lot on how flowers were pretty plants to look at and well there are not a lot of flowers in the demon realm so I was wondering if you can create flowers for my garden. Or well soon to be a garden if you accept."

"Ok that makes sense, but how did you know I was a flower" I'm pretty sure I didn't tell anyone I was a flower. "Oh Greed told me" oh right greed "and you also attacked us for sins and using abilities that flower based creatures can only do."

Ah, I forgot about that. I look back at the sin and seeing his physical appearance he doesn't seem like he is good in a fight. Sure he has muscles and abs, but he still doesn't seem like he is strong at all. "What is your name?" I ask him. He pauses for a bit before he answers my question, "My name is Lust, the sin of Lust." As he says this he bows while moving his arm in the most flamboyant way possible.

I look at him for a bit while trying to recall what Roy told me about the sins ``There are seven sins Wrath the strongest and fearsome known for their physical attacks and their terrifying leadership able to turn the tides of a battle with a simple speech. They are well known for their abilities to take one's life force and mana by using varieties of skills. Envy a sin that is well known for their abilities to send attacks dealt to them back at the enemy and their envied personality. Sloth the weakest of the seven, well known for his reality bending abilities, though not devastating it is something that angels can't handle. Pride a demon well known for their ego, they are well known for their devastating magical abilities for one spell can devastate entire kingdoms. Gluttony a demon who gets stronger while eating anything organic. Last but not least Lust, a demon who is scary in both physical and magical compartments. Though Lust is known to be lustful they are third strongest behind Pride and Wrath, and for good reasons. They are able to turn their opponents in their minions by using the their charm based abilities."

Ah so that's who he is, well I should be wary of him even if he was weak since he is also a sin. But hold on didn't I beat all seven sins, so are they in reality weak. As if guessing what I was thinking Lust said "you are probably thinking 'oh isn't he one of the three strongest sins, so how is he weak' and in reality you're true we are weak." I look at him with shock, if this was true then how come the humans and gods were unable to kill these demons.

"Well our generation is weak" did he just say 'our generation?!' Seeing my confusion he continues "you see the sins are nothing but titles that allow one to become stronger, so we sins are just a generational thing and this includes the demon king."

"What the Demon king is also title and generational at that" I say surprised. Finding my shock amusing he laughs "ha ha ha, aw man your reaction is priceless. Yes the Demon King is nothing but a title not a species, of course to get that title one has to be strong and has to marry a demon from this world." I am shocked because of how easy it is to become the Demon King.

He continues speaking, telling me the history about how the title of seven sins was established because the first Demon lord needed servants around the Demon realm to govern it and to make sure that no catastrophes occurred, which made the sins a generational thing. But due to something the third demon king did every generation of sins and demon kings became weaker and weaker. This meant the more things went the more weaker the nest sins and demon kings will become. So when I brought a flower that would allow them to become stronger the Demon king had to accept it or else regret his decision.

So in the end turning me into a sin was the only way to ensure that I would stay and help the demon kingdom and not betray him. But with this action this meant that from that day forward there will be eight sins now and not seven. So this caused a problem for the future generation since this meant there will now have to get eight sins instead of seven.

Now that I think about it, what sin am I. I'll figure it out in the future for now. "Ok so you want me to make a flower garden for you, correct" I say and he just nods vigorously. Seeing this I was about to refuse till I remember the situation I'm in. "Ok sure take me to the place" hearing me say yes he takes me to one of the seven towers that were near the mountain sized castles. I would not have noticed it if he didn't brag that he was the tallest out of the seven.

As we reached the front of the tower I could see several statues that had naked men and women. Seeing me look at these statues he smirked "these are the previous sins of lust, gorgeous aren't they" he says while spinning around the field of statues. I ignore and keep walking forwards, he soon runs in front of me and leads the way. As we enter the inside is much worse as there are paintings of naked men and women in here posing in many different postures. We continued walking deeper into the castle and after seeing more statues and paintings we finally entered a room that had no pictures or statues, but a large field of soil and a ceiling made out of glass.

