
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Heading back to the Island

As I created the field of flowers, I began to imagine what the layout should be. "Do I want it to be like a single entire maze system or do I want it be a layer type thing?"

I began to think of the many designs that I needed to add or make, but then stopped when it dawned on me. "How am I going to transport the students into this area and will they discover that I was the one who dragged them into this world? To many things and to many complications, I need to think this one at a time."

I didn't have much time to think as I soon received a warning from the system telling me that my body was about to blow up due to to much mana. I quickly got up from the throne and immediately thought of something. "Maybe I can create a fake history that talks about a being dragging people to a different world, but that would be hard to do since I do not know much about this world's history and I do not know how to do such a task."

"Maybe I can create a time in which was long forgotten and just place this on a land that no one has ever traveled to." I say to myself as I finally came up with a good idea, but I soon hit a road block "But where would I put this lost peice of history?"

I began to walk back and forward trying to think of something. A place that humans refused to go to unless something tremendous happened. A place that they know so little about.

"The island. If I remember correctly the island is a place that humanity deemed as dangerous for its inhabitants are monsters created by miasma. From what I remember Elizabeth told me from when we were traveling by boat, she said that humanity hasn't even reached the inner circle of island and only traveled to the outer areas of the island. So they wouldn't know what could have happened on the island and I don't think the inhabitants care about history."

I soon smiled as I have found the perfect spot to begin this plan. Not only was I creating a plan that could help me create a potential ally, but also helps me become a member of the council of the island.

"Let me begin the plan" I said as I soon left the root body and went to the one back at Roy's home.




As I arrive back into my root body I could see something wrapped around me and someone in front of me wrapping something on my head. "What is this?" I said and soon the person in front of me stumbled backwards before making a "eek" sound.

My vision soon focused and I could soon see what was wrapped around me. The thing wrapped around me was a dress of some sort and several ribbons wrapped around my body. I look at the person in front of me and could see Roy holding a ribbon in her hand "what do you think you are doing."

Roy, hearing my voice, quickly hid the ribbon behind her back and spoke "I was just unwrapping the ribbons my sister put on your body."

I look at her for a bit before smiling "thanks for doing that." Roy, thinking she got away with her trick, smiled "is what I would say if I didn't see you wrapping these ribbons on me yourself!"

I then stood up and stared at her eyes. Feeling my gaze, she quickly tried to change the subject "So how was the Demon Realm?"

I stared at her for a bit before sighing "it was fine, I was able to create a skill that allows me to enter another realm." Roy stared at me in shock for a bit before speaking "you're already that strong!"

"What do you mean that strong?" I ask curiously. "Only beings on the S rank and above are able to enter other realms. Well I guess it is understandable since you were at the rank, maybe on the border of it, when I met you."

Hearing what Roy said I kinda felt a bit guilty since I used a skill to cheat and didn't really use my mana. "Hmm, I feel like I should tell you this but my rank isn't S."

Roy stopped talking and stared at me for a bit, "what do you mean?" I stare at her for a bit before speaking "when you asked me do put pressure on you to determine my rank, I actually didn't use it and instead used a skill of mine to make it seem like I was using it."

She looked at me with bewildered eyes and finally spoke after a couple seconds of silence "so what is your true rank?"

I stare at her for a bit, perplexed that she was not mad that I lied to her. "You're not mad?" I said to her.

"Why would I be, I never showed you how to do and assumed that you were able to do it. So it is understandable that you used a skill to mimic the mana flow I did to you." Roy said as she walked to her table and sat down "Although I am curious what skill you used that made me feel afraid of you?"

Roy looked at me indicating that she wanting to receive a answer. I look at her eyes for a bit before responding "I would like to keep that a secret, since it is one of my species abilities and I don't want to jeopardize it" I say making up a half baked excuse. Roy stared at me for a bit before breathing out a sigh "so why did you come here?" she said as she looked at me.