"So this is the room" I say and he nods. I walk towards the center of the field of grass and soon use [Demonic Field] as well as [Flower Field]. Soon purple flowers began to bloom two feet from me and the rest of the soil was covered in pink flowers. It was a sight to behold.

Seeing this majestic scene Lust could open his mouth wide while marveling at the scene. "T-thank you" he finally said after seconds of surprise. He walked towards me and put his hands out indicating he wanted a handshake. "It was nothing," I said as I accepted the hand shake. As me hand made contact I felt as if I had to obey this man.

[Host is being affected by the skill charm]

[Due to hosts evolution into 'Flower of Sin' the effect of charm has been minimized]

"Hmm" I look at Lust and feeling my gaze he has a face of confusion until he looks at his hand and back at me "oh I'm sorry, I forget my charm ability activates upon contact" he says while pulling his hand away from me. "Hear let me get rid of the effect" he says and snaps his finger and I could feel my body change.

"Is that all" I say to him and he looks at me and says "if you are able to plant more flowers here then that would be all." I look at him and he looks at me, we kept this up for five minutes.

"You can leave" he says gesturing to the door that we came through. "Oh uh sorry, but I have nowhere to go and well since I made this flower garden I was hoping to stay in this garden." He looked at me with a skeptical face before he turned around and left "guess that is a yes." I look at the purple flower carefully and can see markings on the petals.

"How do I use the transportation ability of these flowers?"

[The host must first create a patch of flowers in both worlds to be able to travel through worlds. The flowers can also be used with many types of other flower beds as long as the being using the flowers have a set location in mind]

"So basically I need one flower bed in the world and another in the other world, and I can use another flower bed to travel here?"


"This is useful since traveling will become shorter" I look back at the flower bed and decide on my next action. I leave my consciousness and my son heads back to Roy place.

After wasting time on trying to find the right flower that I left in Roy garden, I began creating a new Root body for myself. After a couple of seconds of waiting the Root body was made and I soon entered it, or I would have if a blade of light didn't destroy it in an instant. I looked around and could see six beings in the room. The first three that I recognized right away were Nigel, Mark, and Kohle, the three root creatures I made for Roy to play with. The other three were Roy and two other beings with wings on their back.

After a couple seconds of trying to figure out who the two were I remember Roy saying she had a mother and sister. "So those two are her family" I looked at the two and could see a thin girl in front of Roy holding a shield of some sort out, and an older looking woman holding a spear and pointing it at the destroyed root body.

"Uh hello" I say as I use telepathy to speak to them, even though I have no other ways of speaking. Really wish I had vocal cords or a mouth so I could speak. Shocked at hearing a voice in their head the two looked around and Roy spoke in a language that I couldn't understand, the two soon calmed down and looked at me, or well the bed of flowers.

"Are you Red" I hear a voice in my head and I can see the mother, or who I think is the mother, closing her eyes while facing my direction. "I am, may I know who I am talking to" I say to her, hearing my confirmation she opened her eyes a bit and looked at Roy before closing her eyes and continuing the conversation.

"I am Roy's mother, Malayne Light, But you can call me May if you like to. '' She seems like a nice person. "And I would like to know why a Demon filth like you is in our house, especially near my daughter" I take it back she seems mean.

"Who are you calling Demon filth?" I said to her, For some reason I feel mad for her calling me 'Demon Filth'. "You of course, one who is tempted by a Demon and has become a pawn to the Demon King."

I was going to retort, but couldn't since what she said was true. I have become a pawn to the Demon king just by becoming a Sin.

Hearing me not retort she soon continued talking with a snarky tone "so I was right you are a Demon, so are you going to try to use my daughter for a big scheme or is it for something else." I look at her for a bit before saying "I am just here to pick up some comrades that I left with Roy, if you can give them to me I will be out of your hair and won't come back." She opens her eyes for a bit and looks at Roy once again before closing it.

"Do you swear on your soul that you will leave this place once you have your comrades" she says. "I swear on my soul that I will leave this place once I have my comrades. I will leave this place and never come back."

Seeing me say this she opened her eyes and was about to say something, but seemed reluctant and soon closed her eyes once again "you can stay here as long as you don't harm my daughters."

"Hmm, wait, are you allowing me to stay here? '' I was shocked since she made it seem like she was going to kill me or kick me out. "Yes I will allow you to stay here on one condition, become a ruler of this island and join the council of beasts. You will use your position in the council to protect Roy from harm, you hear me."

I look at her and think of what has happened to me in the past week or so when I just came into this world. "I became allies to the church or I think I have, I became a Sin in the Demon world, and now I have to become a leader of the beasts on this island." This is going to cause me a headache if I had an organic brain.

I look at her from my flower body and agree to her conditions. She ate me for a bit before she walked off to the door in this room and left. "Uh read everything ok" I hear from a person who could have helped me talk to her mother. "Everything is ok, your mother is allowing me to stay here" hearing this she sighed a breath of relief before speaking "so why are you here?"

I created a root body for myself so I can communicate better with her since the root body allows me to have more concentration compared to my flower body when using [Telepathy]. "I am here to pick up my friends who are training in the weird room of yours" I say as my body finishes being made.

I look at her only to see a face of disappointment "so you really are working for the demon king." I look at her confused on how she was able to tell that I was working for the Demon king. "Hey quick question, how do you know I serve the Demon king. Cause if it is easy to tell that I work for him then this is going to cause a lot of trouble down the road."

Roy looked at me for a bit before speaking once again "you don't have to worry, only angels and gods can tell who is working for the Demon king, but what concerns me is that you began to serve him when I brought you to the forbidden forest." Hearing what her sister just said, Roy's older sister looked with bewilderment on her face "you sent him to the forbidden forest!"

"Yeah, he asked to be sent to an area that has powerful creatures to fight him and well you and mom told me that the forbidden has tons of strong creatures and I brought him to the area." Her sister looked at her before yelling "the reason why it has tons of strong creatures is because that area has the portal to the demon realm, so many strong Demons are able to come to our world, causing that forest to have strong creatures!"

"Oh so that's why" me and her older sister look at her dumb founded. "So let me get this straight you sent me to an area that is known to house many strong Demons that could have potentially killed me or do things even worse" I look at her while saying these words. She looks away not responding to my question "ok just bring those two out."

After a couple seconds a door appeared out of thin air and opened up and two figures could be seen flying out. One was a snake and the other was a giant man that had spikes down his spine, elbow, and on the center of his hand. After recovering the two of them stood up and looked around and their eyes soon landed on me "Red?!"

"Hello Yellow, Hello Green how have you two been?" I said to them, They looked at me for a bit before they looked at each other and nodded their heads and soon charged at me.


Soon green and yellow began to send attacks at me, green using his arms and legs to attack me while yellow used her tail to launch wipe-like attacks at me. As I didn't activate [Reapers Cloak] when I created this Root body I was hit constantly by their brutal attacks that were actually destroying this body. "How" I say shocked as my body began to be destroyed at a quick pace. I try activating my [Reapers Cloak] to stop the incoming attack, but soon realize that I couldn't use my mana. Scratch that I couldn't move my body at all, it was as if something in my body was stopping me.

I soon figure it out as I see several needles in my body and some orange liquid leaking out of them with a bit of blue mixed in them. "Is this Greens doing" I think as I look at him and soon noticed at the tip of his fingers were holes that had needles in them.

"Did they get stronger than me? '' I say as I look at them remembering not long ago that I was stronger than them and how I could have killed them with ease if I wanted to, but now I was the one being pummeled. "Hey hey why are they attacking me? '' I say to them as I am still getting attacked by both of them.

"Oh we're just letting your anger out" said yellow as she kept attacking me "yep yep" green says still hitting me with his needless. What did I do to them, except the part in which I trapped them in a room that they will never get tired in, the time in the room moves faster, and is constantly fighting my root creatures that will try to kill them if they even make the slightest mistake.