"Oh yeah, I'm here to complete your mother's request to become a member of the monster council, or something along those lines" I say as I pull a nearby chair in front of me and sit down on it. Roy looks at me for a bit before speaking, "I'll tell my mother this."

She soon waved her right hand in front of her and a trail of yellow light followed behind. She brought her hand down and soon a yellow floating mirror was created in front of her.


In a cave, on the tallest peak of the island, a council of creatures could be seen talking to one another. Different types of creatures could be seen roaring, cawing, and hissing at one another. They could all be seen arguing about something.

"We can not allow those humans to defile our lands anymore, they have already killed most of the creatures living on the north of the island and are expanding to our east and west" a red leopard with yellow marks on its body said as it roared out.

"What can we possibly do against those humans, they are more skilled than us and have more troops to spare" A blue crane said "And if we did attack them, they will know it was us who launched the attack and they will surely attack us if we do anything against them."

The council room became quite until a Sabretooth lion, also known as Lord Strong tooth, spoke "Empress White wing, what is do you think is the best action for us to make?"

Empress White wing, which was Roy's mother, swiped her hand in front of her and smiled. "I think I found a solution to our problem" Empress White wing said as she soon swiped her hand once again. "Oh and what is the solution" said a albino spider as it looked at Empress White wing.

"It has to do with a old acquaintance of ours, you probably know him as 'The Demon of the Forest'" she said. Hearing the name she said many of the creatures were shocked, while others were not so shocked. "Who is this 'Demon of the Forest" that you are talking about" said a white squirrel creature as it began to scratch the back of its head with one of its four hands.

"Ah right, you are still new to the council so you wouldn't know" said Lord of the Skies "you see the Demon of the Forest was a creature that could amass an army of offspring's and would send them out to attack nearby nests and massacre any creature that got in their way. It was responsible for a great calamity that caused bits of our island to rise up and fall onto us and responsible for the creation of the famous territory that many high ranking creatures wished to set up their nests at."

Hearing this many of the new council members were shocked to hear this and soon several of them began to talk with one another. "Of course it was captured by the humans and turned into a slave that would obey them" Lord Strong tooth said as he turned his gaze at Empress White wing "so why are you saying that he is our solution?"

Empress White wing giggled as she picked up a tea cup and spoke "that's because he is currently at my house waiting for my response." Hearing this many of the creatures stopped speaking and stared at Empress White wing.

"That's impossible he was captured by the humans and taken back to their lands, so how is he at your house" said Lord tusk as she stared at Empress White wing. "Well he was somehow able to temporarily break the restraints on him and is willing to aid us in our plans" Empress White wing said as she took a sip of her tea and smiled.

All the creatures began to roar out in joy as they now had someone that would be able to help them in their plans to attack the humans. "Bring it here so we can speak with it" Lord Strong tooth said. "As you command, Lord Strong tooth" Empress White wing said as she soon waved both her hands in front of her as if she was ripping space in front of her.

Soon a being began to slowly appear in front of them. As it slowly began to appear the nearby creatures began to feel a huge amount of mana surging at them, it was as if they were a small seed in front tsunami. Soon a foot stepped out of the crack and a huge surge of mana washed over them. The weaker creatures passed out because of the massive amount of mana that was gushing out. Soon a hand could be seen grabbing onto the edge of the rift as it dragged its body out.

Soon a creature could be seen, or in a more precise terms a man could be seen coming out. The man had red hair, his chest down was covered in black and purple roots, his eyes were pink with a small flower shape appearing in the center of his pupil.

The man soon looked around the room and smiled. They did not know why, but the mans smile made all the creatures in the room become wary. As if the man could kill every single one of them in a instant.

The man soon opened his mouth and spoke "allow me to introduce myself. My name is Red, but for this experience call me Noxferatus, the Demon of the Forest" The man said as he soon smiled

Sorry that I couldn't post a chapter in the last couple weeks, I was facing Covid.

ERROR16291creators' thoughts