Hearing me say this I now realize why they are mad at me and see that I deserve this. After several minutes of being hit by these two they finally stopped and what remained of this root body was nothing but one leg, spine, and head. My body begins to regrow at a fast pace thanks to the nearby flowers that have allowed me to use their roots and mana to rebuild this body of mine.

"Sheesh you two showed no mercy" I say to them while moving all the joints in this body to make sure I healed every part of it and didn't miss anything. "Try being trapped in a room with ravenous creatures that won't let you catch a break and you'll see how we feel '' yellow said as she flicked her forked tongue at me and hissed. I look at her and just avoid eye contact, which is impossible since I have a 360 view and can see her soul piercing eyes looking at me.

She breathed out a breath of relief "so why did you free us from that training room?" Oh right I forgot what my purpose was for being here. "You see I'm here to ask you two to help me for an important task" saying this I cut off connection with Roy and her sister who I still don't know her name. "You see I am about to fight a hive of insects and well since green is an insect I thought maybe you can come with me to help."

Hearing my purpose for being here green thought for a bit before looking at me "you know what I was going to say no at first, but seeing how those thing you call 'Root creatures' are no longer giving me that much exp and are boring to fight now, I guess I will go with you." I smile since this meant I would have someone that is an insect help me on this.

"Hey, what about me?" Yellow said while looking at me. "I guess it would be unfair to leave you behind" I pondered for a bit before speaking once again "you know what sure you can come since you have nothing else to do."

She began to squirm around implying she was happy, I guess she got to her snake body. I look at Roy and see that she is trying to connect to our conversation "what are you trying to do." She jumped a bit hearing my words in her head "ah nothing" she said while looking away. "Ah do you need a doorway to head to another area to fight strong monsters? '' she says, trying to redirect the conversation.

"I'm good" I say as I use [Demonic Field], the skill used to create the purple flowers Lusts flower garden, and created a batch of purple flowers in Roy garden. As the flowers were made Roy and her sister took a couple steps back and had the look of shock written on their faces. "Roy what is he?" Roy's sister said as she looked at the batch of flowers that were created out of nowhere and were giving off a demonic presence. Roy looked at her sister before looking back at me. "I don't know, I thought he was a spirit flower at first since he gave off the presence of a new soul, but when he came back he gave off the presence of death, and now he gives off the presence of a demon."

Hearing her sister caused her to look back at me only to see purple flowers in the mix of pink flowers. "Ok it's done" I said to yellow and Green, "what is' ' green asked confused. I look at them and with a grin occurring on my root face I say "our trip to hell." Soon the purple flowers began to glow one by one until all of them were now glowing a bright purple color, which soon changed into a crimson color. And out of nowhere what appeared to be a crack appeared above the flowers and soon broke revealing a hole that showed nothing but a path that was covered in a blood like color and several arms could be seen coming out of the "walls' ' of the path.

"You know how you two handle this and I stay behind" said yellow as she tried to slither back. "No you don't" green said as he grabbed onto his sister and jumped into the hole in reality. "Welp might as well close this and meet them there" I said, I soon close the crack in reality and leave this body behind and head towards the one in the Demon world.


"Sis what kind of friend did you make!"


In the Demon world Greed could be seen sitting in a room on one of the towers that Lust talked about. Currently she was looking out of the window looking at the blood red sky. She grabbed a cup that was filled with a green liquid and took a sip of it. She moved her arm in front of her and a small white hole appeared in front of her. A book came out followed by a quill and a bottle of black ink. She opened the book and began to write.

'Journal entry 9: Red has recently become a Sin which surprised me at first until I remembered how he was able to beat me with ease. At first I was happy, but soon grew mad as I remembered how hard it took me to become a sin for I was the 13th daughter of the demon king and was lucky to survive the test with the other six and now a being I met just a couple weeks ago has become a Sin so easily. It's so unfair!'

She soon grabbed the cup and took a sip from it once again before writing on the book once again.

'After we left the Demon King's throne room I walked up to him to confront him on why he accepted it since this would make him nothing but a dog to the demon king and that he couldn't grow any stronger than him. But when I tried to talk to him he shoved me out of his way and continued walking as if I was never there.'

She soon stopped writing on the book when she felt something weird. She looked out of the window and looked at the lust tower. She didn't know why but for some reason she felt as if Red was there and not only one but two. Curious, she got up and left her tower and began to walk towards the lust tower. As she walked to it she could see several other people walking towards the tower, one of which she knew well. "You felt it to Pride" she said while looking at a man that had a good build and had several golden items on him and two swords, one on his waist the other on his back.

"Yes I did, do you know what is going on?" Pride said as he continued walking to Lust's tower. "I have no clue on what's going on, he can make what he calls 'Root Creatures' to fight for him, but they don't give off the feeling of him." As they close to the tower they could see Lust outside it looking up at it.

"Lust what is going on" Pride yelled out, hearing a voice Lust turned around and looked at Pride "oh pride you're here, to answer your question I have no idea what's going on. All I knew was that I left Red in my garden and when I was fixing the statues I suddenly felt a weird feeling and I was trying to decide if I should go in or not."

As they heard the Lust story they both remembered something like "wait when did you have a garden?" "Oh I asked Red to make me a garden inside my tower so I ha-" Lust then realized his mistake as he remembered that Red was a being that they have no clue about his full capabilities. "Shit."


They soon heard an explosion occur inside and when they looked at where it was they could feel three beings that felt like Reds. One of them though didn't feel like red but for some reason it did. Soon they saw something crash out of the wall of the tower and could clearly see one of these beings that felt like Red.

The being that felt like Red had a humanoid body, wings, what looked like mandibles, on its mouth, and had spikes on its body. "What is that thing? '' Lust shouted as he appeared horrified just by seeing the beings' appearance.

Soon two more figures were seen jumping out of the broken wall, one a serpent and one was a man that had roots on their body. The three of them recognized the latter as Red, but being next to him they couldn't figure out what they were.

"Hey move your but and evacuate everyone" the three heard a voice in their heads and recognized it as Red. Before they could speak the insect man suddenly spread his wings out and the spikes on its body began to expand and aimed those spikes at the nearby guards that came to see what was making the ruckus. Seeing this Pride drew the blade from his back and revealed the weapon that wasn't a blade, but instead a wand that was covered in gold and gems.

[Shield] Pride shouted as a red dome began to expand from him and spread out to the nearby guards. When the dome stopped expanding all the guards were inside of it, and just in time as the insect man launched its spikes towards the guards. As the spikes struck the dome a shocking sigh occurred that none of them could believe unless they saw it. The spikes when they hit the dome at first appeared to have been stopped but they could soon be seen getting through the dome slowly "that's not possible" said pride as he saw those spikes go through his barrier slowly as if they were mocking him.

Angered by this, Pride began to cast another spell.

[Golden blast]

Soon several golden beams were launched out of his wand and began to head towards the spikes that were passing through the barrier. As the beams hit the spikes, the spikes began to turn into gold and after a couple seconds began to evaporate.

"Ok now for the main source" Pride said as he turned towards the sky and could see a battle he couldn't imagine happening. He could see Red launching several roots and petals towards the insect man and the snake was flying in the air covered in electricity and was launching bolts of lighting at the Insect man. The Insect man was maneuvering around and began to launch spikes and from what he could see a wind based magic attack towards the two of them.


You might wonder how me and yellow got ourselves into a fight against green and why green was attacking us and acting like a maniac. Well let me start from the beginning.

I just sent Yellow and Green towards the Demon realm ahead of me and was closing the portal. After closing it I said goodbye to Roy and left the Root body and started to head to the one in the Demon realm, the one I left in Lust garden after creating the [Demonic field] there. As I entered the body I received a notification from the system.

[Green is under attack please aid them in battle]

Seeing this I looked around and saw green on the ground holding where his heart and stomach would be. "What's wrong with him? '' Yellow said as she was freaking out and moving around. "Tell me what happened before I got here. '' I said yellow as I was using [Healing Flower] on green trying to help what was going on.

"Well when we arrived we were shocked by the flowers and the room type and after a couple of seconds out of nowhere he said 'forced evolution' and soon began to do that. And a couple seconds later you began to move and here we are now." Hearing what yellow said I could only think of one thing "system is he going through a forced evolution because of the Demonic magic in the air?!"

[This is correct]

So it's just as I thought, green was getting a forced evolution just like when I came here for the first time "system can you bring up greens stat page."


And soon I could see Green's stat page.

Name: Green

Race: Medium spike (Evolving into Demonic Hive Minder)

Title: None

Level: 18 (20/100 exp) (Due to evolution the levels will reset)

Strength: 208

Speed: 100

Magic: 100

Defense: 202

Skills: Spike shot (10), Spike growth, Bulk (10), Corrosion (10), Gust(10).


Skill functions.

Spike shot (10): The user is able to shoot spikes out of their body damaging nearby opponents.

Spike growth: The user is able to regrow their lost spikes. Cool down for 5 seconds.

Bulk (10): The user is able to increase their defense by 10 and their Strength by 30

Corrosion (10): The user is able to send a corrosive poison on their body that if touched is able to corrode anything. This includes living and non living beings. Cool down for five minutes.

Gust (10): The user uses their wings to launch a strong gust of wind able to destroy metal walls


His level is going to reset what is going on "system why is his level resetting!"

[Greens level is resetting due to the amount of Demonic Magic entering his body, forcing the system to find ways for his body to adapt to the type of magic, and level reset was the only solution]

"Can resetting cause physical problems to the user" I say trying to find out why he was acting as if he was in immense pain.

[Yes, due to the host level resetting the stats of the host will to reset, due to this the user muscle mass will shrink back to how they should be at the level]

Shoot so I can't do a thing to help him then. I look at green as he continues to yell out loud. From what I can see the blue mana of his was being attacked by the red mana, which was demonic magic. "G-get away from me" green mumbled as he grabbed onto his shoulders and squeezed them tightly.

Why would he tell us to get away, unless. I remember what happened when my body was having a forced evolution and I quickly yelled at yellow "Get away from him!" She turned to be shocked hearing what I said, but before she could do anything an arm was launched to her head. Roots rose up from the ground and were able to successfully block the attack, but the roots soon began to melt and turn to dust.

Realizing what just happened yellow took a couple steps, or slither, back and looked at green. He could be seen having his right hand on the roots that were rising up and several needles in his hand extending out. "What's wrong with him?" yellow asked as she looked at me, "due to his forced evolution his instinct to kill everything and hunt have taken control, so he has become nothing but a killing machine until his evolution is complete and that might take some time."

Hearing this she looked back at green and could see a green substance flowing out of his mouth and a crazed look in his insect eye. "So what do we do" she said and sparks of lighting could be seen flying off her body. "System bring up yellow stats."

Name: Yellow

Race: Storm serpent

Title: None

Level: 13 (19/10,000exp)

Strength: 78

Speed: 84

Magic: 90

Defense: 78

Skills: electric beam (6), Blitz (10), paralyzing saliva (10), electric Flight (10), Heavenly Storm (1)


Skill Function.

Electric beam (6): The user is able to shoot out a beam of electricity out of their mouth. Cool down for ten minutes.

Blitz (10): The user shoots out electric sparks out of their body that, on impact, sends a small explosion.

Paralyzing Saliva (10): The user has Paralyzing saliva that is able to make their prey immobile for five minutes.

Electric Flight (10): The user is able to levitate in the air using the electricity in their body.

Heavenly Storm (1) the user is able to create a thunderstorm that will strike randomly


She got some good skills "try to paralyze him with your saliva and I'll try to slow down the Demonic Magic that is flowing in his body." I can slow down his demonic magic thanks to [Demonic Root] it can absorb magic and life force and I am hoping to only absorb the Demonic Magic going into his body.

But before we could act, green stood up and began to run towards a wall behind him, reaching the wall he used a skill [Bulk] and his body began to grow in mass. He then punched the wall causing it to break and launch outwards, the sound he made when he punched sounded similar to one of a bomb going off. He soon unfolded the insect wings on his back and flew out of the hole he created in the wall.

As he flew out I soon realized that there were several people outside the tower and more in the direction in which he just flew towards. "Yellow he is heading towards a crowd of people '' I say as I activate [Reapers Cloak] and flew out and yellow followed with electricity flying off her body, the amount of electricity looked as if she was a bolt of lightning flying through the air.

As we flew out of the tower I could see three people who I recognized as the sins ``Hey move your but and evacuate everyone" I said to them, hearing my words they seem to have snapped back to reality. I look back at the green and see him launch spikes towards the people below. I could then see a man covered in jewels cast a spell that appeared to have stopped the spikes. I could see yellow looking down at the people on the ground as if trying to decide if she should help them or not "Yellow don't mind the people down there, just try to stop green" hearing my words she looked back at green and soon lighting began to build up in her mouth.

She soon opened her mouth causing the lighting building to fly out towards green. Seeing this green extended his wings out more before flapping his insect wings hard causing a ball of wind to be launched towards the bolt of lighting.

As the two crashed into each other bolts of lighting began to fly in all types of directions causing explosions to occur at the nearby buildings. The ones flying towards the people on the ground were stopped mid air by something. I soon used the roots in Lusts garden and launch them towards green to try to stop his movement. As my roots got close to him he slashed at the roots with his sharp claws and spikes on his body. The two of us soon began to launch attacks that wouldn't kill him but weaken him and green launched attacks that were able to severely injure us. We weren't careful enough or turned a side eye to it.

As the fight began to continue more and more people began to show up after hearing the conflict and several of them tried to stop us by launching restrictions type spells at us, but when they came near us we just broke through them and continued our fight. We continued fighting and yellow and me were unable to get the upper hand against green as he was getting stronger the more our fight went on.

As if in a stroke of luck yellow was able to get a bite into green's body which on the surface didn't seem much, but green began to appear sluggish until he couldn't move his body and began to fall. "Yellow was that your [Paralyzing Saliva]" I say as I quickly flew towards the green to catch him and make sure he didn't get any more injured. "Yes, it took me a while since your root creatures are able to withstand my [Paralyzing Saliva] to a certain degree, but I was able to get it to max."

As I grab Green I quickly create a field of flowers and use [Demonic Roots] and wrap it around him, and focus on draining the Demonic Magic trying to get inside his body. And as I hoped the magic that was trying to enter his body was being absorbed into the roots ``he should be able to adapt to the magic much more easily now."

As me and yellow were resting from that stressful battle I heard footsteps walking to us and without turning my head could see the seven sins walking towards the two of us. "What just happened and who is that" said the sin of wrath as he pointed at both yellow and green.

"Those two are my friends and one of them called green was having a forced evolution and became a wild creature due to the amount of Demonic magic entering his body. You know this personal greed, remember" I say and look at greed waiting for her response. She freezes up due to her being called, but soon answers "yes I have seen this first hand when it happened with red."

The other sins look at one another for a bit before looking back at me "if that's true then we'll be taking those two with us in case this happens again." He soon begins walking towards yellow and extends his hand out and tries to grab yellow. He soon stops when he gets the feeling of uneasiness, he soon looks at me and notices my hand raised in front of his chest.

"You can take them after you are able to get past me" I said as flowers began to grow out of the hard surface and surround us. Wrath looks at me "then be it" he soon extends his hand out and prepares an attack. But then stopped when we all felt a gaze land on us "what are you doing?"

We all looked at the sky and could see an eye looking down on us, we all got on our knees and lowered our heads. Yellow who doesn't at first but then notices what we were doing and bows as well. "Meet me at my throne room" after those words the eye closes and soon disappears.

These are all of the Reds stats at this point.

Name: Red

Race: Flower of Sin

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes, One of the eight sins.

Level: 29 (17/1000 exp)

Soul: 140/500

Strength: 300

Speed: 300

Magic: 438

Defense: 273

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (2), Root Creature (9), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (3), Flower field (5), Healing flower (1), Aroma, Root body (1), Mana absorption (1), Fishing (1), weapon creation (1), Fake flesh (1), Reaping (2), Reapers cloak (3), Nature's hand (3), Field of Decay (4), Roots of Decay (2), Decay beam (3), Demon contract (1), Demonic Field (1), Demonic Roots (1), Demonic Petals (1), Rule over Demons (1).


Skill abilities:

Telepathy- allows the user to send messages to any nearby creature.

Soul eater- the user is able to send an image of their Soul to eat an enemy's soul when the enemy is close to death.

Root mastery (10 Max)- the user is able to control their roots and expand it up to 20 miles and has precise aim and maneuverability.

Absorption (6)- the host is now able to absorb more natural resources and is able to heal quicker with little amount of resources.

Soul eyes (passive) (3)- The user is able to see the outlines of both living and nonliving things, they can see up to 2 miles and are able to see living beings through walls. The user is able to see mana veins.

Root duplication- the user is able to duplicate their roots and have to wait three minutes to use it again.

Specter body- the user is able to turn their Soul into a Specter and travel up to five miles while using it. Only beings with eyes that can see souls can see this.

Specter hands (2)- the user is able to create three Specter hands that can interact with living and non living things. Only beings with eyes that can see souls can see this.

Root creature (8)- the user is able to create a root creature with 6 skills and is able to create them up to the size of a warship.

Skill share- the user is able to give Skills to the target and the user will not lose those skills.

Digestion- the user is able to transform bio substance into Magic by eating them.

Petal storm (1)- The user is able to shoot out petals that are able to cut trees down and is able to make a tornado around the user and is able to be pushed outwards increasing its range. Range of the skill is a mile and a half

Flower field (1)- the user is able to create a field of flowers and use their roots in battle as well as petals.

Healing flower (1)- the user is able to send out flowers that heal their target by absorbing the magic in the air.

Aroma- the user is able to create a smell that brings the target relief or despair.

Root body- the user is able to create a body made of roots that has all of the users skills.

Mana absorption- The user is able to absorb any nearby mana and turn it into the host's own mana. This includes spells or magical auras.

Fishing (1)-Allows user to get double exp when killing and fish like creature

Weapon creation (1)- the user is able to create weapons using nearby objects.

Fake flesh (1)- the user is able to make a body of mana that has the same feeling and look as flesh. This does not use any mana after it is created. If the skill is used on a fake body the user is able to take control of that fake body and have the same effects as it.

Reaping (1)- the user is able to send a spiritual attack by using a body part or an item. If used by an item the attack is doubled. When Reaping hits for the first time the target will be slowed down upon the second the target's Soul will be absorbed into the user's main body.

Reapers cloak (3)- The user creates a cloak around themselves that is able to pass through physical objects be they alive or dead. The user is also able to float while the cloak is in use.

Decay Beam (3)- allows the user to shoot a beam of white light out of their or other flower's pistil, the center of the flower. If the target gets hit they will turn into stone and after thirty minutes will crumble into dust. The user can now fire three shots from a single flower now.

Roots of decay (1)- The user is able to turn their roots into decaying roots that will be destroyed after thirty seconds. If something living is hit by these roots they will slowly crumble into dust

Field of Decay (2)- the user is able to make a field of decaying flowers. If any living being enters this field and stays in it for about ten minutes they will turn into stone and after thirty seconds crumble into dust

Nature's hand (1)- the user is able to summon as many hands as they want and these hands will protect any nearby plant and will attack any being that shows hostility towards plants.

Demon Contract (1)- The user is able to create contracts to beings and if the being breaks the contract 10% of their strength will be given to the host.

Demonic Field (1)- The user is able to create fields of flowers that are able to act as gateways and are able to teleport beings from hell to the other world and vice versa.

Demonic Roots (1)- The user is able to turn their roots into demonic roots that will be able to drain enemies mana and life force upon contact.

Demonic Petals (1)- The user is able to turn their petals into Demonic petals that will give their targets a curse that will turn them into flowers slowly .

Rule over Demons (1)- The user is able to control nearby weaker demons and be able to give them any commands.